Curious what others think of a cat walking around with blue hair, yep, As we saw he got kicked out of the game, tried to sneak back in ad he has blue hair.
OBJ dies his hair, as we know a lot of problems.
When a guy has to look different that sends a message....I need your attention.....which is what weaklings play.
Red hair with purple dots, I could not care less. Who are you to be the judge of what makes someone else feel comfortable.Brown hair, shaved look is cool. I draw the line at a guy who dyes his hair blue especially if he likes my daughter. He is telling the world he needs to be noticed, which sucks.
In reality nobody needs more attention than you and your daily wacky postsObessed.....nay!!!
Curious what others think of a cat walking around with blue hair, yep, As we saw he got kicked out of the game, tried to sneak back in ad he has blue hair.
OBJ dies his hair, as we know a lot of problems.
When a guy has to look different that sends a message....I need your attention.....which is what weaklings play.
Ceedee has some blueish/green dreads in his hair but we all love him. He can date my mom for all I care.
I dont care. I do not obsess on others people's personal preferences, especially other men as a homosexual male, I just dont get the obsession. DK and whoever those blue haired guy in the photo can be whoever they want to be without someone like you belittling them.
Because you’re obsessed with men with blue hair I guessWhy do we have photos of guys with blue hair?
In reality nobody needs more attention than you and your daily wacky posts
Because you’re obsessed with men with blue hair I guess
But you’re constantly seeking strangers attention and recognitionLet's see....
Jonathan Taylor
Deebo Samuels
100 Yard Dash
Dude, i get far FAR more attention on track/music forums, so....wrong!
Red hair with purple dots, I could not care less. Who are you to be the judge of what makes someone else feel comfortable.
I can’t get into your wacky train or thought so I don’t get what you’re meaning. There’s pictures of people with all types of hair, you just have a weird obsession.Did I take those photos, ah.....nope, so tell me why do we have photos with guys with blue hair, well?
Blue hair is illegal? Or are you trying to equate someone’s personal choice with hair to mass murder?Dude, you have any idea how many things are illegal,.......that someone else feels comfortable.....with?
But you’re constantly seeking strangers attention and recognition
Where's your dad?
Talking blue hair is seeking attention and recognition, hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t get into your wacky train or thought so I don’t get what you’re meaning. There’s pictures of people with all types of hair, you just have a weird obsession.
Married to my mom.
I see photos of brown haired, brown beaded and brown eyes guys taken, blonde hair blue eyes guys photos get taken. Are none of them normal?Work with me....
Why was that photo of blue hair/blue beard even taken, yep.....not the norm....you really don't get this?