DMN - Sources: Dallas Cowboys often tardy, undisciplined in '08

ConcordCowboy;2591402 said:
"According to five sources, several offensive players lost respect for Garrett for his failure to corral quarterback Tony Romo in practice. Romo, sources said, often forced throws in practice and often did not treat practice work consistently.

The quarterback's practice habits were so bad, sources said, that they affected the way he played in games and could have factored into the offense's problems."

Out of all of the things in that article that are screwed up the Romo part is the one that gets to me the most.

Just think for a second.

Could you imagine this being said of Staubach or Aikman?

Never in a million years.

Romo is no leader, he's actually one of the problems. You'd think that him being an undrafted FA to where he is now he'd want to be one of the hardest workers out there. But unfortunately he went Hollywood on us.

This team is so screwed up and as long as Jerry pacifies them and installs soft HC's with no real power it'll just continue.

It almost makes you wonder why we care so much when they obviously don't.
ScipioCowboy;2591133 said:
This, more than anything else, is indicative of the team's most profound problem.

Precisely. Starts at the top.
FuzzyLumpkins;2591211 said:
45% of all statistics are made up.

Fuzzy is right 94.3% of the time.

Hostile loves 48.22% of all kickers.

Theo is wrong 2.8% of the time.

the 30 yard slant is used by 44% of the offenses in the NFL.

Bach;2591416 said:
Romo is no leader, he's actually one of the problems. You'd think that him being an undrafted FA to where he is now he'd want to be one of the hardest workers out there. But unfortunately he went Hollywood on us.

This team is so screwed up and as long as Jerry pacifies them and installs soft HC's with no real power it'll just continue.

It almost makes you wonder why we care so much when they obviously don't.
I still hold out hope for him that if he gets the right direction he'll turn it around. But that window is slowly but surely closing.
wileedog;2591246 said:
Yeah, but the team charter leaving an hour late for Philly? I mean a win and in game and guys are showing up when they damn well please?

That's ******** way to the other end of the spectrum.

And is no wonder why they looked the way they did on the field.
dallasfaniac;2591263 said:
All I know is, if those sources are players, I would find out who and send them packing. If they feel it is their duty to spred the discord with the media instead of speaking up to the team and coaches, they are worse than Owens could ever be. He may be a pain in your arse, but he comes out in the open with it.

How do you know they haven't? And if they see the owner is okay with letting things slide, where do you go from there? Quit?
"According to five sources, several offensive players lost respect for Garrett for his failure to corral quarterback Tony Romo in practice. Romo, sources said, often forced throws in practice and often did not treat practice work consistently.

The quarterback's practice habits were so bad, sources said, that they affected the way he played in games and could have factored into the offense's problems."

Probably the most disturbing part of the whole article.
dmq;2591439 said:
Probably the most disturbing part of the whole article.

Yeah it is. He's supposed to be a leader and hes pretty much taking practice like its meaningless.

And for Garrett who is supposed to be the guy for the future, if this is true hes no better than Cup Cake himself.
Best article I've read on the Cowboys in weeks. It's a masterpiece of dark comedy.

If this article is to be believed then Romo's got a lousy work ethic; Jerry's an idiot; the team has multiple fractures affecting its performance; there is no discipline; there is lots of backbiting; the inmates are running the asylum on even days, the warden's running it on odd days but the warden's insane; and every one and his mother are dishing; and, just to keep us all on our ledges, big changes are coming.

Did I miss anything?
fanfromvirginia;2591448 said:
Best article I've read on the Cowboys in weeks. It's a masterpiece of dark comedy.

If this article is to be believed then Romo's got a lousy work ethic; Jerry's an idiot; the team has multiple fractures affecting its performance; there is no discipline; there is lots of backbiting; the inmates are running the asylum on even days, the warden's running it on odd days but the warden's insane; and every one and his mother are dishing; and, just to keep us all on our ledges, big changes are coming.

Did I miss anything?

That's pretty much JerryWorld in a nutshell. But hey, as long as we take chances on big name players most other teams wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole then all is well and he's trying his best.
InmanRoshi;2591305 said:
It's like I've traveled back in time to the Barry Switzer years.

Buckle up folks, this has the potential to get bad net year. I'm talking 6-10 bad (if not worse). This has 1997 written all over it.
yep, this team hasn't bottomed out yet. Only going to get worse. A dysfunctional mess that begins and ends with the enabling, meddlesome owner.
Double Trouble;2591420 said:
I still hold out hope for him that if he gets the right direction he'll turn it around. But that window is slowly but surely closing.

It would take the right coaches to come in here and work with him. But with Jerry proclaiming "the coaches are in place!", I just don't see it happening.

Parcells warned about not becoming a glamour QB, but that is exactly what he did.
EveryoneElse;2591119 said:
The media knows entirely too much about the Dallas Cowboys.
A low profile in Dallas can only be dicussed in terms of tires.

That was funny.

parcells316;2591459 said:
yep, this team hasn't bottomed out yet. Only going to get worse. A dysfunctional mess that begins and ends with the enabling, meddlesome owner.

We are literally on the fence here... a the fine line between.

As long as Jerry is running things we will fall off the fence to the wrong side... we will be on the wrong side of the line.
adbutcher;2591411 said:

I just posted this in another thread before I came into this one and man I didn't miss the mark by much.

But ad... How can the coach do that when the owner won't even go along with his fine structure? The coach can't fine the player personally -- the team does. Which comes down to the owner/GM.

That's why people who say "Get Shanny, he wouldn't put up with this crap!!!!" are wrong. Yes, he would, if the owner undercut him.

Anyway... Let's put two and two together. Who thinks the plane was held an hour for Tra Battle or Pat McQuistan?

Me neither.
According to five sources, several offensive players lost respect for Garrett for his failure to corral quarterback Tony Romo in practice. Romo, sources said, often forced throws in practice and often did not treat practice work consistently.

The quarterback's practice habits were so bad, sources said, that they affected the way he played in games and could have factored into the offense's problems.

That is something i really didn't want to hear. Romo having bad practice habits. This is not good from our "franchise" QB.
Chocolate Lab;2591467 said:
Anyway... Let's put two and two together. Who thinks the plane was held an hour for Tra Battle or Pat McQuistan?

Me neither.

What's your guess? TO or Tony?
If anyone hasn't read "Boys Will Be Boys" yet, you should. It's depressing, but the same crap that is going on now went on back then. From Jerry's incompetency, to him undermining the HC, to certain players running the asylum and Barry doing nothing about it, to Barry and Jerry partaking in the same crap the players were.

What is sickening is how it almost cost us our one final SB and led to our demise. What's worse is that it happened nearly 15 years ago and the same crap is still going on.

It all starts at the top and the fool in charge is still a fool.
Correct me if I am wrong. But I seem to remember back in the days of Jimmy Johnson that Michael Irvin was late to the team plane once. Jimmy's response was to leave without him. Irvin then had to catch a flight to the game on his own. Never heard of that issue coming up again under Jimmy. I want to say that it was a Detroit or Atlanta game.

If it's true that the team charter was held up 5 times out of the 8 away games then that tells me the inmates are running the nut house. It's time for Wade to go. I don't care how tough he acts next year he will never get the respect of the players back after letting them run rampant for 2 years. This team has no shot as long as Wade is the HC.

I don't care who they hire. Just make it someone that will get in the players faces and hold them accountable for their actions.

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