Believe or not Romo also has a quick release and there are articals on this. Romo is getting a lot of pressure up the middle and off the edge Brady does not. Hell Pitt and Balt complained they get flagged when they get close to Brady, Romo gets the crap kicked out of him no flag no roughing calls yet broken ribs, collar bone and a host of other big hits.
We sure as hell do not get the turnovers putting the ball back into the hands of the offense like NE does and again we have a 31st ranked rushing and 27 in rushing TD while Brady team is 1st in rushing TD those factors make a differance. I know people will say running has no bearing on winning? BS it does and most of the playoff teams from lat year should prove it since the majority of them had good running games and ranked in the top 11.
As important as passing is running still plays a part if it didn't teams would not run as often as they do.
Dallas is not giving Romo protection that is fact anyone watching knows it, we can't run anyone watching should no this, we can't run when we are in the redzone it falls to Romo, Brady is not being forced to do it not when his team leads the damn NFL in that area.
Hell getting the snap in romo hand out of the shot gun has been a crap shoot at times.
Sorry I think it is BS how Dallas fans have treated Romo I'm sick of it, I don't think people have a clue as to what is put on Romo and that is why Rodger, Danny and Troy have all commented on Romo and what Romo is dealing with.