DMN: Roger Staubach: Cowboys are 'lucky' to have a 'championship' QB like Tony Romo

I see we have a nice smooch session going on in here. So cute. Unfortunately, this is our only Super Bowl. You get to sit around and grovel over someone who can't even win playoff games. So cute.

I'll hold off until Jerry pulls his drunken head out of his back side and finally starts taking this position seriously, and start drafting a QB in the 1st, instead of a 3rd round center in the first. For whatever reason, teams Romo has been on CAN'T seem to win. 8 years and counting, 18 years no Title.

Roger, Aikman, they don't mind smooching up to Tony, they already have their jewelry, now all they have to do is cater to the fans, it's a win win.
AmberBeer;5102759 said:
I'm not sure what games you've been watching, but teams do not need to blitz Romo. The normal 4 man rush is in the backfield about step 4 of Romo's drop back. And Romo has one of the quickest releases of all QB's. New England has ALWAYS had a good offensive line during Brady's years. Belicheck knows that you don't win being weak in the trenches.

This is not true. This is what you always hear from people who do not want to hear about Romo's and the teams offensive flaws.

New England has not always had a good offensive line but as I said before, the QB has the power to make changes. You can't have it both ways. You can't say that the QB doesn't have the talent but then turn around and say the QB deserves to be paid 100+ and then in the same breath say that he doesn't have the weapons around him. It doesn't work that way except on this board. Brady would not have stuck with New England had they not invested in talent because that's what he wanted. The same could be true with Romo but it's not. He has the same kind of power in Dallas as Brady does in New England. Why is it different?

Belickeck knows does he? Where was all that knowledge when he was in Cleveland? What he knows is that Brady makes that offense go. He knows that he has to bring in talent that will help Brady. Again, why is it different?
Clove;5103025 said:
I see we have a nice smooch session going on in here. So cute. Unfortunately, this is our only Super Bowl. You get to sit around and grovel over someone who can't even win playoff games. So cute.

I'll hold off until Jerry pulls his drunken head out of his back side and finally starts taking this position seriously, and start drafting a QB in the 1st, instead of a 3rd round center in the first. For whatever reason, teams Romo has been on CAN'T seem to win. 8 years and counting, 18 years no Title.

Roger, Aikman, they don't mind smooching up to Tony, they already have their jewelry, now all they have to do is cater to the fans, it's a win win.

You seem overly interested in grown men smooching.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

ABQCOWBOY;5103023 said:
Man, talk about breaking your back to make sure the one guy who should carry the load is not forced to.

He's the QB in Dallas. This is the way it has always been. Like or not, that's how it is. Is part of the job and it always has been. So yeah, he is paid well enough and it is his job.

He is the QB and? Last time I checked there are 10 other starters on offense and 11 on defense. QB is important no one has ever question that but to win and to win big takes a lot of parts making big plays. Does guys like Bob Lilly get credit or Randy White? How about Drew Pearson or Tony Hill, maybe Tony Dorsett and Clavin Hill should get a little love and great OL players

Sure I know how it goes QB get more blame and more credit than they deserve and any HC will be the 1st to say the same thing because it is true this game has and always will be about team winning and losing is not just about QB.

I know the media and fans in general love putting the QB above all others and while that is the conventional preception I am smart enough to understand the reality of what it takes for any team to have success. This is why some QB's who have rings were not the greatest to play because it is still about team.

My only interest is in this team winning not Romo but I do know for this team to win a lot of guys on both sides have to step up and get the job done, Romo included
5Stars;5102781 said:

This makes no sense at all!

(stupid cowboy fans)

Don't tell that to the one's that cannot understand.


Romo could not have run that offense. Romo could not have run that timing offense because he did not have Aikman's arm or his ability to put the ball on a spot as accurately. Could he have won with the talent there? Perhaps, but not in that offense. There is no guarantee that Romo could have won or could not have won. All of that is speculation.
Idgit;5102992 said:
Great, great post, percy.


Really end of story... facts are facts. Everything else is simply conjecture and bias...
CowboysYanksLakers;5102835 said:
Romo isn't the reason why we haven't won a championship...

I would agree with this. I would also say that if we were fortunate enough to win one, he would not be the reason we have won either. He is simply not that QB IMO. He is a guy who in the right system, with enough talent, could win.

As I have stated all along, Romo has the talent but I do not believe he has the discipline, at least to this point. He does things that experienced QBs should not do in certain situations. Until he learns to master that, I think he's going to struggle in big games.
ABQCOWBOY;5103033 said:

Romo could not have run that offense. Romo could not have run that timing offense because he did not have Aikman's arm or his ability to put the ball on a spot as accurately. Could he have won with the talent there? Perhaps, but not in that offense. There is no guarantee that Romo could have won or could not have won. All of that is speculation.

It is speculation. It's also speculation when posters say that Romo cannot or will not win a SB. But, as we can see, it's happening...

da_whiz_kid;5102536 said:
hey man, I'm right there with you, which is why I usually do not participate in this. but had a day off and came to the ring of circles.

just because its what's happening does not mean we have to subscribe to that train of thought. but yea I get what your dating bbq.

as long as we all root for this team, its all good.

I know you are on your phone bro and I agree with your last post, but the bold part just struck me as hilarious and I was literally lauging out loud! :lmao2:
My, my my.... how quickly they forget!

*** READ THIS! *** Enough is Enough!! No more warnings!
I posted this a few months ago, but apparently some users did not get the message. I have updated it so I encourage you to read it completely!

I have always tried to be fair to users on this site regardless of viewpoints. I have defended the right of the so-called homers and haters to share their opinions even when I personally disagree with them. I have done this because I hoped that giving everyone a chance to share their opinions would help everyone move on. Unfortunately, that is not happening.

I have given the haters several months to rant and get it out of their system and they continue to rant and whine even more now. In almost every thread posted lately you will find the same users posting the same negative comments over and over again as if the rest of the users somehow missed the other 100+ threads where they posted the same thing.

It has become obvious that there are some users here who simply do not want to see anyone else even remotely happy about being a Dallas Cowboys fan. It is their mission to make sure everyone is as miserable as they are or else they will sabotage every thread they make in order to remove the desire of supportive fans to post on the site.

I am here to say that stops NOW!
ABQCOWBOY;5103033 said:

Romo could not have run that offense. Romo could not have run that timing offense because he did not have Aikman's arm or his ability to put the ball on a spot as accurately. Could he have won with the talent there? Perhaps, but not in that offense. There is no guarantee that Romo could have won or could not have won. All of that is speculation.

I agree speculation however he has never had it so why claim he could not do it? No way to prove it or disprove it. Romo release is quick and he is hitting over 64% on his career and Aikman 61.3 yet Romo is not accurate? :lmao2:
jobberone;5102914 said:
Some of the Dallas players have stated they could not get any traction on that last drive. I don't remember why the conditions changed but that's the rumor. Not to take everything away from GB though because they got it done with they needed to but I don't think it was all due to some monumental drive and will to win.

They said that when that last drive started was about the same time as when the sun started setting and the temp started dropping. The result was a quick freeze and that's why the traction was lost. That does not seem too far fetched to me but the thing of it is that GBs offense played in that weather and that field too. When our D stopped making plays, their O stepped up and played mistake free football.

I hate it but I do believe that it was an example of Starr leading that team to victory. Starr was a very under rated player. I believe he was one of the greatest QBs of all time. He certainly was on that drive IMO.
AmberBeer;5102559 said:
Again, if Brady was our QB, he'd be on the injured reserve list by game 6. He's too imobile for our offensive line play. Same goes for Peyton Manning.

Agreed! I cannot fathom how anyone can think Brady or Manning behind that line would do anything but be in the hospital!!
Gameover;5102569 said:
Romo has good players around him, he's incapable of maximizing the talent he does have.

The biggest indictment of Tony Romo not maximizing the players around him, is the fact that a stud like Jason Witten has so rarely seen the end zone.

Witten should've averaged 8 to 10td per year the last seven or so years.

Any surprise that Witten had his best TD stretch when Romo was hurt in 2010?

How about the ones IN FRONT OF HIM?? Livings? Costa? Bernardeau? Free? Or maybe their fill ins, Cook? Parnell? Now compare that to the line in front of Brady! Come on! You could put an all-star cast around him, but if the guys in front can't block what's the point?

And that is Romo's fault for not having enough time to throw to Witten??
Hostile;5102571 said:
Maybe I'm blind, but where did Roger Call Quincy Carter, Chad Hutchinson, or Drew Henson a "Championship QB?" If you think those comments are on par with that one, wow.

percyhoward;5102990 said:
Staubach's numbers, along with the players he mentioned:

Top 10 Seasons in Passer Rating
Staubach 7 (1971, 73, 75-79)
Aikman 6 (1991-1995, 1998)
Romo 6 (2006-09, 2011-12)
White 5 (1980-83, 85)

Top 5 Seasons in Passer Rating
Staubach 5 (1971, 73, 77-79)
Aikman 4 (1992-95)
Romo 3 (2006-07, 2011)
White 2 (1981-82)

Average Rank in 5 Best Seasons
Staubach 1st
Aikman 4th
Romo 6th
White 7th

Some may disagree with Staubach's assessment that the Cowboys can win a championship with Romo, but I think we can all agree that this particular Cowboys team has been "lucky" to have a QB of Romo's caliber.

Average Rank of Defense When QB (points allowed):
Aikman's Defenses: 3rd
Staubach's Defenses: 6th
White's Defenses: 11th
Romo's Defenses: 14th

Average Rank in Rushing
Staubach's Backs: 3rd
Aikman's Backs: 4th
White's Backs: 8th
Romo's Backs: 15th

Offensive Line Combined All-Pro Selections
(Associated Press All-NFL 1st or 2nd Team)

Aikman's Lines: 9
Staubach's Lines: 7
White's Lines: 3
Romo's Lines: 1

All rankings are for the 5 best seasons.

Clove;5103025 said:
I see we have a nice smooch session going on in here. So cute. Unfortunately, this is our only Super Bowl. You get to sit around and grovel over someone who can't even win playoff games. So cute.

I'll hold off until Jerry pulls his drunken head out of his back side and finally starts taking this position seriously, and start drafting a QB in the 1st, instead of a 3rd round center in the first. For whatever reason, teams Romo has been on CAN'T seem to win. 8 years and counting, 18 years no Title.

Roger, Aikman, they don't mind smooching up to Tony, they already have their jewelry, now all they have to do is cater to the fans, it's a win win.

As far as I'm concerned, this is the Tony Romo debate in a nutshell. Not just in this thread, but in it's various forms across the forum.

And it's also a perfect example of why it's just not an interesting topic until and unless the evidence for and against isn't so one-sided.
ABQCOWBOY;5102578 said:
Brady is also the most accurate, quickest release QB in the league. He beats the blitz by hitting his targets before the blitz gets there. That's how QBs used to do it and that's how certain QBs, like Brady and like Manning still do it. You can say that he doesn't have the mobility all day but he's not had mobility from the day he stepped into the league up to and including today. New England didn't always have the best OLs but because he can beat the blitz with accuracy and his release, he makes his OL better. That same thing would happen in Dallas and our Offense would be designed to help him do this. I'm sorry, all of what you just said is fine but I don't buy any of it. I've watched Brady a lot and what he can do is not simply because he has OLs who can block all day. He makes them better.

Romo beats the blitz on occasion! But he is asked to do it a LOT with that line in front of him! Brady cannot beat the blitz on EVERY play! And not to mention the system that Brady is in is the same one that Cassel excelled in. How's he doing these days? That system and That OL is the reason Brady is as good as he is. I am in NO WAY saying Brady isn't as good, just stating that saying that you could put Brady behind this line and having him be the same championship QB is crap. He would NOT be the same with our OL and our running attack.
WPBCowboysFan;5102413 said:
Even the greatest Cowboy of all time can speak and some will not lsiten.


you will never find ex-cowboys QB not supporting the current QB. They supported Quincy Carter also. They realize the amount of pressure of the job and will always be fan of and support current player. This will never change. What does it mean? absolutely nothing.
Doomsday101;5103032 said:
He is the QB and? Last time I checked there are 10 other starters on offense and 11 on defense. QB is important no one has ever question that but to win and to win big takes a lot of parts making big plays. Does guys like Bob Lilly get credit or Randy White? How about Drew Pearson or Tony Hill, maybe Tony Dorsett and Clavin Hill should get a little love and great OL players

Sure I know how it goes QB get more blame and more credit than they deserve and any HC will be the 1st to say the same thing because it is true this game has and always will be about team winning and losing is not just about QB.

I know the media and fans in general love putting the QB above all others and while that is the conventional preception I am smart enough to understand the reality of what it takes for any team to have success. This is why some QB's who have rings were not the greatest to play because it is still about team.

My only interest is in this team winning not Romo but I do know for this team to win a lot of guys on both sides have to step up and get the job done, Romo included

Last time you checked, did you also check to see how long ago it's been since we've one a championship?

What exactly is it that you disagree with? Do you disagree that he is not a championship QB? Do you disagree that he is also responsible for why Dallas does not have a decent running game or OL? What is it that you disagree with?
5Stars;5103036 said:
It is speculation. It's also speculation when posters say that Romo cannot or will not win a SB. But, as we can see, it's happening...


So your solution is to join in on that behavior? Come on, I've known you a long time and since when has that ever been the best way to proceed?

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