DMN JJT Blog: Do you still prefer Patrick Watkins over Roy Williams?

Chuck 54

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Obviously, Roy is better against the run. Supposedly Watkins is better against the pass.

Bottom line is if you can't stop the running game without 8 in the box and one of the 8 being a run-stopping specialist SS, then maybe all those guys up front that we think are so good due to name recognition aren't really that good.

Too simplistic an answer...Washington just came out, outplayed us, won the line of scrimmage, and whipped us with playmakers who made more plays than us. It happens...trying to pin it on one thing is probably too simplistic.


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EMMITTnROY;2298281 said:
don't notice any difference? how about Terence Newman saying that had Roy been out there instead of Watkins, he would have known the switch on that TD to Thrash? how about that 12th man penalty that might have cost us the game that was on Watkins? how about the fact that we gave up over 100 yards rushing for the first time in about 20 games? i'd call that a difference..

people have made light of the fact that Roy gets 100+ tackles a year and make light of the fact that he is dominant stopping the run.. well, we could have used some of those tackles and some of that run support on Sunday.. in a 2 point game, a few tackles for shorter gains here and there can be the difference in the game.. period..
You are just saying that cause you "have a #38 jersey on.";)


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EMMITTnROY;2298281 said:
don't notice any difference? how about Terence Newman saying that had Roy been out there instead of Watkins, he would have known the switch on that TD to Thrash? how about that 12th man penalty that might have cost us the game that was on Watkins? how about the fact that we gave up over 100 yards rushing for the first time in about 20 games? i'd call that a difference..

people have made light of the fact that Roy gets 100+ tackles a year and make light of the fact that he is dominant stopping the run.. well, we could have used some of those tackles and some of that run support on Sunday.. in a 2 point game, a few tackles for shorter gains here and there can be the difference in the game.. period..

Did Watkins blow the coverage on Moss when Newman got burnt by the double-move? When did Watkins get beat one-on-one? Did Cooley have a big game?

You can't be serious thinking that the Commanders wouldn't have run over 100 yards with Roy in there? The Commanders picked up the majority of their run yardage in the second-half when the DL was tired and exhausted. There is nothing Roy could have done to stop it.

The reason the defense sucked is that they allowed Campbell to sit back in the pocket all day and dink-and-dunk. The big plays were given up not by our SS, they were given up by Henry and Newman. They were given up underneath. The Commanders picked up a huge chunk of their yardage in the first quarter by running short passes to the left, which had nothing to do with Roy.

People who think Roy could have stopped it are delusional. Our defense is going to continue to be weak if they play off the receivers and are two DEs don't get any pressure up the middle. We are weak in the interior, despite Ratliff's perfomance. There is a reason that Bradie James and Zach Thomas haven't gotten to the QB when they blitz from the interior. Our only successful sacks come on coverages, or when we run the package where Henry or Newman blitz from the outside.


Kane Ala
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I think RW would have helped but the problem was not because RW wasn't in there as wayne motley explained. Phillips told you the problem. The DL got beat because they didn't play their roles. Now whose problem is that?

Phillips and team leaders. If guys are going to leave the reservation and free lance to be a hero, pump up their stats, go to the Pro Bowl, yada then Phillips and team leaders need to reign them in.

Mistakes and people not doing their job is on the players but ultimately it's on Phillips. I don't care how he gets them to respond. Just do it.

And they aren't going to enjoy playing the WCO if they continue that bend don't break crap. I understand Jones is rusty and doesn't know the defense. I understand Jenkins and Scandrick are rookies. They are going to have to occasionally at the least get on people and stop them.


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jobberone;2298344 said:
I think RW would have helped but the problem was not because RW wasn't in there as wayne motley explained. Phillips told you the problem. The DL got beat because they didn't play their roles. Now whose problem is that?

DL or defensive backs? Because if it is defensive backs, I'll punch Wade Phillips... Wade never admits that the problem may be his scheming... He will say something like, we knew it was coming, but our player was out-of-position. We need to rectify it. It is never, maybe I need to have my CBs playing more aggressive...


Hardwork and Dedication
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I have always been a Roy fan, I stop getting into the Roy debate a year ago, to me he is still a good player, that I knew we would miss.


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Star4Ever;2297730 said:
I know this sounds juvenile and simplistic, but our defense simply doesn't have a mean streak and it's badly needed. We need to be more physical. We sure have the size for it. Time to step up and use it. Our D needs to smack the crap out of opposing offenses every week. Period.



Kane Ala
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khiladi;2298352 said:
DL or defensive backs? Because if it is defensive backs, I'll punch Wade Phillips... Wade never admits that the problem may be his scheming... He will say something like, we knew it was coming, but our player was out-of-position. We need to rectify it. It is never, maybe I need to have my CBs playing more aggressive...

He was talking about the DL. I agree the DBs should be aggressive more often and they should be able to play man coverage at times. I don't know enough football and Wade's scheme well enough to say when they can mix it up. I just know that Wade needs to have some schemes to play tighter coverage and man coverage.


Double Trouble
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Roy Williams impact on the running game is minimal. You can count on one hand the significant plays he's made against the run the last few years.

He rarely makes a big hit, is an inconsistent tackler, and is an embarrassment in coverage.

So we have 2 safeties that can't play, instead of one. Hopefully they're both elsewhere next season.


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Here are the facts folks...Portis had 4 runs of more than 10 yards in the game and all of them were in the 2nd half. These 4 runs combined for 68 of Portis' 121 on the day. Contain those 4 runs for say 20 yards and Portis winds up with around 75 yards total.

So, what happened on those 4 runs?

The first run was a 31 yarder in the 3rd quarter to the left, when Watkins was not even on the field. Brown was actually in the box on that play and got shoved out of the way by Samuels, while Cooley pushed Ware out to make a lane for Portis. Burnett, who was trying to blitz the gap on the right side of the center, ended up getting pancaked by Rabach. Portis was then tripped up by Hamlin coming across the field.

The 2nd run was a 13 yarder in the 3rd quarter to the left, where the entire d-line lost containment and got stretched on a sweep play. Portis easily found a hole behind Kendall and Samuels, who blocked James at the second level to extend the run. Ellis missed with arm tackle falling to the ground, while Canty almost got pushed off his feet in pursuit. Thomas got run over while off balance, while Hamlin and James caught up to Portis and wrapped him up. The Skins had 3 receivers on this play with Jones, Henry and Newman covering and Hamlin the lone SS (Watkins) to help on this running play.

The third run was an 11 yarder in the 4th quarter straight up the middle, where Johnson was double teamed on the left side. Rabach came off the double team to block James at the second level, who clearly had the angle on Portis coming through the middle. Hamlin was then left exposed and missed the tackle, using just his right shoulder and not wrapping up. However, this hit made Portis lose his balance enough, to fall down and have Watkins clean up with his legs.

The 4th run was a 13 yarder on the very next play to the right side, where Spears got pushed out, James missed with an arm tackle and then, Thomas eventually bringing Portis down with an assist by Watkins.

Personally, I don't see how you can blame Watkins for the poor run defense the Cowboys displayed Sunday. Especially on those long runs, where he was either on the sideline or making the tackle himself. Here are the running plays by Portis and Betts and the totals per quarter....

1st quarter

(14:32) 26-C.Portis left tackle to WAS 24 for no gain (90-J.Ratliff).
(12:01) 26-C.Portis left guard to DAL 41 for 3 yards (90-J.Ratliff).
(11:26) 26-C.Portis right end to DAL 35 for 6 yards (55-Z.Thomas). Quick pitch.
(7:05) 26-C.Portis left end to WAS 19 for 1 yard (99-C.Canty; 94-D.Ware).
(4:15) 46-L.Betts left tackle to WAS 23 for 3 yards (41-T.Newman).

Portis - 10 yards on 4 carries
Betts - 3 yards on 1 carry

2nd quarter

(13:57) 26-C.Portis right tackle to DAL 43 for 7 yards (90-J.Ratliff; 56-B.James).
(12:41) 26-C.Portis right end to DAL 31 for 7 yards (41-T.Newman; 56-B.James).
(8:43) 26-C.Portis right end to DAL 45 for 6 yards (90-J.Ratliff; 99-C.Canty). Quick pitch.
(7:03) 26-C.Portis right tackle to DAL 3 for 5 yards (99-C.Canty).
(6:20) 26-C.Portis left tackle to DAL 2 for 1 yard (94-D.Ware; 56-B.James).
(3:25) 46-L.Betts up the middle to DAL 4 for 4 yards (56-B.James; 25-P.Watkins).
(2:46) 46-L.Betts left tackle to DAL 2 for 2 yards (55-Z.Thomas; 72-S.Bowen).

Portis - 26 yards on 5 carries
Betts - 6 yards on 2 carries

1st half - Portis 36 yards on 9 carries/Betts 9 yards on 3 carries = 45 yards on 12 carries

3rd quarter

(11:37) 26-C.Portis left tackle to WAS 43 for 4 yards (55-Z.Thomas).
(10:50) 26-C.Portis left end to DAL 26 for 31 yards (26-K.Hamlin).
(10:02) 46-L.Betts up the middle to DAL 23 for 3 yards (26-K.Hamlin; 25-P.Watkins).
(8:48) 26-C.Portis left end for 6 yards, TOUCHDOWN NULLIFIED by Penalty. PENALTY on WAS-61-C.Rabach, Offensive Holding, 10 yards, enforced at DAL 6 - No Play.
(4:33) 26-C.Portis left end to WAS 36 for 13 yards (56-B.James; 26-K.Hamlin). Ellis of Dallas was shaken up on the play.
(3:47) 26-C.Portis left end to WAS 33 for -3 yards (90-J.Ratliff).
:)12) 26-C.Portis up the middle to DAL 38 for 6 yards (94-D.Ware).

Portis - 51 yards on 6 carries (1 nullified for 6 yards) and 1 carry for -3 yards
Betts - 3 yards on 1 carry

4th Quarter

(15:00) 26-C.Portis left tackle to DAL 37 for 1 yard (55-Z.Thomas).
(13:50) 46-L.Betts right tackle to DAL 30 for 3 yards (96-M.Spears).
(12:26) 46-L.Betts up the middle to DAL 15 for 6 yards (55-Z.Thomas; 98-G.Ellis).
(11:42) 46-L.Betts left guard to DAL 15 for no gain (94-D.Ware).
(10:16) 26-C.Portis left guard to WAS 37 for 3 yards (94-D.Ware).
(9:38) 26-C.Portis up the middle to WAS 48 for 11 yards (25-P.Watkins).
(8:58) 26-C.Portis right end to DAL 39 for 13 yards (55-Z.Thomas).
(7:43) 46-L.Betts left tackle to DAL 31 for 2 yards (94-D.Ware; 55-Z.Thomas).
(6:58) 26-C.Portis up the middle to DAL 31 for no gain (94-D.Ware). PENALTY on DAL, Defensive 12 On-field, 5 yards, enforced at DAL 31 - No Play.
(6:32) 26-C.Portis right end to DAL 25 for 1 yard (96-M.Spears).
(5:52) 46-L.Betts left tackle to DAL 18 for 7 yards (72-S.Bowen).
(5:07) 46-L.Betts right guard to DAL 16 for 2 yards (99-C.Canty; 96-M.Spears).
(4:22) 46-L.Betts left guard to DAL 16 for no gain (96-M.Spears).
(3:37) 26-C.Portis right guard to DAL 12 for 4 yards (55-Z.Thomas).
(3:30) 26-C.Portis up the middle to DAL 11 for 1 yard (97-J.Hatcher).

Portis - 34 yards on 8 carries (1 no play)
Betts - 20 yards on 7 carries

2nd half - Portis 85 yards on 14 carries/Betts 23 yards on 8 carries = 108 yards on 22 carries

Use Your Illusion

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EMMITTnROY;2298281 said:
don't notice any difference? how about Terence Newman saying that had Roy been out there instead of Watkins, he would have known the switch on that TD to Thrash? how about that 12th man penalty that might have cost us the game that was on Watkins?

Maybe Roy would have known the switch, but that doesn't mean that he would have gotten there in time. And you really cannot single out one play, because there was probably at least one play in coverage that Roy would have given up that Watkins didn't.

how about the fact that we gave up over 100 yards rushing for the first time in about 20 games? i'd call that a difference..

Uh, what? We gave up over 100 yards rushing in four of our last five games last season. Roy the "great run stopper" started in all of those games.

people have made light of the fact that Roy gets 100+ tackles a year and make light of the fact that he is dominant stopping the run.. well, we could have used some of those tackles and some of that run support on Sunday.. in a 2 point game, a few tackles for shorter gains here and there can be the difference in the game.. period..

Once again, when is the last time he made a big TFL, big play behind the line of scrimmage that you can remember? Came up for a big hit on a RB? If Roy had played, Portis still would have ran for 121.