Did Henderson help Zeke?

I think I would say no to the TT suing the NFL, to be honest. I don't think the money is there to do that and the NFL can just last a suit out. I think it's a poor use of money but whatever. I guess if TT wants to, TT can.

I'm saying TT to sue Zeke, not the NFL. She could bring in the NFL as corroborating testimony since they did rule that he was guilty. And the standards for a civil case are much less than an actual court of law. Having the NFL's decision on her side could be pretty solid in swaying a jury.
I certainly am no lawyer, but Just because something was contractually agreed to doesn't necessarily make it lawful.

If the NFLPA and league agreed to a punishment of the removal of a kidney for domestic violence, it isn't legal even though it's in the contract.

Moreover, Godell cannot whimsically change the policy to increase the punishment to include the removal of the liver in addition to a kidney. We have a Merchant of Venice scenario here.

I don't think it's unreasonable for a judge to think Godell isn't acting in good-faith given what we currently know. But to fully know the truth will require court testimony from Godell and all parties.

Just need a judge who sees grounds for a trial.
This isn't true at all. In fact, I, along with others told everybody on this board that the Owners would use their power in this fashion. Wasn't even really that hard to figure it out but if you would rather believe that nobody saw this coming that's fine.

The thing of it is thou, it's that the NFLPA is there to see these exact kinds of things coming. Even if you wanna say the players didn't know, which I think is a load of BS because this possibility was all over talk radio at the time, the NFLPA should have know. They are paid to know this stuff so sorry, I can't buy into that.
The victim here isnt the NFLPA. The victim is Ezekiel Elliott. Zeke didnt have a vote when this CBA was debated. None of us can speak on whether the players knew they were agreeing to be judged by a Kangaroo Court. How many years ago was the agreement written and how many player are even in the league from 2011? In fact Zeke was a high school sophomore when this CBA was signed.

You can blame Zeke and the NFLPA and give Goodell and the league front office a pass on any accountability if you wish.
I get the feeling the nature of the CBA was violated and the courts are going to teach the league FO they can't do irreparable harm to a young mans career and reputation with getting checked.
I'm saying TT to sue Zeke, not the NFL. She could bring in the NFL as corroborating testimony since they did rule that he was guilty. And the standards for a civil case are much less than an actual court of law. Having the NFL's decision on her side could be pretty solid in swaying a jury.
I brought up the opposite idea in another thread last week. Zeke should sue Thompson in civil court for defamation. Yea he wont get money but there is a ton of evidence that she lied and planned to extort him. It will also give Elliott's attorneys a chance to grill her about her lies and motives and possibly even get her to admit she was just an angry girlfriend. A civil win for him would really make it almost impossible for the NFL to suspend him if he can prove that he is the victim and she was actually just a scored girlfriend. How can Goodell justify any punishment if a judge rules in his favor? There is a ton of evidence against her already. A win would also go a long way in clearing his name in the court of public opinion. Even a win in federal court wont clear his name, all that will show is that procedures were not followed of found to be unfair.
I think Zeke can prove the system and procedure of the NFL is more than flawed when your lead investigator and only person to even interview Thompson recommends no punishment. So now how does the league come back and say he did it and must serve 6 games when again the only person who sat down and interviewed Thompson seems to come to a completely different conclusion.

According to the filing, the NFL’s director of investigations, Kia Roberts, testified that following her interviews with the woman who accused Elliott of domestic violence, she recommended to the league that the Dallas player not be suspended. However, Roberts was left off the NFL panel that decided on Elliott’s punishment, and her recommendation was not included in the league’s final report or official letter to him.

“Arbitrary decision-making and internal inconsistencies continue to plague the most senior level of management of the League,” the NFLPA said in a statement released Friday. “This is the latest and best example of the Players’ belief that independent, transparent and collectively bargained policies generate the best systemic results for all parties.”

Roberts was reportedly the only NFL staffer to speak directly with Elliott’s accuser, Tiffany Thompson, a former girlfriend. After a year-long investigation, the NFL decided that “credible evidence” indicated that Elliott inflicted “physical force” on Thompson multiple times in July 2016, but the filing claimed that Roberts herself had concluded that Thompson “was not credible in her allegations of abuse.”


I think any decent lawyer could take the NFL to court and win.
I heard Kia Roberts interviewed Tiffany Thompson 6 times. The league is not going to enjoy explaining to a judge why the input of their paid investigator was excluded from the room. These judges are not stupid people and they will see right through this.
I heard Kia Roberts interviewed Tiffany Thompson 6 times. The league is not going to enjoy explaining to a judge why the input of their paid investigator was excluded from the room. These judges are not stupid people and they will see right through this.

Not a judge but I would think the judge will want to hear from the only person who interviewed Thompson. This is the NFL own lead investigator, the only person in the league office who interviewed Thompson and then to see that her comments and recommendations amount to nothing? Not a legal expert but I find it very disturbing that the league does not even give any credence to their own lead investigator? To me it does show the league as being unbiased and not living up to fair practice.
I brought up the opposite idea in another thread last week. Zeke should sue Thompson in civil court for defamation. Yea he wont get money but there is a ton of evidence that she lied and planned to extort him. It will also give Elliott's attorneys a chance to grill her about her lies and motives and possibly even get her to admit she was just an angry girlfriend. A civil win for him would really make it almost impossible for the NFL to suspend him if he can prove that he is the victim and she was actually just a scored girlfriend. How can Goodell justify any punishment if a judge rules in his favor? There is a ton of evidence against her already.

The law already ruled in his favor, still didn't stop Goodell from suspending him. Do you think the NFL would care about a civil suit? No.

And defamation cases are very hard to prove. Especially since she gained nothing out of it. Now, if she sued him, then if I were Zeke I would immediately file a defamation suit against both her and the NFL.
How did they not know? I mean, when it was discussed on this board, we knew that the agreement basically gave the Commissioner virtually unlimited power, in terms of judgements etc. I find it very difficult to believe that the players didn't know this. But, for the sake of discussion, lets say that they didn't know. Isn't that the fault of the NFLPA? I mean, that's the only reason the NFLPA is there, to explain what legalities mean for the players and to advise and protect them from poor decisions. Either way, I see no way you can fault the NFL here. They paid dearly for this power.
Are you ******** me? You see no fault with the NFL? You see no fault with conspiracy, with punishing someone when everything points to him being innocent? I don't for the life of me see how anyone that has looked at even half the facts of this case, and the shady, underhanded way this was handled, can sit here and defend the NFL on any level.
IF the NFL had such a strong case to suspend Zeke. They wouldn't have pulled the shady tactics they did. They would have said here is why we think he'd did what she said he did. Here is ALL the evidence and ALL the investigation reports. Here is TT available for questioning during the appeal. You don't have to hide things when what you have done is on the up and up.
Not a judge but I would think the judge will want to hear from the only person who interviewed Thompson. This is the NFL own lead investigator, the only person in the league office who interviewed Thompson and then to see that her comments and recommendations amount to nothing? Not a legal expert but I find it very disturbing that the league does not even give any credence to their own lead investigator? To me it does show the league as being biased and not living up to fair practice.

The league's position will be that they considered her recomendation, but did not agree. Not sure how this can be disproved unless Goddell under oath states he didn't know about it, or Friel admits to a cover up. If a judge orders them to testify, the NFL will settle or withdraw instead of perjuring themselves if this is in fact the case.
The league's position will be that they considered her recomendation, but did not agree. Not sure how this can be disproved unless Goddell under oath states he didn't know about it, or Friel admits to a cover up. If a judge orders them to testify, the NFL will settle or withdraw instead of perjuring themselves if this is in fact the case.

I'm sure they will, then again to claim their own lead investigator the only person who even talked with Thompson (evidently others were too busy) and yet came to their own "fair" conclusions. They came to the conclusion based on photos taken by the victim, not by medical staff but off your camera phone so she could post it on Instagram knowing she ask about getting medical attention which she refused to get. Again I think a judge would question the fairness of this to not even take any recommendation to your own lead investigator and the only person to even talk with alleged victim
The league's position will be that they considered her recomendation, but did not agree. Not sure how this can be disproved unless Goddell under oath states he didn't know about it, or Friel admits to a cover up. If a judge orders them to testify, the NFL will settle or withdraw instead of perjuring themselves if this is in fact the case.

If there is an injunction then there will be a trial and everyone involved in making the final decision will have to take the stand and defend how and why the decision was made. They all will have to answer whether or not they were aware of Roberts' findings and recommendation and if they were why was she excluded and ignored. It will not be a fun experience for any of them.
Most of us rightfully believed that the NFL was purposely dragging their legs on the Zeke appeal since their whole case last night was based around the lack of appeal results.

Does anyone else find it ironic that the decision leaked during the hearing effectively wiping out the NFL's entire argument while court was still in session? Legally speaking---wouldn't the NFL been better off if this information leaked today instead of 8PM EST the night of the trial?

If the information leaked today, the NFL's argument would have been valid that Zeke did not wait for the appeal process to complete before the seeking further litigation...the fact that it leaked during the trial at an odd time is ironic to me. I am not a lawyer but the timing could've been better. After all...Henderson's reasoning was petty short and basic and he even admitted to not looking at all the evidence.

Maybe Henderson or someone in the NFL office purposely leaked this information to Mort while then trial was in session to hurt the NFL's entire argument.

Don't think so. This decision by Henderson actually hurts his credibility. Who can even trust this guy in the future when he has to listen to another players appeal. He is just as corrupt as all the other idiots at the NFL office.
Roger Goodell and the NFL powers are nothing more than bullies...

The police and DA did not pursue charges because either they couldn't make a case or they didn't believe the woman.

As far as I'm concerned the NFLPA should be suing the NFL for monetary damages for sullying Zeke's name and giving a label that he does not deserve.

Whether he is eventually exonerated or not the damage is done and will be very hard for Zeke to undo...

Why is so hard for anyone defending the NHL's position to understand.

The NFL's position is indefensible, they are bullies.

As far a Jerry is concerned, Zeke should absolutely never trust him...he is part of the NFL powers, he is part of that inner circle, Jerry had his chance to make a statement, he could have pulled the Cowboys from the Hall of Fame Game as well as refused to participate in the hall of fame weekend. Until some owner takes drastic action against Goodell at some point, he'll continue to bully the players...
Roger Goodell and the NFL powers are nothing more than bullies...

The police and DA did not pursue charges because either they couldn't make a case or they didn't believe the woman.

As far as I'm concerned the NFLPA should be suing the NFL for monetary damages for sullying Zeke's name and giving a label that he does not deserve.

Whether he is eventually exonerated or not the damage is done and will be very hard for Zeke to undo...

Why is so hard for anyone defending the NHL's position to understand.

The NFL's position is indefensible, they are bullies.

As far a Jerry is concerned, Zeke should absolutely never trust him...he is part of the NFL powers, he is part of that inner circle, Jerry had his chance to make a statement, he could have pulled the Cowboys from the Hall of Fame Game as well as refused to participate in the hall of fame weekend. Until some owner takes drastic action against Goodell at some point, he'll continue to bully the players...

I think the "more news" regarding Elliot that Jerry alluded was coming is a civil suit, likely against the NFL but it could be against TT or them both. I think they are waiting for the injunction and then are set to drop a massive lawsuit. This isn't we think you cheated during a game which is an inhouse issue. This is we think you are a criminal and should live the rest of your life with people thinking you beat on a woman. I think we need a court to decide whether the NFL has the right to do that.
I guess I just have a really difficult time understanding the bitterness towards the NFL. I mean, the process is one sided to be sure. However, the players knew all of this when they voted for the new CBA. The NFLPA allowed them to do this so it's really the fault of the players and the NFLPA IMO. I remember discussing this when the CBA was signed. Now the NFL is the problem and the Commissioner is the problem. Well, this is the deal they signed up for. How do you fault the NFL for using the power the players voted to give them and the power they, basically, bought and paid for? If it were me, I would take advantage of every benefit any given contract provided for me. I think that most people would. sucks for the players but honestly, they were just interested in the money.

I don't understand why fans don't have more outrage over the Players or the NFLPA.

No one should ever ABUSE there powers simply because they can.
I guess I just have a really difficult time understanding the bitterness towards the NFL. I mean, the process is one sided to be sure. However, the players knew all of this when they voted for the new CBA. The NFLPA allowed them to do this so it's really the fault of the players and the NFLPA IMO. I remember discussing this when the CBA was signed. Now the NFL is the problem and the Commissioner is the problem. Well, this is the deal they signed up for. How do you fault the NFL for using the power the players voted to give them and the power they, basically, bought and paid for? If it were me, I would take advantage of every benefit any given contract provided for me. I think that most people would. sucks for the players but honestly, they were just interested in the money.

I don't understand why fans don't have more outrage over the Players or the NFLPA.

Because of good faith. Normal People understand that there is give and take. NFLPA unfortunately has learned a valuable lesson. Don't trust anyone.
Henderson didn't help Zeke, per se, but upholding the suspension supports the conspiracy angle that NFLPA is trying to prove.
This isn't true at all. In fact, I, along with others told everybody on this board that the Owners would use their power in this fashion. Wasn't even really that hard to figure it out but if you would rather believe that nobody saw this coming that's fine.

The thing of it is thou, it's that the NFLPA is there to see these exact kinds of things coming. Even if you wanna say the players didn't know, which I think is a load of BS because this possibility was all over talk radio at the time, the NFLPA should have know. They are paid to know this stuff so sorry, I can't buy into that.

Of course they 'Knew' but to the extent as to how their doing it probably never entered their minds. Josh gets a game for admitting it.......Ezee gets 6 and he didn't do it.

Yah......I'm sure everybody saw that coming.

C'mon man. The level of corruption the NFL is currenty utilizing, it would've been a wildest dreams/conspiracy theory talk at that point.
The law already ruled in his favor, still didn't stop Goodell from suspending him. Do you think the NFL would care about a civil suit? No.

And defamation cases are very hard to prove. Especially since she gained nothing out of it. Now, if she sued him, then if I were Zeke I would immediately file a defamation suit against both her and the NFL.

She doesn't have to gain anything for Zeke to file a defamation suit against her. Nothing at all. His case wouldn't be that hard to prove since he is an athlete. If he was turned down for endorsements because of this situation, he can easily prove this.

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