DMN: Roger Staubach: Cowboys are 'lucky' to have a 'championship' QB like Tony Romo

Doomsday101;5102494 said:
No one knows how Brady would do in Dallas. Heck Cassle with 10-5 in NE because he is a great QB? or maybe because NE has good solid talent and are very well disciplined team? I think Brady is great but he gets protection and his team does not do things to beat themselves on offense, defense or special teams they are fundamentally sound.

I agree with your assessment of NE. However, it's hard for me to believe that Brady would be 4-12 with the receivers we have. Heck, Brady is throwing to nobody and they score points. I think he would be significantly better then 4-12 with our talent. Would he win a championship? I don't know about that but I do believe that we would be in the playoffs.
Doomsday101;5102495 said:
I don't know that. Romo does nto get near the help I see guys like Brady, Brees or Rodgers is getting.

I think Romo can have as much success as any QB but it is going to take others on this team for this team achivement to take place and it is a team achivement. Brady, Rodgers and Brees are not doing anything on their own.

I don't see Brady, Brees or Rodgers getting all that much more help then does Romo. I see us turning over the ball a lot more. I see us putting ourselves in bad down and distance situations a lot more. I basically see us playing unsound fundamental football more then some of these other teams in certain situations. What I see are players stepping up their games in situations to meet a challenge. What I don't see are players doing the same in Dallas. Is that because of the players or is that because of the QB?

I watched a replay of the Ice Bowl the other day and it struck me how Green Bay, on that last offensive drive, was able to move the ball when the whole second half, they had pretty much done nothing at all. On that last drive, they were laser sharp in their execution and just stepped up, especially Bart Starr. Is that players or is that a QB making players play above themselves?

Everybody sees it different.
ABQCOWBOY;5102502 said:
I don't see Brady, Brees or Rodgers getting all that much more help then does Romo. t.
May wish to re-think that one...

* Brees and Brady have two of the best olines in the NFL.
* Brees and Rodgers have much better OCs.
* NE had a better defense and run game last year.
* We know all three teams have better HCs.
* When Rodgers and Brees won their only Super Bowls, their defense led the league in turnovers.

BTW, I am NOT one to say Romo is a top 5 QB, but come on, the situation at all three of those places has been much better for a QB.
Chocolate Lab;5102496 said:
I'm a Tony fan, too, but Roger said good things about Quincy.
Did he? Because I can't find a thing linked to a quote from him re: QC.
ABQCOWBOY;5102500 said:
I agree with your assessment of NE. However, it's hard for me to believe that Brady would be 4-12 with the receivers we have. Heck, Brady is throwing to nobody and they score points. I think he would be significantly better then 4-12 with our talent. Would he win a championship? I don't know about that but I do believe that we would be in the playoffs.
I think this is one of those things that people will ha e to agree to disagree and just leave it at that. I think if you're of the train of thought that Brady would rake this to the team last year, you are looking back at what Brady has done in the past and using that as evidence, his championship winning teams, and how he performed, puttting up "elite" numbers to propel his team to a championship. those who say Brady would struggle on this team, aren't just looking at the championships that the team has one in the past, but a matter of how they won it in the past, along with other qb successes with the same team and then their lack of success else where. yes, Brady won with lesser talent at the skill positions, but he also won with far superior talent on the offesive line, which is what a qb like Brady needs to be successful, and it is that that makes up for the lack of talent at the skill positions. also, if I remember correctly I do believe the pats at that time had a very good defense that contributed when needed. now, I do think people understand that Brady is a better pocket passer, but he severely lacks in the mobility department and struggles mightily when he is being rushed at. I've seen this guy flub it up something horrible when he gets a pass rush in his face, same with Peyton manning(although most qb struggle in this department). Romo is a lesser talent in the pocket but presents a different skillset inside and outside the pocket and one I think is necessary to be successful at that position with the talent they trot out and the scheme that they run. with that being said, I don't think Romo is as good a pocket passer as the two, but I do think he is well versed and def above average with that skill...its has other intangibles which puts him in a conversation(not class) as the other two.

so both point of views make a point, but one point of view says hey this guy can do this here because in the past he has developed a hof career out of plating the position". the other position says, "this guy has developed a hof career, but let's take a look at why and how" And it shows that both have benefited greatly from stellar line, but most their nstrugglescame when those lines broke down. they are faced with far less adversity when dealing with the position And just like Romo if given the proper talent at the right positions along with solid coaching and decision making(Rodgers) he can flourish as they did. both positions are correct but when I think deals with the question of why moreso than the other.

I apologize with the typing, I'm on my phone it capitalizes when it wants to, AMD throws our random periods. also, I did not proof read this as my phone makes ot hard to go back and do that. grammar police please spare my life!
I'm utterly shocked that it takes more then 1 person to win a championship.... ;)
Gameover;5102450 said:
Stone Cold hit it on the head in his podcast a couple of weeks back.

I don't think Tony has the composure to execute in high pressure situations.

Assemble the greatest supporting cast ever, I don't see Romo getting the job done.

Wait, did you just side with a Stone Cold Steve Austin comment on football over something said by Hall Of Fame QB Roger The Dodger Staubach? This explains so very much.
da_whiz_kid;5102512 said:
I think this is one of those things that people will ha e to agree to disagree and just leave it at that. I think if you're of the train of thought that Brady would rake this to the team last year, you are looking back at what Brady has done in the past and using that as evidence, his championship winning teams, and how he performed, puttting up "elite" numbers to propel his team to a championship. those who say Brady would struggle on this team, aren't just looking at the championships that the team has one in the past, but a matter of how they won it in the past, along with other qb successes with the same team and then their lack of success else where. yes, Brady won with lesser talent at the skill positions, but he also won with far superior talent on the offesive line, which is what a qb like Brady needs to be successful, and it is that that makes up for the lack of talent at the skill positions. also, if I remember correctly I do believe the pats at that time had a very good defense that contributed when needed. now, I do think people understand that Brady is a better pocket passer, but he severely lacks in the mobility department and struggles mightily when he is being rushed at. I've seen this guy flub it up something horrible when he gets a pass rush in his face, same with Peyton manning(although most qb struggle in this department). Romo is a lesser talent in the pocket but presents a different skillset inside and outside the pocket and one I think is necessary to be successful at that position with the talent they trot out and the scheme that they run. with that being said, I don't think Romo is as good a pocket passer as the two, but I do think he is well versed and def above average with that skill...its has other intangibles which puts him in a conversation(not class) as the other two.

so both point of views make a point, but one point of view says hey this guy can do this here because in the past he has developed a hof career out of plating the position". the other position says, "this guy has developed a hof career, but let's take a look at why and how" And it shows that both have benefited greatly from stellar line, but most their nstrugglescame when those lines broke down. they are faced with far less adversity when dealing with the position And just like Romo if given the proper talent at the right positions along with solid coaching and decision making(Rodgers) he can flourish as they did. both positions are correct but when I think deals with the question of why moreso than the other.

I apologize with the typing, I'm on my phone it capitalizes when it wants to, AMD throws our random periods. also, I did not proof read this as my phone makes ot hard to go back and do that. grammar police please spare my life!

If we could just agree to disagree, we would not have the same thread every week.

It's sounds great but it will never happen.
JIMMYBUFFETT;5102514 said:
Wait, did you just side with a Stone Cold Steve Austin comment on football over something said by Hall Of Fame QB Roger The Dodger Staubach? This explains so very much.

Does, doesn't it?
This same opinion has been expressed by Roger when asked by the media for several years now and no problem w/ it either, FWIW. But at some point, it just begins to ring a bit hollow.

Again, FWIW, I sit at that stadium or in front of the TV and pull hard for Tony to succeed 17+ weeks every year. Not a bit of ill-will towards him in anyway.

I just fear time's running out at a much quicker rate than some want to admit, and his career is going to end w/o ever achieving much more than gaudy stats and the ol' "what might have been" ending to the story.

And he is not totally to blame for, nor totally blameless of, if that becomes the case.
Chocolate Lab;5102520 said:
Lawd, you should've waited and posted that as a Throwback Thursday thread. :laugh2:

I stand corrected. Not exactly a ringing endorsement, but yes, he did speak well of him, sorta.

Based on what was posted in the thread..

Roger Staubach:"It will be a interesting to see how the battle emerges. It's a little bit like Craig Morton and myself. Personally, I see good things in Quincy Carter, so I am (or ahh) kinda pulling for him
I think the QB position has changed alot since Staubach played. He has some insight into the position but honestly after so many year removed from the NFL, his perspective is probably closer to a fans. He is a business man so he knows not to say negative stuff to the media.

That said, i think Romo could be a Championship QB if he played on a different team with a different owner.
ABQCOWBOY;5102523 said:
If we could just agree to disagree, we would not have the same thread every week.

It's sounds great but it will never happen.

hey man, I'm right there with you, which is why I usually do not participate in this. but had a day off and came to the ring of circles.

just because its what's happening does not mean we have to subscribe to that train of thought. but yea I get what your dating bbq.

as long as we all root for this team, its all good.
Gameover;5102450 said:
Stone Cold hit it on the head in his podcast a couple of weeks back.

I don't think Tony has the composure to execute in high pressure situations.

Assemble the greatest supporting cast ever, I don't see Romo getting the job done.

Being the Dallas Cowboy QB on opening day, or any day, is a high pressure situation so there goes that hater theory.
ABQCOWBOY;5102500 said:
I agree with your assessment of NE. However, it's hard for me to believe that Brady would be 4-12 with the receivers we have. Heck, Brady is throwing to nobody and they score points. I think he would be significantly better then 4-12 with our talent. Would he win a championship? I don't know about that but I do believe that we would be in the playoffs.

Not when he's running for his life like Romo does on just about every passing play. Brady, an imobile QB, wouldn't last the season.
AmberBeer;5102529 said:
Roger Staubach is. I think he knows a little bit about the position.

#12 on Henson, Hutchinson and QC -
Staubach said it's a mistake to consider Henson another Hutchinson.
"They're entirely different people," Staubach said. "It's just a coincidence that they both played baseball, are both quarterbacks and signed with Dallas. They have entirely different personalities and talents."
Staubach's advice to Henson is to keep working hard. His advice to the Cowboys is to bring Henson along slowly.
"Sitting out as much as he has, I think it would be a mistake to throw him in this year," Staubach said. "He needs some time to get into the groove."
Staubach also believes Dallas can wait because he has faith in the incumbent, Quincy Carter.
"I wouldn't give up on Quincy," Staubach said. "He's shown some skills, he's improving. Speaking as a fan, I want him to do well."

NAILED IT there Rog! Some of the best "scrambling" around the issue you've done in your career. :p: