Did Michael get himself benched?

This is a Cowboys forum. What are we supposed to talk about?

Blaming the coaching staff with every loss is tiresome. Pretending you know something the coaches don't is asinine
"CMike is clearly a better fit! I know it, but somehow the coaches don't!"
"We should just run these plays! It's guaranteed to work, it's so obvious, I see it, the coaches don't!"

We can talk about a lot of things without firing off our pre-teen girl emotions.
There was a Christine Michael sighting yesterday, but it was another all too brief one. And it got me wondering why? He had a nice carry for 6 yards that looked to provide a spark, but right after, it looked like he turned to our sidelines and made a bit of a mocking gesture, opening his arms wide as if to say 'do you see what I can do?' After that move, I didn't see him in the field again and I can't help but wonder if the decision was related to that move.

I'm thinking he must have leprosy (or something) -- it's like they don't want him having contact with the others.
man so why can't the coaching staff see it?!
this message board poster totally knows something so obvious that the coaches keep missing!

Its not like player evaluation is an exact science. If that was case there wouldnt be any draft pick busts, but yet there are many every year. If the coaches, gm's, and scouts where perfect experts demarcus russell and freeman would never been drafted so high. Tebow would have never been drafted ect. How did the evaluation process of chris johnson go. Didnt we bring him in and decided he has nothing left in the tank but now hes 5th in the nfl in yards as a rb. Hmmmm
Theres other factors involved as well. EGO - not wanting to admit mistakes and errors. Thats y teams stick w bad draftpicks for so long ( see mo claiborne) they hate admitting mistakes.
Usually when this happens it means that he is poor in pass protection.


Garrett mentioned that he was going to play in the second half but they went to the "4 minute offense", which either means he cant pick up protection or catch 2 yard checkdowns - in their opinion.
I don't blame him. I think they're idiots for not playing him too. Such talent ahead of him though...
If he was showing up the coaches, then he needs to be benched. You think Belichick or Parcells would stand for that? Hell no... Christine Michael certainly doesn't have enough skins on the wall to be doing that. It's too bad to, because after that first carry I was thirsty for more. We'll see him again soon...
He might be better than Tom Brady.. Like seriously... Brady has so many people putting him in a situation to have success.. What does Romo have?

Makes you wonder how many rings Romo would have right now if he was originally signed by the Patriots (and Brady didn't exist, of course)...
man so why can't the coaching staff see it?!
this message board poster totally knows something so obvious that the coaches keep missing!

If you look at it that way... That's your point & it's not winning games
So we absolutely needed to run our 2 minute offense down 6-27 with 9 minutes to go? What exactly were we going to do in those 9 minutes that we hadn't already done on the previous 51? Perfect time to give Michael some run. But that would have gone against the Plan A or bust strategy. I get it.

I agree it would have been a great time to give him some touches.
I didn't read the gesture that way. To me it looked more like he was asking permission to stay in the game.

Now that you mention it that may be what it was. I hope so.

Seems odd that he didn't get another play though. At least I don't think he did.
Tyron, Fred, Martin all started as rookies. They've been using new players like WRs Butler and #85. On defense Hitchens started 11 games last season. Jones is playing a lot of snaps this season. Wilson has played. Collins played over Bernadeau when Leary was out.

I will admit that they've been overly committed to Hayden and Free in the past but now they don't really have better options other than moving Collins to RT.

I was referring specifically to sticking with Leary, who's obviously stuggling, and continuing to play guys like Street and Whitehead who can't play.

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