DMN Blog: Campo at the Ranch


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Bach;1930486 said:
And what fantasy world do you live in?

I give Jerry credit for finally relenting and bringing in Bill and allowing Bill enough power to make changes to the scouting system and an increased role in personnel. But these changes were brought about by Bill.

That's the only time this organization has ever had any success, when Jerry surrounded himself with good football men and listened to them.

Right now, he's back to hiring the staff for the HC again. And who in personnel is here that Jerry respects enough to actually fully listen to? Don't forget, Ciskowski was here throughout the entire fiasco of the late 90's to early '00's.

I don't live in a fantasy land but I also do not live in a land of rumors that get carried away with those who don't know jack of what is going on in Dallas with Wade and Jerry. To say Wade has had no input you don't know that, that is you own spin. Bottom line is Jerry owned and ran this team with BP here not the other way around and things only changed because Jerry knew mistakes had been made and said that himself which is why things change in how we conducted business. Because we hire Campo does not mean we are going back to how it was, that is only in your's and those who will spin every single artical to dump on Jones view point. You want to accuse me of living in fantasy land fine.


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CaptainAmerica;1930286 said:
Bingo. I'm afraid we've found our DC in '09 when Wade leaves.

For those saying Jerry said he is committed to the 3-4, just remember Jerry is a weather vane. He doesn't know football and he has no real philosophy for building a team. I wouldn't be surprised at all if next off-season we will be hearing about how we have the perfect pieces to run the 4-3.

So why did they hire a 3-4 defensive line coach?



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FuzzyLumpkins;1930491 said:
So let me get this straight.

The Parcells years were a success but this last season wasnt?

This last season of success was all Parcells but Parcells first and best season was all Parcells too?


Bach will avoid this question like the plague.


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khiladi;1930506 said:
So why did they hire a 3-4 defensive line coach?

yeah I don't understand this return to the 4-3 nonsense.


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Doomsday101;1930504 said:
I don't live in a fantasy land but I also do not live in a land of rumors that get carried away with those who don't know jack of what is going on in Dallas with Wade and Jerry. To say Wade has had no input you don't know that, that is you own spin. Bottom line is Jerry owned and ran this team with BP here not the other way around and things only changed because Jerry knew mistakes had been made and said that himself which is why things change in how we conducted business. Because we hire Campo does not mean we are going back to how it was, that is only in your's and those who will spin every single artical to dump on Jones view point. You want to accuse me of living in fantasy land fine.

Dooms, you and fuzzy need to heed that advice from an ealier poster..."you cannot agrue with bias"...and Bach is just that, has been from day one...yet you wonder how or why he "is a Cowboy fan"...:cool:


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FuzzyLumpkins;1930505 said:
Ahhits Mosely the ex DMN blogger.

More than likely there is substance to it. i just wish theyd play the Garret vs. Phillips angle because i doubt it was Jones doing the trumping as much as it was Garrett.
Good point, especially since Wade would probably defer to Garrett on offensive matters, considering Jason is much more knowledgable on what it takes to make his offense work.


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5Stars;1930509 said:
Dooms, you and fuzzy need to heed that advice from an ealier poster..."you cannot agrue with bias"...and Bach is just that, has been from day one...yet you wonder how or why he "is a Cowboy fan"...:cool:

True and you can't argue with stupidity. People will get into their minds what they choose to and will read what they want into any move that the team makes. Even a simple article that says Campo could be hired as a secondary coach and position he has excelled in at the college level and pro level.


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The "rumor" of Jerry trumping Wade on Solari comes from Matt Mosely's hashmark, who said he had multiple sources inside the Ranch tell him this.

Discrediting of all things Mosely in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 .... 1 ....

Let's face it ... if the Commanders hired Steve Spurrier back to be their QB coach, we would all be pointing the finger and laughing at them There is a reason this is pretty much unprecedented in NFL history. Campo's supposed "greatness" as a position coach is debatable .. I think he's pretty much a journeyman positional coach, certainly doesn't seem to be highly valued by his current employer, and he was never a key part of Jimmy's Hurricane braintrust in my eyes. The only reason he moved up the ranks here is he stuck around while the more talented people left for bigger and better things. I'm sure there is someone out there equally qualified who doesn't carry Campo's baggage here in Dallas. Especially since Wade and his autonomy as a head coach have some have some credibility problems, especially outside of Dallas, this doesn't serve him well. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed in Wade that he would even allow this to happen. It reeks of someone who is just happy to have a job. There is not having a big ego, and then there is ego-less. I don't think the latter is a good thing for someone in a position of leadership.


The Boognish
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windward;1930513 said:
Good point, especially since Wade would probably defer to Garrett on offensive matters, considering Jason is much more knowledgable on what it takes to make his offense work.

Im actually interested to see how this will all work out. It certainly seems that there are two different camps within the organization, at least as far as the coaching is concerned. The huge contract Garrett received along with this Solari thing basically cements it for me.

While Im sure there is going to be a lot of talk about how this will fracture the team and whanot, its not like systems like this havent worked. It just been backwards.

Holmgren and Rhodes as well as Reid and Johnson have reaped tremendous success out of the two camp system. i think Shanahan pretty much does that with his DCs as well.

we shall see but unless Garrett turns thiese second half offensive swoons around, it wont matter what Jones does.


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InmanRoshi;1930516 said:
The "rumor" of Jerry trumping Wade on Solari comes from Matt Mosely's, who said he had multiple sources inside the Ranch tell him this.

Discrediting of all things Mosely in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 .... 1 ....
He had two sources(I guess multiple sounds even better) and no one is wholesale discrediting Moseley at all.

If you look at Fuzzy's Garrett example it makes perfect sense.


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FuzzyLumpkins;1930518 said:
Im actually interested to see how this will all work out. It certainly seems that there are two different camps within the organization, at least as far as the coaching is concerned. The huge contract Garrett received along with this Solari thing basically cements it for me.

While Im sure there is going to be a lot of talk about how this will fracture the team and whanot, its not like systems like this havent worked. It just been backwards.

Holmgren and Rhodes as well as Reid and Johnson have reaped tremendous success out of the two camp system. i think Shanahan pretty much does that with his DCs as well.

we shall see but unless Garrett turns thiese second half offensive swoons around, it wont matter what Jones does.
Agreed. I think Houck will do much to mitigate last year's swoon.


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windward;1930513 said:
Good point, especially since Wade would probably defer to Garrett on offensive matters, considering Jason is much more knowledgable on what it takes to make his offense work.

He already has...

The terminology is essentially the same as the days when Garrett was a QB for the Cowboys. The whole offensive play-book has its routes in those days... Which leads me to...

Hudson Houck was the offensive line coach when Jason Garrett was here. The choice of Houck was obvious for this offense. There isn't going to be any loss of continuity.

For anybody to speculate about Jerry, because of the return of Houck is absolutely biased, without a doubt. They jumped on a Solari rumor, not because it made sense, but because they wanted to bash Jerry.

Wade himself was talking about Dallas picking up a coach, before the Houck signing was even made known for a while. To claim their was resistance from Wade is just futile speculation. Especially considering Wade also worked with Houck at San Diego...


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Some of the Jerrah defenders need to get some perspective as do the Jerrah haters. Jimmy Johnson made most of the personel decisions that built the championship teams. Jerrah made the personel decisions in the long slow decline from 96 to 02. He got desperate enough to give a great deal of control to BP to rebuild. Now we once again are a contender and loaded with talent; we will get to see if Jerrah has learned to listen to the football pros.


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windward;1930519 said:
He had two sources(I guess multiple sounds even better) and no one is wholesale discrediting Moseley at all.

If you look at Fuzzy's Garrett example it makes perfect sense.

I am... That's just nonsense, considering:

1. Houck worked with the offense this team is predicated on
2. Wade worked with Houck and has the utmost respect for him
3. Houck is already familiar with this organization and is oneof the best, if not best OL coaches in the game


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burmafrd;1930525 said:
Some of the Jerrah defenders need to get some perspective as do the Jerrah haters. Jimmy Johnson made most of the personel decisions that built the championship teams. Jerrah made the personel decisions in the long slow decline from 96 to 02. He got desperate enough to give a great deal of control to BP to rebuild. Now we once again are a contender and loaded with talent; we will get to see if Jerrah has learned to listen to the football pros.

To an extent I agree but then again Jerry is the owner if he gave more leeway to BP it is because he chooses to do so as the owner of the Cowboys. He does not have to get permission he is the boss. Jerry himself talked about mistakes made and so he changed how business was done and we have seen success. You are right Jerry needs listening to football people and taking advice from those he has hired within his scouting department is critical to continued success. Jerry working with Wade is what should be expected just as Jerry worked with BP and yes Jerry will sometimes make decision one he made and I have no doubt in my mind was bring in TO, I sure as hell do not see that as a move by BP.


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khiladi;1930527 said:
I am... That's just nonsense, considering:

1. Houck worked with the offense this team is predicated on
2. Wade worked with Houck and has the utmost respect for him
3. Houck is already familiar with this organization and is oneof the best, if not best OL coaches in the game
You could be right. At any rate it would be hard to make a case that Solari would be the better fit.

If they want to cloak it in the form of "Wade should choose his coaching staff", they should answer this. Even if Wade was deadset agaianst Houck(which he was not), how would it behoove the Cowboys organization to hire the guy that doesn't fit in as well? Because of some stupid principle?

Considering I think all our coaching hires this year have been upgrades, I just don't see the beef other than for the sake of bashing Jerry.


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windward;1930531 said:
If they want to cloak it in the form of "Wade should choose his coaching staff", they should answer this. Even if Wade was deadset agaianst Houck(which he was not), how would it behoove the Cowboys organization to hire the guy that doesn't fit in as well? Because of some stupid principle?

Which pretty much can be counter-acted by who was hired as defensive line coach by Wade... Also, all signs are pointing to Wade hiring the LB coach he worked with at San Diego... Nobody can tell me, based upon track record, that the position coach hirings are in any way bad...

The only real track record going is the Dallas Cowboys ORGANIZATION is hiring coaches based upon who they think will work well in the organization, based upon some tangible evidence..


Here comes the Sun...
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windward;1930531 said:
You could be right. At any rate it would be hard to make a case that Solari would be the better fit.

If they want to cloak it in the form of "Wade should choose his coaching staff", they should answer this. Even if Wade was deadset agaianst Houck(which he was not), how would it behoove the Cowboys organization to hire the guy that doesn't fit in as well? Because of some stupid principle?

Considering I think all our coaching hires this year have been upgrades, I just don't see the beef other than for the sake of bashing Jerry.

It's the usual subjects that bash him. They don't TRY to understand what is going's all about years and year and years ago that they will not erase from their little simple minded brains! It's the same sound that the parakeet makes ... bach...bach...bach...over and over again!



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5Stars;1930537 said:
It's the usual subjects that bash him. They don't TRY to understand what is going's all about years and year and years ago that they will not erase from their little simple minded brains! It's the same sound that the parakeet makes ... bach...bach...bach...over and over again!
