Disturbing bar lowering trend


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People just want to see the team take a step forward for once after not seeing the NFCC for almost 30 years, I think that's all that is. I don't think it's the bar being lowered (at least from the fandom, it feels like the bar is pretty damn low in the locker room and has been for some time), I think we'd all be even more disappointed if they actually advanced and then lost the NFCC. Obviously it's Super Bowl or bust to most fans, but the frustrating thing about the Cowboys of late is not only that they lose these playoff games, but how they lose them by not showing up at all, Dak and Micah completely falling off at the worst time, etc. They haven't played their best and lost a tight playoff game since 2016 against the Packers, and even then they were the 1 seed and let the Packers come out and run all over them and had to play catch-up. The only playoff game it really felt like they put their best foot forward and still lost was 2014 at Lambeau.
so MM has preformed worse than JG as HC ?
Romo was better than dak ? lol
Dez better than lamb?....except for "the catch" lol
Murray better than elliot and pollard.

America's Cowboy

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Less than ten (10) years ago it was talk of when we would ever win another Super Bowl...not get to another Super Bowl....now, I hear nothing other than when we'll ever reach another NFCCG....no mention of even winning the game itself. Notice a disturbing trend here involving confidence levels, and lack of any real expectations with this sorry organization? For the first time ever, I don't give two (2) S's about the upcoming draft...very sad that I'm feeling this way, but I've had enough. Anyone else having similar feelings?


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Less than ten (10) years ago it was talk of when we would ever win another Super Bowl...not get to another Super Bowl....now, I hear nothing other than when we'll ever reach another NFCCG....no mention of even winning the game itself. Notice a disturbing trend here involving confidence levels, and lack of any real expectations with this sorry organization? For the first time ever, I don't give two (2) S's about the upcoming draft...very sad that I'm feeling this way, but I've had enough. Anyone else having similar feelings?
When they lost to SF in 22 in the playoffs, it sucked but we could convince ourselves that we could make a few additions and a few tweaks to the team and win that game next year. In 23 When we lost to SF I actually felt we were a little closer to SF than in 22 during that game. Just couldn't make the big plays and avoid the big mistakes. But this playoff loss.. was a replay of the Favre/Jared Allen Vikings dismantling in 2009 that sent the team into a 2010 free fall collapse as they showed no fight, no heart and had no answers. Hard to be excited about a team that quit or no-showed in a HOME playoff game after everything fell their way to give them a division crown and the 2 seed, and yet made no coaching change. So I completely get how you feel. Same here.


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If the Cowboys' ownership and family (the Joneses) aren't willing to build a team like they're willing to get rich, it's a hopeless cause. It's plain to see that they have more money than they need to be winners BUT aren't willing to spend what it takes do so. Here's hoping that changes, before all their fans give up and switch to the Houston Texans! The chances of that coming to pass seem to be sneaking up on them. It's high time for change! ;)
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Less than ten (10) years ago it was talk of when we would ever win another Super Bowl...not get to another Super Bowl....now, I hear nothing other than when we'll ever reach another NFCCG....no mention of even winning the game itself. Notice a disturbing trend here involving confidence levels, and lack of any real expectations with this sorry organization? For the first time ever, I don't give two (2) S's about the upcoming draft...very sad that I'm feeling this way, but I've had enough. Anyone else having similar feelings?
Well of course after 30 years there's a lack of confidence and expectations.

We commiserate with one another on a Cowboys forum we are serious fans most of us see what is going on and understand it.

We all want a super bowl as fans but have altered our expectations because our ownership has a different plan.

Jerry's plan caters to the casual fan who sees a winning season and making the playoffs as a successful season

Until the ownership decides to build the team to win championships not just make money there is nothing we as a fan base can do.

All we really have is to discuss on this form with one another how we would build the team what we would do and bench race all the scenarios and options of what we would do differently.

But in the end we just have to sit back and stomach the fact that Jerry sets the bar every year with how much he is willing to spend to build the team and it's never near enough to get us to a super bowl it has nothing to do with the fans not wanting to get there.


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"Win is the name of the Game!"- Jerry Jones 1989

Well, I guess it all depends on your definition of "win". I do admit that being the owner of the most expensive sports franchise is a win for Jerry. However, it's not exactly what I had in mind.

Jerry Jones was so dedicated to winning that he spared no expense in hunting down the very best talent he could find that would run the football operations and commit himself totally and 100% to bringing championships to the Cowboys franchise and fans.

Jerry scoured the countryside, participated in hundreds of interviews, sought professional advice from te best football minds in helping to locate and identify the perfect candidate with he perfect credentials for the position of Dallas Cowboys GM. This was the position formally held by Hall of Famer Tex Schram, one of the architects to build a dynasty that lasted for 20 consecutive winning seasons.

What a shock it must have been for Jerry when he discovered that, after such an exhaustive and comprehensive search, the perfect candidate for the job was himself. That's not a coincidence, it's a miracle!

And you don't think lightning strikes twice in the same place? Guess who the perfect candidate for Vice President of Operations was!

If you don't think they are awesome then you should read their profile on the Cowboys website....composed by their employees. Very lengthy, but their profile seems to be missing one section that is common in all other GM profiles in the NFL.It's a little something called "credentials".

"Jerry winning" is the more complete name of the game.


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I just wanted to beat Green Bay in the first round.

That is all I wanted because I knew anything more than that would take a miracle for this franchise, and
they couldn't even do that but I know that next year will be our year!

Jerry, Stephen and Dak said they will all be better!

Why would they lie?


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My feelings towards the Cowboys are simple:
Ecstatic when they win.
Rage when they lose.

There used to be a middle ground. When the Cowboys played well, gave it their all and lost a game, I would be sad. But, I knew they could bounce back. For many years now, they look incompetent when they lose, embarrassing themselves.


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I for one enjoy watching the team and will watch and root for them whether they win or lose. If you don't, what is the sense of even being a fan? If that's all you are here for, then just ignore them and wait for the year when we get to the 3rd round of the playoffs and start watching then - believe it or not it will eventually come even if another 30 years. The team isn't Dak, the team isn't Jerry or Stephen or McCarthy or Micah. The team will outlast all of those eventually. Of course you hope and root for a SB every year, but if only one team can win per year that means on average a team wins every 32 years. But just stop crying and moaning like little babies. Rooting for the team when they lose doesn't mean you condone Jerry's mismanagement, it just means you are a fan.


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I'll never get that reply to "we want SB" threads/posts.

Calling a Superbowl win craving fan a crybaby is like telling a thirsty person asking for a drop of water after walking 3 days through the desert a sissy.

Oh, and getting 12 wins and then crapping your pants in the play offs is like seeing that fountain in the distance only to find out it was all just a mirage after getting closer.
I want one too. Really bad. I missed an important family dinner for the Green Bay loss and wasn’t happy—plus my entire wife’s extended family thinks I’m an ***hole now.

But the incessant complaining gets to me. I get it. This is the place to vent, but I too can vent about that. Especially, when it’s near non stop.

But have at it. I guess. I’ll keep my complaints to myself more.


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When you hit a wall, you have to first break through the wall to know what is on the other side. The Cowboys have hit a barrier in the playoffs. First they have to break through that barrier just to show they can. One step at a time. It is possible that they crash through the wall and their momentum carries them the rest of the way.


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Hey, I totally agree with you, it just seems that many on this board think that regular season success is enough
Thanks I appreciate!

There could be some who do but I don’t think most do . I’d hate to base any opinions or summarizations on a few or minority of vocal fans.

And I’m not sure based on what I’ve seen that they’re ok with it as just using that regular season success as a combative that the season was a total failure cause came up short in playoffs.
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Thanks I appreciate!

There could be some who do but I don’t think most do . I’d hate to base any opinions or summarizations on a few or minority of vocal fans.

And I’m not sure based on what I’ve seen that they’re ok with it as just using that regular season success as a combative that the season was a total failure cause came up short in playoffs.
I have 3 close friends that are Dallas fans and they all think the last 3 regular season records are enough to be a sign of success.


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The Cowboys not having any success in so long has impacted the postseason standards some in this fanbase has. To the point in which some Cowboys fans will get on any other Cowboy fan who believes that there's is no difference between losing in the 1st or 2nd round or losing in the NFCCG, when the results still are the Cowboys failing to win a Super Bowl. It's like part of the fanbase believes we should all uphold a loss in the NFC Championship game as more successful or better outcome just because of our team not winning the Lombardi in so long.


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I have 3 close friends that are Dallas fans and they all think the last 3 regular season records are enough to be a sign of success.
They are a sign of progress since McCarthy took over but unfortunately without more success in playoffs more of a continuation of prior disappointment.

Enough success or good enough team to at least stay the course with core of stars. Still though with several holes and weaknesses that need to addressed.

There’s a few teams still in our way and it’s going to be difficult to pass them.