DMN: Roger Staubach: Cowboys are 'lucky' to have a 'championship' QB like Tony Romo

popp1234;5102886 said:
I respect Roger's opinion with regard to Tony Romo, and God I wish they were true. In my heart (the fan) I want him to be correct, but in my mind (the realist) I know he is not, or should I say Romo has shown me he is not.. That's why it eats me up inside. What I thought he was, he is not, ever since I chose to assess him from an objective POV. So sad. Romo is Romo...if someone shows you who they are......BELIEVE THEM!

so you think you know more about NFL QBs than Roger as well?
Zordon;5102877 said:
period. can we close the thread now? or do we have to go for 20 pages about how it's the oline's fault...jason's fault...t.o.'s fault...the popcorn man's fault...the parking lot attendant's fault....Shy's unborn child's fault...etc...etc.

can you admit you are ever wrong? Just as likely
Hostile;5102891 said:
Right, a thread this size would indicate there is no aversion to discuss.

What you really object to, and can't stand, is those who have an aversion to agreeing with your point of view.

What can I tell you? Them's the breaks kid.

he gets owned regularly on his anti romo garbage and that really ticks him off
visionary;5102896 said:
I like romo
He has proven he is a good QB with great talent

He is not yet a great QB

Aikman was a great QB

Yeah Aikman was great once the O line deteriorated and the D fell off and he lost Irvin
TwoDeep3;5102924 said:
You go out of your way to rewrite history, or to ignore it.

Consistency is what you do best.

well you are consistently wrong so it all balances out
BraveHeartFan;5102827 said:
I don't know if that's what Romo has to have but I'll say often did Troy and the Boys win without Emmitt?

Lucky for them they didn't have to find out too often because the anwer is they didn't win without Emmitt and that running game.

I agree. I don't care to play the what if game with Romo however as good as Troy was the Cowboys record when Smith was out of the lineup or Irvin was out of the lineup was not great.

Dallas won because of Aikman but they also won because of Emmitt, because of Irvin and a host of others on the OL and role players like Moose and Novacheck not to meantion a very good defense.

Heck the SB's we won look at the turnovers, 1st Bills game we constantly was taking the ball away from them, 2nd meeting 2 big turnovers that changed the course of the game and then the Pitt game and Larry Brown coming up with big turnovers.

Troy was great the Dallas Cowboys as a whole were great that is why we won SB's, Aikman could not have done it without those important parts.
burmafrd;5102954 said:
he gets owned regularly on his anti romo garbage and that really ticks him off
I just don't see how aversion can be claimed on a subject that regularly causes huge threads with people on both sides giving their opinions. Where is the avoidance that would indicate aversion. He can't stand being disagreed with, so he creates magnificent scenarios to fuel his anger at others. He'll never move past ill will by clinging to it with a death grip.

He thinks calling me consistent is an insult. Where I come from inconsistency (the opposite of consistency) is actually the insult. It means flip flopping, not having your opinions grounded in fact and swtiching sides when proven wrong, in other words, instability.

He just gave me a compliment as far as I am concerned. I don't care about the rancor with which he spoke it. I am proudly consistent. I actually stand for the things I profess to care about.

There is no aversion to discussing Tony Romo. Not here, not on other sites, not on TV. Everyone has an opinion and they are freely given. That is indisputable.

I happen to agree with Roger Staubach on everything he has been quoted as saying in this thread. About other QBs as well as about Tony. I see a huge difference in between "championship QB" and "I like him. I see good things in him."

I like Kyle Orton. I see good things in him. I wanted him here when he first hit FA and we claimed him but lost him to KC. I don't think I just called him a "championship QB." If others need to make that leap, that's for their conscience to determine. Mine is clear...consistently.
Staubach's numbers, along with the players he mentioned:

Top 10 Seasons in Passer Rating
Staubach 7 (1971, 73, 75-79)
Aikman 6 (1991-1995, 1998)
Romo 6 (2006-09, 2011-12)
White 5 (1980-83, 85)

Top 5 Seasons in Passer Rating
Staubach 5 (1971, 73, 77-79)
Aikman 4 (1992-95)
Romo 3 (2006-07, 2011)
White 2 (1981-82)

Average Rank in 5 Best Seasons
Staubach 1st
Aikman 4th
Romo 6th
White 7th

Some may disagree with Staubach's assessment that the Cowboys can win a championship with Romo, but I think we can all agree that this particular Cowboys team has been "lucky" to have a QB of Romo's caliber.

Average Rank of Defense When QB (points allowed):
Aikman's Defenses: 3rd
Staubach's Defenses: 6th
White's Defenses: 11th
Romo's Defenses: 14th

Average Rank in Rushing
Staubach's Backs: 3rd
Aikman's Backs: 4th
White's Backs: 8th
Romo's Backs: 15th

Offensive Line Combined All-Pro Selections
(Associated Press All-NFL 1st or 2nd Team)

Aikman's Lines: 9
Staubach's Lines: 7
White's Lines: 3
Romo's Lines: 1

All rankings are for the 5 best seasons.
percyhoward;5102990 said:
Staubach's numbers, along with the players he mentioned:

Top 10 Seasons in Passer Rating
Staubach 7 (1971, 73, 75-79)
Aikman 6 (1991-1995, 1998)
Romo 6 (2006-09, 2011-12)
White 5 (1980-83, 85)

Top 5 Seasons in Passer Rating
Staubach 5 (1971, 73, 77-79)
Aikman 4 (1992-95)
Romo 3 (2006-07, 2011)
White 2 (1981-82)

Average Rank in 5 Best Seasons
Staubach 1st
Aikman 4th
Romo 6th
White 7th

Some may disagree with Staubach's assessment that the Cowboys can win a championship with Romo, but I think we can all agree that this particular Cowboys team has been "lucky" to have a QB of Romo's caliber.

Average Rank of Defense When QB (points allowed):
Aikman's Defenses: 3rd
Staubach's Defenses: 6th
White's Defenses: 11th
Romo's Defenses: 14th

Average Rank in Rushing
Staubach's Backs: 3rd
Aikman's Backs: 4th
White's Backs: 8th
Romo's Backs: 15th

Offensive Line Combined All-Pro Selections
(Associated Press All-NFL 1st or 2nd Team)

Aikman's Lines: 9
Staubach's Lines: 7
White's Lines: 3
Romo's Lines: 1

I think that shows what I keep talking about. Roger and Troy are both outstanding but you look at the overall talent on the teams they played on both sides of the ball and that is the reason for our franchise success. Of course the QB plays a big role in this but having great players around them, guys who stepped up in big game and made big plays is what made those teams great. Emmitt getting the ball 11 out of 12 plays with a separated shoulder vs the NY Giants was special and while Troy is great all Troy had to do is hand the ball off to 22 and let him do the job.

QB is important, winning championship you better have a lot more than just a QB or you will not get there period
percyhoward;5102990 said:
Staubach's numbers, along with the players he mentioned:

Top 10 Seasons in Passer Rating
Staubach 7 (1971, 73, 75-79)
Aikman 6 (1991-1995, 1998)
Romo 6 (2006-09, 2011-12)
White 5 (1980-83, 85)

Top 5 Seasons in Passer Rating
Staubach 5 (1971, 73, 77-79)
Aikman 4 (1992-95)
Romo 3 (2006-07, 2011)
White 2 (1981-82)

Average Rank in 5 Best Seasons
Staubach 1st
Aikman 4th
Romo 6th
White 7th

Some may disagree with Staubach's assessment that the Cowboys can win a championship with Romo, but I think we can all agree that this particular Cowboys team has been "lucky" to have a QB of Romo's caliber.

Average Rank of Defense When QB (points allowed):
Aikman's Defenses: 3rd
Staubach's Defenses: 6th
White's Defenses: 11th
Romo's Defenses: 14th

Average Rank in Rushing
Staubach's Backs: 3rd
Aikman's Backs: 4th
White's Backs: 8th
Romo's Backs: 15th

Offensive Line Combined All-Pro Selections
(Associated Press All-NFL 1st or 2nd Team)

Aikman's Lines: 9
Staubach's Lines: 7
White's Lines: 3
Romo's Lines: 1

All rankings are for the 5 best seasons.

Great, great post, percy.
erod;5102439 said:
Roger knows it, Troy knows it, Jimmy knows it, Emmitt knows it, even opposing players like Charles Woodson and multiple others know it.......

Yet half our idiot fan base can't seem to understand basic football enough to realize it.

Romo is not the problem. He's the only reason this 3-13 team keeps winning eight games a year.

This year's roster looks far more promising, and he'll get them in the playoffs.

It's frankly very obvious.

Dude, whatever God they worship (or for atheists, insert Christopher Walken) could come down from on high and proclaim Romo elite and the haters are still gonna hate!


Honestly I was back and forth for a while, but after reading many posts from the lovers and haters, count me in as a lover because I think we are very lucky to have a QB that is as talented as he is.
burmafrd;5102952 said:
so you think you know more about NFL QBs than Roger as well?

Of course not. Now, if Romo doesn't win a championship, does that make him a championship QB? Answer me one more. If Romo doesn't win a championship and therefore shouldn't be called a championship QB, does that mean that I know more about NFL QBs than Roger? A million HOF QBs can tell me Romo is a championship QB and it still won't magically erase all of the "unchampionship" like plays I have witnessed. Words mean nothing to me when it comes to Romo at this point....even coming from one of my top three Cowboys of all time. :)
popp1234;5102996 said:
Of course not. Now, if Romo doesn't win a championship, does that make him a championship QB? Answer me one more. If Romo doesn't win a championship and therefore shouldn't be called a championship QB, does that mean that I know more about NFL QBs than Roger? This has nothing to do with me knowing more about anything than Roger. A million HOF QBs can tell me Romo is a championship QB and it still won't magically erase all of the "unchampionship" like plays I have witnessed. Words mean nothing to me when it comes to Romo at this point....even coming from one of my top three Cowboys of all time. :)

No player is a championship anything if they don't have a ring not just the QB.
However bing a great player does not actually change. Barry Sanders never got a ring is he a great RB or not? Moon is in the HOF as if Marino and Fouts none have rings but where the great QB? Meantime there are some QB like Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Joe Theisman, Doug Williams and a host of others who do have rings and you can call them championship QB but no one confuses them as great
Gameover;5102450 said:
Stone Cold hit it on the head in his podcast a couple of weeks back.

I don't think Tony has the composure to execute in high pressure situations.

Assemble the greatest supporting cast ever, I don't see Romo getting the job done.

You mean the way he handled the bad snap OVER HIS HEAD in the Rams game and single handedly turned that into a first down?? WOW no composure in high pressure situations? I thought I had heard everything...........
djmajestik;5103001 said:
You mean the way he handled the bad snap OVER HIS HEAD in the Rams game and single handedly turned that into a first down?? WOW no composure in high pressure situations? I thought I had heard everything...........

Funny thing is Stone Cold Steve Austin is an entertainer in a fake sport as if he knows about pressure?
Since being a member here I have noticed and participated in the Romo debates. One thing I have noticed is there are some die hards on both sides of the aisles. I do however see the ones who praise him eventually switch over to the other side once they see his faults and have had enough of them. They don't bash him usually, just start admitting that he certainly plays a part in our teams issues. I rarely ever see a Romo "hater" switch over to praising him. Although, I did see it once with TWODEEP3. I dunno if his account got hacked or what but I have seen him flip flop back and fourth. Currently he is in Romo hater mode.
Doomsday101;5102999 said:
No player is a championship anything if they don't have a ring not just the QB.
However bing a great player does not actually change. Barry Sanders never got a ring is he a great RB or not? Moon is in the HOF as if Marino and Fouts none have rings but where the great QB? Meantime there are some QB like Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Joe Theisman, Doug Williams and a host of others who do have rings and you can call them championship QB but no one confuses them as great

I agree with all of your points.
Hostile;5102977 said:
I just don't see how aversion can be claimed on a subject that regularly causes huge threads with people on both sides giving their opinions. Where is the avoidance that would indicate aversion. He can't stand being disagreed with, so he creates magnificent scenarios to fuel his anger at others. He'll never move past ill will by clinging to it with a death grip.

He thinks calling me consistent is an insult. Where I come from inconsistency (the opposite of consistency) is actually the insult. It means flip flopping, not having your opinions grounded in fact and switching sides when proven wrong, in other words, instability.

He just gave me a compliment as far as I am concerned. I don't care about the rancor with which he spoke it. I am proudly consistent. I actually stand for the things I profess to care about.

There is no aversion to discussing Tony Romo. Not here, not on other sites, not on TV. Everyone has an opinion and they are freely given. That is indisputable.

I happen to agree with Roger Staubach on everything he has been quoted as saying in this thread. About other QBs as well as about Tony. I see a huge difference in between "championship QB" and "I like him. I see good things in him."

I like Kyle Orton. I see good things in him. I wanted him here when he first hit FA and we claimed him but lost him to KC. I don't think I just called him a "championship QB." If others need to make that leap, that's for their conscience to determine. Mine is clear...consistently.

This struck me as funny, so when proven wrong you won't switch sides? I thought Dwayne Jarrett would be a great wr for years to come, so I guess I should stick to that now even after being proven wrong.
djmajestik;5102993 said:
Dude, whatever God they worship (or for atheists, insert Christopher Walken) could come down from on high and proclaim Romo elite and the haters are still gonna hate!


Honestly I was back and forth for a while, but after reading many posts from the lovers and haters, count me in as a lover because I think we are very lucky to have a QB that is as talented as he is.

I also think that we are lucky to have a top 10 player at the most important position in sports. The problem is that some people think that he's trash and others think that he should be mentioned in the same breath as Aikman and Staubach, I think that he ranks below them and Danny White and that's nothing to be ashamed of.
Doomsday101;5102693 said:
QB's normally are the highest paid and yes they will take the heat for success or failure but the reality of this game as important as QB is it is also a position that relies a lot on others for his own success.

Romo can make changes maybe that is why Dallas ranked 6th overall on offense. As for what it would take for him to get a better OL or a defense who can create turnovers is him talking to Jerry? :lmao2: I'm sorry but being the highest paid employee does not mean he can walk into the owner or GM office and say this is what I want.

You want to believe that Romo is like the #2 guy in charge of this francise be my guest but that is beyond funny. Now he has to take on the responsiblity of running the franchise. he is now co head coach, co GM and Co owner?

Man talk about putting a load on 1 man, he is paid very well he is not paid that damn well.

Man, talk about breaking your back to make sure the one guy who should carry the load is not forced to.

He's the QB in Dallas. This is the way it has always been. Like it or not, that's how it is. Ii is part of the job and it always has been. So yeah, he is paid well enough and it is his job.

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