Did Henderson help Zeke?

She doesn't have to gain anything for Zeke to file a defamation suit against her. Nothing at all. His case wouldn't be that hard to prove since he is an athlete. If he was turned down for endorsements because of this situation, he can easily prove this.

He was turned down for an AT&T endorsement. I'm sure there are others.
Legally, it doesn't matter what your expectations are. Legally, it only matters what you agree to. What they agreed to was not a jury of their peers so that really isn't even valid. I don't understand why you don't understand. What am I missing?
Good faith and the expectation of fairness are legal terms that do apply in this case. If Goodell's over-reaching crosses the line where we are talking about fundamental issues that touch on the country's labor laws, then there is are grounds to fight it. It may seem like the powers given to Goodell are limitless, but they are not.

Add the tin-foil territory of what looks like the hands of Giants fan intervening to change a decision and fans have plenty of reason to be angry. As much as blaming Mara and Friel is speculation, there are actual events that make such speculation far less outlandish than the run of the mill conspiracy theory. The NFLPA has even used conspiracy in it PR.
Unfortunately being overturned and proven to be flawed are two entirely different possible outcomes. They will and already have proven the NFL intentionally withheld information for the purpose of condemning Zeke. Wether or not the court sees fit to overturn the suspension I can only hope.

If the discussion is about fair, then I don't really think there is much to discuss. I mean, the players and the NFLPA agreed to a bad deal. They went for the money. I don't really think there is any disagreement on that, if that is what you are saying.
I'm saying TT to sue Zeke, not the NFL. She could bring in the NFL as corroborating testimony since they did rule that he was guilty. And the standards for a civil case are much less than an actual court of law. Having the NFL's decision on her side could be pretty solid in swaying a jury.

I don't know. I mean, I would not be surprised if that happened but on the other hand, this women sounds as if she is a service for hire, type deal. That may not be in her best interest if she intends to continue in the business she is in. On the other hand, stranger things have happened.
If the discussion is about fair, then I don't really think there is much to discuss. I mean, the players and the NFLPA agreed to a bad deal. They went for the money. I don't really think there is any disagreement on that, if that is what you are saying.

The average NFL player plays about 3-4 years and makes about $750K total. They have to get theirs while they can, and they aren't worried about the few knuckleheads and their league problems.

At least, that was before. I have a feeling the NFL will use this as a bargaining chip going forward. The next standoff could get ugly, but I suspect the players will cave again. Most of them can't afford to lose a single season.
The victim here isnt the NFLPA. The victim is Ezekiel Elliott. Zeke didnt have a vote when this CBA was debated. None of us can speak on whether the players knew they were agreeing to be judged by a Kangaroo Court. How many years ago was the agreement written and how many player are even in the league from 2011? In fact Zeke was a high school sophomore when this CBA was signed.

You can blame Zeke and the NFLPA and give Goodell and the league front office a pass on any accountability if you wish.
I get the feeling the nature of the CBA was violated and the courts are going to teach the league FO they can't do irreparable harm to a young mans career and reputation with getting checked.

Zeke is not the victim. I mean, come on. Zeke signed the contract and if he didn't know what he was signing or what he was getting into, that's on him. He has an agent and the agent advises his client of what he is signing up for. So does the NFL so it's not like he didn't know. He didn't have to sign a contract and join the NFL. That was his choice.
Henderson is just a piss-boy for Goodell (and Mara, et al)...I hope that Zeke's lawyers are worth what they are getting paid, they have some work to do here
If the discussion is about fair, then I don't really think there is much to discuss. I mean, the players and the NFLPA agreed to a bad deal. They went for the money. I don't really think there is any disagreement on that, if that is what you are saying.

Everyone knows its not "fair," the discussion is wether or not the NFL followed protocol or if they blatantly disregarded it in order to condemn Zeke.
The average NFL player plays about 3-4 years and makes about $750K total. They have to get theirs while they can, and they aren't worried about the few knuckleheads and their league problems.

At least, that was before. I have a feeling the NFL will use this as a bargaining chip going forward. The next standoff could get ugly, but I suspect the players will cave again. Most of them can't afford to lose a single season.

I actually agree with all of this. The average player doesn't think it will be them who are in trouble.
Everyone knows its not "fair," the discussion is wether or not the NFL followed protocol or if they blatantly disregarded it in order to condemn Zeke.

I agree. This is exactly what I have been saying the entire time. In order for this to get overturned, the NFLPA or Zeke will have to prove that the NFL didn't follow protocol.
I agree. This is exactly what I have been saying the entire time. In order for this to get overturned, the NFLPA or Zeke will have to prove that the NFL didn't follow protocol.
I still think asking about the process that went into determining Josh Brown's 1-game suspension is important not just in Elliott's case but for the NFLPA & all players in general..

If the issue is about fairness of the process or if protocols were followed, I'd like to see Zeke's legal team ask Goodell/NFL if they believe there are varying severities of domestic violence that deserve varying severities of punishment.

Are 3 alleged incidents of DV worse than 20+ admitted incidents of DV and do they deserve a more severe punishment?

I dunno, I still think the league has enforced the policies very unevenly, not really sticking to any legit standard.

Though I have believed that the NFL was trying to right its ship with the Zeke case and use IT as the standard to measure future DV incidents/punishments.
I disagree.. I believe Zeke's team can prove that the league purposely chose to ignore evidence that would have led to him not being suspended. This would make a judge overturn the decision. It won't be easy. But I believe they have a shot of showing the league didn't act in an honest way which violates the nature of the CBA.

Well, as I understand it, there were at least 4 other investigative bodies who were involved. It would depend on what their findings suggested, I would think.
Zeke is not the victim. I mean, come on. Zeke signed the contract and if he didn't know what he was signing or what he was getting into, that's on him. He has an agent and the agent advises his client of what he is signing up for. So does the NFL so it's not like he didn't know. He didn't have to sign a contract and join the NFL. That was his choice.
Really? You went to the "he didn't have to play in the NFL" argument...
And JFK wasn't the victim when the bullet ripped through his head either. He knew there was a chance a president could get shot...and come on, someone should have told him not to ride in a convertible..

I'm not sure Zeke knew by signing a contract he was exposing himself to an employer that would slander him to the world and call him a monster while robbing him of his rights to a reasonable defense just to cover for their own flaws in dealing with Ray Rice and Josh Brown.
I agree. This is exactly what I have been saying the entire time. In order for this to get overturned, the NFLPA or Zeke will have to prove that the NFL didn't follow protocol.
I disagree and all the legal opinions I've read have said that the league is obligated to make a fair decision. I believe his attorneys feel very confident that they can convince a judge that the league purposely ignored and shut down evidence that contradicts their decision.

I don't believe this will only be a case about protocol. I think this will be the case to define Goodells limits of absolute power.
Well, as I understand it, there were at least 4 other investigative bodies who were involved. It would depend on what their findings suggested, I would think.
I can see the question being raised about Kia Roberts report and findings to Friel becoming an issue. The league can say Goodell knew and considered it...but since Kia was not alllowed in the room where the 4 outsiders discussed the case the question may be raised about what the people knew and what they were actually told from Friel. I don't know what legal obligation Friel has to report all the evidence and if she has the right to use only parts that help her position while leaving Kia's notes and opinions out of the room.

I'm interested and a judge may also be in finding out what length Friel and Goodell went to keep Kia's findings away from the 4 outsiders. It won't look good if a judge starts finding out only damning evidence was presented to them.
So you think he abused her to the extent that Zeke should be in jail. And you feel that because the police nor the DA or anyone else who is legally authorized to punish him didn't, then you feel that the NFL is in the right to do so. Got it.

So innocent until proven guilty means nothing now. Court of law has no bearing on anything a player does or doesn't do. If Goodell wants to suspend a player, he can basically do so on a whim. What's next, suspending players because of their religious beliefs? Maybe he'll start suspending players for being gay. Kapernick hasn't technically been suspended, but it's clear that he's been black balled. So basically if you say something that the league doesn't agree with you jeopardize your career.

Sounds great.

You kinda like to put words in other peoples mouths huh.

For the record, this is not about what the law dictates and I have said this over and over and over again. I do not know what the NFL or the Commissioner uses as a standard for penalty in these situations but I'm assuming that they believe Zeke reached it. You just literally DO NOT GET IT. This has nothing to do with what I think. It has less to do with what you think. This is about what the NFL can do and if they followed specified procedure. That's it. If you don't like what the players or the NFLPA agreed to, then maybe you should go to the players and tell them you can do a better job.

I did not vote for anything. I was not the one who agreed to the terms of the CBA. You trying to ask me if I think xyz or if I agree with xyz is completely pointless and a waste of time. Doesn't matter what any of us think. Figure it out.
Are you ****ting me? You see no fault with the NFL? You see no fault with conspiracy, with punishing someone when everything points to him being innocent? I don't for the life of me see how anyone that has looked at even half the facts of this case, and the shady, underhanded way this was handled, can sit here and defend the NFL on any level.
IF the NFL had such a strong case to suspend Zeke. They wouldn't have pulled the shady tactics they did. They would have said here is why we think he'd did what she said he did. Here is ALL the evidence and ALL the investigation reports. Here is TT available for questioning during the appeal. You don't have to hide things when what you have done is on the up and up.

For about the 877th time, it's not important what I think or what you think or even what the Law says on this. The only thing that matters is if the NFLPA can prove improprieties in how the League handled this. Read the entire thread. Don't just post stuff that has already been discussed like 20 times.
No one should ever ABUSE there powers simply because they can.

Well, I guess it depends on how you define "ABUSE" but whatever. The truth is that what should be and what really happens are very different here. People shouldn't take advantage but they do, in almost every case. That's the truth of it.
Because of good faith. Normal People understand that there is give and take. NFLPA unfortunately has learned a valuable lesson. Don't trust anyone.

The NFLPA teaches this lesson daily. They are not any different then the NFL, in terms of taking advantage of situations. There are no innocent bystanders here.

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