DMN - Sources: Dallas Cowboys often tardy, undisciplined in '08

Alexander;2591360 said:
And why were they giving interviews? I am just guessing here, but I doubt that they were all part of NFL-mandated press interaction. I am sure there were some cases like that, but it was probably a small percentage.

If Jones does not get his arms around this, it won't matter if he hired ten Mike Shanahans. The players need to be controlled. The message has to come from him since no matter who is called the head coach, the players will always know he is the one in charge.

Probably to the Dallas media for the post game presser, not mandatory. To me that is not really the big issue, it is the other problematics.

Jones will be who he is, not gonna change. Mike S. would be a much better pick regardless, in an optimal world the message would come from Jerry but we all know how that goes.

Nevertheless, a real head coach who is well respected would certainly make a better pick given the Cowboy's current issues and corresponding roster.

Jones believes he tried that with Bill P and you can tell he feels like he did not receive the kind of results as such. Lets all hope this mentality does not continue or much more of the same and worse will ensue.
What did we expect from Romo?

I had high hopes for him like most of us here but the man questioned his love for the game.

He then went on the say that being off from injury made him realize his love again and had a new outlook.

As we can see......something was wrong. When your QB....your supposed leader is having these issues....then you know this team has way more problems then TO attitude.

Romo got paid and now is tanking it.....never would of thought it....but its happening....

Romo may not be any better then Scott Mitchell.... :( and that makes me really disappointed.

We can blame coaches...but at some point....Players need to be accountable......Romo has to step up
Yoshimitsu;2591476 said:
That is something i really didn't want to hear. Romo having bad practice habits. This is not good from our "franchise" QB.
Yep. That and the tidbit about Wade's efforts to add discipline being shot down by Jerry are the two truly depressing bits.
FuzzyLumpkins;2591296 said:
You don't know anything about me either. I don't care what your lifestyle is so spare me

Actually your entire stance is funny actually. My point is that people that always try and evaluate others maturity are typically the ones that are concerned about their maturity or more specifically there place in the hierarchy of things.

The beauty at the end of the day is that America is a meritocracy and all of your dogma about maturity is meaningless.

As for making and keeping appointments, I realize that you have to play the game. Thats all it is though playing the game.

Like i said a meaningful conversation with you is pointless. When did I ever say that making people wait on you is cool? When did I blame anyone? What i am saying is that people's need to put a specific time to everything and every event is the issue.

And again its entirely realistic. There was a time period without clocks. You may have heard of it. It only lasted for about 99.9% of human history. Are you suggesting that the Roman legions under Caesar were undisciplined? Oh wait it was impossible for people like Galileo, Copernicus, Socrates, Herodotus, or anyone else worth a damn previous to your precious timepiece to accomplish great things.

See thats the thing. I understand you have to play along with social conventions. I do it 5 days a week and sometimes on the weekend. OTOH I am savvy enough to understand that they are not the only way that works. Its one thing that is I get older that i find very important: not to become to pigeonholed within the familiar.

So you stay in your own little world thinking its the only way and I'll just disagree.

you know you really are off the reservation on this not trying to attack you with maturity ....i was trying to make points as to why being on time to meetings with others is important after you said it was over rated and your taking it as some sort of attack on your immaturity.....thats not the case and im not grandstanding thinking im above anybody....
so when you make a comment about something being over rated and a person gives examples as to why it is not over rated dont take it as a personal attack on you and your hat.......
bbgun;2591252 said:
That's what Jimmy did when Michael Irvin was late for that flight to Detroit. No exceptions.

Would Jimmy do it in a must win, basically playoff game, though? It's one thing to leave him there when you're 7-1, or something like that, and about to head to Detroit to play a team that has loads less talent than you. It's a completely different deal in a win an in situation. You don't know that he'd have done that in that situation, and I don't know that he wouldn't have. That's complete speculation given that the two games are completely different in importance.

dcfanatic;2591257 said:
I feel bad for some fans. It's like they chose a side when the season ended and they just won't admit defeat and join the side that can see clearly.

We have never heard about T.O. being late for meetings on a bunch of occasions. We have never heard specifics about the teams charter being late to take off for five away games. We have never heard that the fines were reduced to an amount that means nothing to these players.

We definitely didn't hear about Terrell Owens being late for a meeting during the prep week for the Eagles game in Philly.

So it would seem T.O. was harping about there being spies and rats and in reality he was lucky that these spies and rats didn't do a better job of outing him. That Werder article had some quote about him doing whatever he wanted and from this info it would seem that this is the truth.

But more importantly. Most of us aren't surprised at all by this article.

We are more surprised that there are still fans in denial about what this team really is these days.

And that there are fans still saying the media is making stuff up or that they are out to get us.

Those fans are spending their time trying to give this team excuses which is the exact reason this team sucked this season.

We all love the Cowboys. Let's all say it together. We all love the Dallas Cowboys.

It's not ok that they are what they are though.

And I hope Jerry Jones realizes this before it's too late. If it isn't already because I for one didn't enjoy the 5-11 season too much.

And to the fans who still want to believe that nothing is amiss and that everything is going to be alright I give you this...


Articles like this make me wish the that man had stayed one more year to see if he could gotten us over the hump.

At least when he was here we had some respect from the rest of the league.

That loss in Seattle was brutal because of the way it ended on a fluke play.

But it wasn't as brutal as watching the Giants loss where we were more than just favorites to win the game.

And it wasn't as brutal as watching this team slowly unravel into whatever this is nowadays where we can't even make the playoffs.

This flag outside Valley Ranch should look like this...


The Dallas Cowboys as an organization are clearly in distress whether you want to believe it or not.

I really miss the BP confrences with the media. Those were always fun.

Now for the article itself. I'm not sure what to think. I'm sure quite a lot of it's true. I have no doubt that the media isn't making up everything they can about stories just to make things up. Probably the vast majority of what he talks about in that article are some of the major issues this team has. I wouldn't come right out and say there is no chance, cause I have no idea. I'm not there to see or know any of this first hand.

The problem I have, and it ruins the credibility of piece entirely when this happens, is Calvin in one sentence claims that the sources declined to reveal the names of the tardy players and then in the VERY NEXT SENTENCE to start his next paragraph claims Owens was one of the guys frequently tardy. do you know that Calvin? You just said one sentence ago, that your sources wouldn't reveal any of the tardy players, yet now you're claiming Owens was frequently one?

That, unfortunately, drives right into the credibility of his piece because he makes himself look like he's making stuff up.

Was Owens late? Maybe, I don't know and according to Calvin he doesn't really know either, yet he names someone. Interesting.

I will say that I agree with Theo in his remark that the vast majority of this article is simply Calvin taking every negative thing that had already been reported and putting it all into one article but I, personally, hadn't read or heard about the massive tardiness or the planes leaving late cause people just didn't show up.

Those are both new stories to me. The Romo practice thing I'd read about and heard about already so that was just old hat. In fact Mickey and Rob were talking about that last week on Talking Cowboys. So that's nothing new.

I also like how he quotes Garrett as saying the exact same thing that was quoted before...only now he adds a "Let's leave it at that, ok." to the end of it.

Alright, well, which one of these quotes is credible? His, with that tacked onto the end, or the one printed before where that isn't there? Did someone just decide to leave that piece of the quote out initially (That seems highly unlikely) or did Calvin somehow invent a time machine, go back in time, and get the quote from Garrett again only with him adding more in this time?

Once more it's another issue, even if it's small to some, that calls into question his credibility. He can't blame those kinds of things anyone but himself, and his editor, for not thinking those kinds of things out more clearly.
JWitten;2591484 said:
This team has no shot as long as Wade is the HC.

I don't care who they hire. Just make it someone that will get in the players faces and hold them accountable for their actions.

The Owner/GM is the one who has to change. Until he either hires the appropriate type and divorces himself from many of the operations, this will repeat itself.

For all we are aware, this type of childishness is what drove Coach Parcells into quitting. Last year, since everyone was happy with the wins, it was tolerated.

I have seen too many people say that if we were winning, that this would not be an issue. To an extent, that is correct. It is not something that is caused by losing. The discipline or lack thereof has probably always been there and the losing is what made it bubble up to the surface. If you are winning, the problems would still be there, but they would be ignored.

Winning more does not make these issues meaningless. It just makes them less of a priority to enforce. That is the difference.

These are simple disciplinary concerns that a well-ordered team takes care of. Right now, the entire house is in disarray. The change has to come from Jerry Jones. Until that happens, nothing will change and the circus will stay in town.
When you talk source to source crap it puts it all on the same playing field as any other tabloid magazine. It depends on who wants to spin what story & away from whom.
Until sources start to be named nothing will change & all will still be discussing & speculating & have there own perceptions.
It's not to say that for every bit of tabloid material doesn't come a grain of truth but someone better start naming names & be that man. Everyone else drops all kinds of hints & try to protect there own. It needs to stop & chips fall where they may. Then rebuild,drop the EGO's & the hurt feelings. If you want it bad enough after that you will achieve all for the team. This has gone on long enough & really serves no purpose other then to keep perptuating the problem & not getting to the core.

fanfromvirginia;2591448 said:
Best article I've read on the Cowboys in weeks. It's a masterpiece of dark comedy.

If this article is to be believed then Romo's got a lousy work ethic; Jerry's an idiot; the team has multiple fractures affecting its performance; there is no discipline; there is lots of backbiting; the inmates are running the asylum on even days, the warden's running it on odd days but the warden's insane; and every one and his mother are dishing; and, just to keep us all on our ledges, big changes are coming.

Did I miss anything?

I missed the part of big changes coming.
I think the more crap that unfolds the more and more likely that Wade is not the HC in the next 3-4 weeks and Shanahan is hired. I could be very wrong but I just don't see how Jerry can think this is going to work with Wade as the HC unless he really views himself as the problem. Or that 1 or 2 players are the problem and he can get rid of them.
There needs to be a mass apology thread to Ed Werder for everyone who called him a "hack".
dmq;2591526 said:
I missed the part of big changes coming.
You're correct. I just went back and reread it and, nope, there's nothing in there about coming changes.

So, yeah, let's clear those ledges off -- it's time to jump.
JJT was on with laufenberg the sunday after the loss to philly. Himself and Todd Archer said that the meeting on the 23rd before the philly game, everyone is in the room waiting for guess who.

Wade phillips as jjt said, announced that owens was late and that they would wait for him and according to archer and jjt they said it was over an hour, owens claimed he had traffic problems.

Pretty funny. I love reading how the ignorant owens people are spinning it.

Its too funny.

The guy is a disaster and so is the head coach and they both have no business being part of this organization still.
Alexander;2591141 said:

This ridiculous sketical behavior reeks of denial.

It should not take an article like this to make someone realize there are serious serious problems with this organization, starting with the environment created by ownership.

When Todd Archer confirmed what JJT said on with laufenberg about owens and all the problems behind the scenes. I knew it was real bad, worse than I thought.

Archer never writes stories about nonsense, he never has an angle to get personal attention, yet he was confirming all this stuff.

And laufenberg is a personal friend of the garrets, and he was just dying to let it out what really happens in that locker room but he obviously cant, but he did say in no uncertain terms owens can not be back under any circumstance and romo needs to get back on track or his career could spiral down very quickly.

I wish I had recorded that, but I took a couple weeks away from the zone and didnt bother!!!!

plus had I come on here and said archer and jjt said owens was over an hour late for a meeting to the most important game of the year and then wade made the team wait for him, I would have been bombarded with the usual schtick from the blind and the ignorant.
theogt;2591138 said:
Other than noting that players were late to meetings or takeoff, this article doesn't really add much, does it?

.... and noting that Jerry Jones directly subverts his coach's authority by not allowing him to raise fines.

... and noting that Tony Romo apparently has been giving less than 100% in practice.
Isn't it pretty clear it's coaches, not players, who are leaking most of this? Watkins comes out with this article while he's in Mobile following the coaching staff who are down there for the Senior Bowl. I find it very unlikely players know administrative details of how Jerry refused to allow Wade to hike the team penalties and fines. Entirely plausible that a frustrated coaching staff is turning to the court of public opinion to lobby for more power since Jerry won't let them have it.
InmanRoshi;2591568 said:
Isn't it pretty clear it's coaches, not players, who are leaking most of this? Watkins comes out with this article while he's in Mobile following the coaching staff who are down there for the Senior Bowl. I find it very unlikely players know administrative details of how Jerry refused to allow Wade to hike the team penalties and fines. Entirely plausible that a frustrated coaching staff is turning to the court of public opinion to lobby for more power since Jerry won't let them have it.


Which is the same reason I suspect Stephen Jones himself leaked that he wanted TO gone.

I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't being done to put pressure on Jerry. Maybe the coaches and/or front office know that Jerry won't listen and they're trying everything they can think of to persuade him.

What's sad is, Galloway has changed his mind from saying he thinks TO will be gone to that he'll be here next year. Why? Because now so many people are calling for it, he thinks that will only make Jerry more determined to NOT do it.

In the back of my mind, I'm afraid he's right. :(
EveryoneElse;2591311 said:
You know whats worse than all the stuff in the article being true?

It's that it's actually reported on. Garbage like this should be handled in house.

I don't care who the source is, player or coach, the person should be cut or fired, salary cap ramifications, relationships, or hurt feeling be damned, and if it's Jerry leaking this BS, it would be zero shock to me, he is an attention ***** and a hack GM, he should be ashamed if so.

I would agree, but I think the problems all stem from the top.

When the CEO of the company is creating the atmosphere that is destroying the company, its much harder for a player who is probably not one of the 'stars' to walk into his office and tell him he's being a moron.

I wouldn't be surprised (and perhaps I am just wishful thinking) if there are a group of players who feel like we do and are fed up, and just don't see any other avenue to take other than going to the media.
Alexander;2591339 said:
There is far too much misplaced anger here.

The true culprit is not Wade Phillips. He is "what he is". Everyone knows and has known for years that he is soft. It should not be a shock.

Jerry Jones hired him. Jerry Jones refused his request to up the fine amount. Jerry Jones is the one who should not be back with the team in 2009.

Prop this man.

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