DMN: NFL VP of Officiating: It’s not unreasonable to watch everything Dez did and think


You Have an Axe to Grind
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ignore all that hurts your weak argument, and resort to insults.

What do you consider a weak argument the ball clearly touching the ground and coming loose? You're disputing what video evidence clearly confirmed and you're calling my argument weak? LOL


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You don't have to see both in the same view because one view can be obstructed which was the case in the frame by frame view. There's no guessing when you have 2 angles of the very same shot that clearly shows everything that happened. There was no guessing involved both angles confirmed the ball touched the ground and came loose upon touching the ground.

Upload a picture of it visibly bouncing off the turf please.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Upload a picture of it visibly bouncing off the turf please.

Search the thread there's a still shot of the ball compressed against the ground. It was Dez reaching out and slamming the ball against the ground that caused it to compress and bounce off the turf. It's silly that I have to keep explaining it when there's a video of it.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I'm done wasting my time with those who are in denial about the ball touching the ground and coming loose. If someone can't even concede that much then they're a lost cause. I hope some of you never get put on a jury.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
If you use the word "troll" one more time when responding to me you will be sent out to pasture and off my discussion list.
Somewhere out in the world is an old horse, standing in the middle of a meadow, asking itself, "Old McDonald UNfriended me???" :laugh:

You're one strange self-centered cat, KJJ. :)


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I'm done wasting my time with those who are in denial about the ball touching the ground and coming loose. If someone can't even concede that much then they're a lost cause. I hope some of you never get put on a jury.

Well, your argument that you've invested so much time in, is completely falling apart. There are no words in the rulebook that specifically describe any concept more than one elbow or knee down,

The 7 football moves Dez made are proof that he caught the ball.
He didn't even need to make the 7 football moves, holding the ball long enough to make a move was enough. He certainly met that.
Despite the strong video evidence, it is NOT CONCLUSIVE that a single video proves that the ball moved because of the ground. It is likely, but not conclusive. Dez's helmet hides the ball the moment that it would have bounced up in the SINGLE SHOT.

So, the league has taken away a catch, their NFL comment line is overwhelmed, and isn't taking messages anymore. There's NO RULE that supports what was taken away. Furthermore, the RULES support the CATCH, these discussions have proven that.

Ya got NOTHING LEFT TO STAND ON! Come back to being a Dallas fan, Blandino ended our season, and that's as serious as it gets.


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Well, your argument that you've invested so much time in, is completely falling apart. There are no words in the rulebook that specifically describe any concept more than one elbow or knee down,

The 7 football moves Dez made are proof that he caught the ball.
He didn't even need to make the 7 football moves, holding the ball long enough to make a move was enough. He certainly met that.
Despite the strong video evidence, it is NOT CONCLUSIVE that a single video proves that the ball moved because of the ground. It is likely, but not conclusive. Dez's helmet hides the ball the moment that it would have bounced up in the SINGLE SHOT.

So, the league has taken away a catch, their NFL comment line is overwhelmed, and isn't taking messages anymore. There's NO RULE that supports what was taken away. Furthermore, the RULES support the CATCH, these discussions have proven that.

Ya got NOTHING LEFT TO STAND ON! Come back to being a Dallas fan, Blandino ended our season, and that's as serious as it gets.

The rule book supports the decision. There are plenty of words that do so. I proved that in a different thread.


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A lot of what you're saying isn't accurate because you're claiming they got the call wrong when it was reviewed and later confirmed by the NFL to be the correct call.

Do you still believe that "Duck and cover" will protect you from a nuclear blast? The government said it, so it must be true. Certainly they wouldn't lie to us or try to spin anything...


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If I ever see Blandino on the street:
"Hi Mr. Blandino. Nice to meet you. How are You? Nice suit BTW. DEZ CAUGHT IT!!!!"


Well-Known Member
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What do you consider a weak argument the ball clearly touching the ground and coming loose? You're disputing what video evidence clearly confirmed and you're calling my argument weak? LOL

The ball touching the ground is not the relevant part of the argument here. Most everyone acknowledges that the ball did touch the ground, that it bounced up, and that Dez regained control of it. What is in question is whether he had secured position before the ball touched the ground. That's where the "football move" question becomes relevant.

If he made a football move, the ball can touch the ground nine ways to Sunday and it still be a completion once he regains control. If it's determined that he did not make a football movie, then the ball touching the ground would still be a completion That's the controversy here - not whether the ball touched the ground or not. In short, you're doing a damn fine job of arguing with yourself on that point.

It's all in the definition of the "process". The NFL's position on this is that contact with the defender triggered the rule, and that any "football move" after said contact would be irrelevant. While I don't agree with their position, I have to admit I can see it from their POV.

Once and for all… It's time to move on. Nothing is going to come of it (except maybe an aneurysm or two).

Yakuza Rich

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The ball touching the ground is not the relevant part of the argument here. Most everyone acknowledges that the ball did touch the ground, that it bounced up, and that Dez regained control of it. What is in question is whether he had secured position before the ball touched the ground. That's where the "football move" question becomes relevant.

If he made a football move, the ball can touch the ground nine ways to Sunday and it still be a completion once he regains control. If it's determined that he did not make a football movie, then the ball touching the ground would still be a completion That's the controversy here - not whether the ball touched the ground or not. In short, you're doing a damn fine job of arguing with yourself on that point.

It's all in the definition of the "process". The NFL's position on this is that contact with the defender triggered the rule, and that any "football move" after said contact would be irrelevant. While I don't agree with their position, I have to admit I can see it from their POV.

Once and for all… It's time to move on. Nothing is going to come of it (except maybe an aneurysm or two).

I agree with most of your statement outside of 'seeing it from their POV."

The ball was advanced by Dez. That's what the rule states. It doesn't talk about how it was advanced or how far it was advanced by (Blandino claimed that he "didn't advance it far enough" and there's nothing in the rule book that states that).

The ball was advanced.


End of story.

We have seen on plenty of occasions where the referees have gotten the rules wrong because it is clear that they don't know the rules. They've even admitted to those mistakes where it was clear they got the ruling wrong because of misinterpreting the rule book.

This time, it happened to the Cowboys.

Of course, that's what is going to happen when your head of officials has absolutely no business being the head of officiating because HE'S NEVER REFEREED A GAME BEFORE.

It's not time to move on because the NFL and Blandino keep insulting my intelligence by trying to spin this into being the correct call. If they admitted they screwed up, I could then move on. Until then, I'm fine with continuing to point out their incompetence.



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Once again you are flat out lying. I said there is no conclusive view that shows the ball bouncing off the ground. You keep refusing to acknowledge this fact. You have a view where Dez has clear control and the ball touches the ground, touching by rule does not make it incomplete it requires it becoming loose. You then have a view where it comes loose but you can't see it bounce off the ground. To overturn it Seratore needed a view that showed the ball hit AND COME LOOSE and not one showing it touch and another showing it loose. Replay is not supposed to work that way.

He knows he lying. just like the NFL,Blandino,the replay ref

d espnd
The rule book supports the decision. There are plenty of words that do so. I proved that in a different thread.

Stop making a fool out of yourself. Dez caught that freaking ball and you and the other cowboys haters know it. this was the worst screw job in NFL playoff history. it make me SICK! andi will never let this disgrace go.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Do you still believe that "Duck and cover" will protect you from a nuclear blast? The government said it, so it must be true. Certainly they wouldn't lie to us or try to spin anything...

Have anything to provide besides nonsense?


Well-Known Member
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Do you still believe that "Duck and cover" will protect you from a nuclear blast? The government said it, so it must be true. Certainly they wouldn't lie to us or try to spin anything...
It depends on how far away you are. If you're at ground zero, then the only thing duck and cover will do is give you a chance to kiss your *** goodbye. If you are far enough away from the detonation, getting under protection (and, most importantly, away from windows) is probably not a bad idea.


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NFL VP of Officiating: It’s not unreasonable to watch everything Dez did and think, 'That’s a catch'

NFL VP of Officiating Dean Blandino recently joined the Ben and Skin show on KRLD-FM (105.3). Here are some highlights from the interview.

On how they didn’t change the catch rule in light of Dez Bryant’s no catch in Green Bay:

“A lot of people are involved in this, the competition committee, it’s not just me and officiating. I think the bottom line is the way the rule is being written out, the way it’s being applied allows us, the officials to be consistent as possible because if you try to create a rule to make the Bryant play — It’s not just the Dez play, there were others that were ruled incomplete over the past four or five years — if you tried to make a rule to make that a catch it would become more gray and we would become less consistent on the field, which is something that no one really wants. You may agree or disagree it’s a catch but we want to be consistent in applying the rule and this rule allows us to be more consistent.”

On incorporated common sense into the catch rule:

“Obviously we want to incorporate (common sense) into the rule. That’s why we had such a lengthy discussion because so many people looked at that and said, boy that’s got to be a catch. What we want coaches and want receivers to understand is hey look, if you’re falling to the ground, you have to survive the ground. If you reach you do put yourself at risk, so make sure you secure control first before you do anything with it.”

On whether he thought Dez caught the ball even if it doesn’t fit the rule:

“It’s not unreasonable to watch that play and watch everything Dez did and think, ‘That’s a catch.’ But our rule, which I do feel is a good rule and allows us to be consistent, it’s not a catch because you have to maintain control when you land.”



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  • Emmitt Smith: Murray to Eagles doesn't make them favorites over Cowboys: 'You cannot take us lightly'
  • Author John Feinstein: Dez Bryant acted selfishly by threatening to miss games

Based on his argument, is it not unreasonable to compare this against similar cases to see just how consistent the outcomes are? Wonder if anyone has done that and if the competition committee would revisit based on the results.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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He knows he lying. just like the NFL,Blandino,the replay ref

d espnd

Stop making a fool out of yourself.

The only one who's making a fool out of themselves is you and the others who are in denial over the RULE and what the replay shows the video doesn't lie.
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I vote we "code red" the next guy who brings this up. I am still not over it...


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I vote we "code red" the next guy who brings this up. I am still not over it...

It will keep coming up because most aren't over it and never will be over it. The ruling will continue to be bantered around Cowboy boards for many years. I was at peace with the final call as soon as it was announced because although I was disappointed about it I agreed with it. The call that still bothers me and will always bother me is the Phantom PI call against Benny Barnes in the SB.

That was a bad call on replay and the NFL admitted it was a bad call which resulted in the incidental contact rule only a few months later. The call on Dez was the correct call by RULE and if it wasn't the NFL would have admitted it and changed the RULE.


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What's interesting Blandino admits to the reasonableness of thinking it was a catch. If an argument can be made for it being a catch by RULE of replay the call shouldn't have been overturned.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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What's interesting Blandino admits to the reasonableness of thinking it was a catch. If an argument can be made for it being a catch by RULE of replay the call shouldn't have been overturned.

Blandino like everyone else could see that Dez caught the ball but under the RULE it wasn't a legal catch. The RULE requires that a receiver who's going to the ground must complete a process.