DMN: Sporting News writer: Greg Hardy has rendered himself 'almost untouchable'

Hardy accused her of making false statements. Here's more evidence she was paid off.

I think she was paid a million or more judging by what she was doing afterwards.
Hardy could easily afford that.
Even if some of what she was saying is false, it would be hard to prove, so in todays world and nfl stance on DV then
the smart thing to do is pay her off and make it go away.

only thing is it didnt go away , the media just wouldnt let it go and the tv commentators wouldnt let it go.
This thread , is 22 pages lol and it isnt the first one. It just goes on and on, like he is the only nfl player ever
to get physical with a woman.

People say hardy is a thug, and maybe he is , but what does that say about this woman who was his GF ????
She was no angel for sure.
The people in the know about the details of the settlement are not talking and never have. The things you read about a "financial" settlement can be nothing but speculation for the very reason that no ones is allowed to speak about specifics. My speculation is as good as anyone's and of course you won't read about it because it is counter to what the media wants it's readers to believe.

Your speculation carries no weight you have no link to help give it a stance. People who have been victimized don't settle unless they've been paid off.
Again, no one in the know about the details of the settlement are talking. Your speculation of it's details are no better than anyone else's. Your speculation doesn't imply guilt either... it just the way the system works, right? It could be right but we will never know. See how I'm not so arrogant (as you) to insist it's my way or the highway. I still believe what I believe.

This will be my last post to you on it. It's not arrogance or rudeness or whatever you want to call it. It is a factual way in which these deals get done and how it happens in a majority of cases where there is a civil settlement where there is also a criminal one. See above again regarding Big Ben and OJ and all of the other times in history. Your story has no merit because its impossible with the facts and how the case went. My scenario is not the same because despite you making pleas to the contrary, civil and criminal courts work in this matter and its logical. She had many options. a) go back and testify a second time in the jury trial and hope she could put him in jail; b) testify a second time as in (a) and if she is successful or not...then sue him civilly for cash; c) don't testify and go away; d) civil settlement, which is what happened, and not testify. She chose to take the settlement and run. Big Ben's accuser did the same except she didn't want to testify to start and avoided criminal trial. I'm fine if you want to deny and hide in the dark but what I laid out above and here is what happens daily. She couldn't make a criminal deal because it's not hers to make at this point...she testifies or she hides. The DA has authority on whether to keep going after that. She could make a civil settlement however and control what happens. Nothing in the civil realm is supposed to affect the criminal trial. But sometimes the consequences happen. This was a girl who was working as a waitress in a club until August. By November she was in Vail, shopping in NY, etc. You make the call.
I think she was paid a million or more judging by what she was doing afterwards.
Hardy could easily afford that.
Even if some of what she was saying is false, it would be hard to prove, so in todays world and nfl stance on DV then
the smart thing to do is pay her off and make it go away.

only thing is it didnt go away , the media just wouldnt let it go and the tv commentators wouldnt let it go.
This thread , is 22 pages lol and it isnt the first one. It just goes on and on, like he is the only nfl player ever
to get physical with a woman.

People say hardy is a thug, and maybe he is , but what does that say about this woman who was his GF ????
She was no angel for sure.

It would have taken at least a million to shut her up. As for the girl she got seduced by his NFL status and money a lot of women fall for that. Can't really fault her for it. Some women like the tough bad boy image and when you add NFL status and money to the mix it lures them in.

For one she has Facebook photos when she was "missing" snowboarding in Vail, shopping in NY, etc. She went home for a few days.

It's not illegal and why would the DA make themselves look dumber by saying they couldn't find her.

You do know that Ben Roethlisberger's rape victim didn't press charges criminally because she thought Harrah's would cover for him. So she sued civilly and included Harrah's and they settled and there was no indication of what she got. This happens a lot.

There is a criminal case and a civil case. They are separate. Just like with OJ, Big Ben, etc. The civil case is for cash. She settled with Hardy for cash while the criminal one was ongoing and took the money and ran and made herself unavailable criminally. You can call her gold digger or whatever you want but the facts support a civil settlement that made the DAs case much harder when they couldn't get her on the stand a second time.

So if they couldn't find her, how did they know the details of the alleged settlement?

They got caught hiding exculpatory evidence and were going to be exposed and embarrassed in court. They came up with the settlement story as a plausible outcome to hide their incompetence. Holder was one of the worst witnesses from Day One. Her first attorney quit her case after their first meeting, the first time he had done that in 20 years.

Why is it impossible for you to believe that this mentally unstable woman is lying? She actually has a history of it unlike Hardy who had never been in trouble with the law a day in his life. His mother is a Police Officer and his father would tar his hide if he even as much as disrespected a girl.
Why is it impossible for you to believe that this mentally unstable woman is lying? She actually has a history of it unlike Hardy who had never been in trouble with the law a day in his life. His mother is a Police Officer and his father would tar his hide if he even as much as disrespected a girl.

And she attacked Hardy physically a few days before his incident, in public, until a police officer restrained her.
Your speculation carries no weight you have no link to help give it a stance. People who have been victimized don't settle unless they've been paid off.

It's my own speculation, wisenheimer. As important as I'd like to think of myself, the media is not in the habit of asking my thoughts so they can be published and linked to. But the speculation of a payoff carries no more weight than my own speculations just because you can link to them. The people that know the details are not making them known to the public.
And she attacked Hardy physically a few days before his incident, in public, until a police officer restrained her.

That is what he is talking about when he says it was his fault. He should have known better. Trying to be a wingman to his buddy and going back for a booty call were big mistakes. He wanted to focus solely on football and music but got sidetracked.

It wasn't a coincidence that after his family finally met her at the ProBowl, he dumped her. Meeting her in the parking garage for sex was stupid. She was unstable and he should have seen it coming. He has more than paid the price for his mistakes.
This will be my last post to you on it. It's not arrogance or rudeness or whatever you want to call it. It is a factual way in which these deals get done and how it happens in a majority of cases where there is a civil settlement where there is also a criminal one. See above again regarding Big Ben and OJ and all of the other times in history. Your story has no merit because its impossible with the facts and how the case went. My scenario is not the same because despite you making pleas to the contrary, civil and criminal courts work in this matter and its logical. She had many options. a) go back and testify a second time in the jury trial and hope she could put him in jail; b) testify a second time as in (a) and if she is successful or not...then sue him civilly for cash; c) don't testify and go away; d) civil settlement, which is what happened, and not testify. She chose to take the settlement and run. Big Ben's accuser did the same except she didn't want to testify to start and avoided criminal trial. I'm fine if you want to deny and hide in the dark but what I laid out above and here is what happens daily. She couldn't make a criminal deal because it's not hers to make at this point...she testifies or she hides. The DA has authority on whether to keep going after that. She could make a civil settlement however and control what happens. Nothing in the civil realm is supposed to affect the criminal trial. But sometimes the consequences happen. This was a girl who was working as a waitress in a club until August. By November she was in Vail, shopping in NY, etc. You make the call.
So she is a gold digger that got cut off... how is that a different story than what Greg Hardy has already said?
That is what he is talking about when he says it was his fault. He should have known better. Trying to be a wingman to his buddy and going back for a booty call were big mistakes. He wanted to focus solely on football and music but got sidetracked.

Agree, but he isn't the first guy to be with a psycho just because she was great in bed.

And by "not the first guy", I mean "absolutely every guy in North America who had the chance".
So if they couldn't find her, how did they know the details of the alleged settlement?

They got caught hiding exculpatory evidence and were going to be exposed and embarrassed in court. They came up with the settlement story as a plausible outcome to hide their incompetence. Holder was one of the worst witnesses from Day One. Her first attorney quit her case after their first meeting, the first time he had done that in 20 years.

Why is it impossible for you to believe that this mentally unstable woman is lying? She actually has a history of it unlike Hardy who had never been in trouble with the law a day in his life. His mother is a Police Officer and his father would tar his hide if he even as much as disrespected a girl.

What is the deal with the X-Files theories? Do you not think any of this would be mentioned in any source if true? Has no one ever read how this stuff works? They couldn't find her and her attorney refused to give her up and then the DA was told of a civil settlement by sources...which would probably be her attorney.

It's basic, she took money and ran. It happens all the time and has nothing to do with secret DA agendas.. I never once stated she was a good person or never lied. I said it is wrong to victim blame because they are on drugs/drinking, etc. Look at my example of Big Ben. His victim didn't want to go to court criminally and took money and hid. But her running with cash in this case doesn't make me believe Hardy was innocent. I think she had bruises from him and was hit. I also think she was bat crap crazy and had her own issues. To me there was a mix of fear and "I'll get drilled by competing testimony in trial" so she took the money and went away to continue her life. Whether she is a good or bad person or a liar or a druggie or a money grubber, she can still be a victim or abuse. As I've said all along they had a relationship where they allegedly fought often. They both are crazy and in my book that is trouble.

But let's not let your feelings on her or the criminal facts taint the reality of a civil settlement because this happens often. They settled and she disappeared. Simple. Prosecution was stuck without her on the stand and with statements that were coming from all over the place saying he either did or didn't do it. They chose to drop it.
It's my own speculation, wisenheimer. As important as I'd like to think of myself, the media is not in the habit of asking my thoughts so they can be published and linked to. But the speculation of a payoff carries no more weight than my own speculations just because you can link to them. The people that know the details are not making them known to the public.

You can't provide a link because you're the only one who carries those thoughts.
So she is a gold digger that got cut off... how is that a different story than what Greg Hardy has already said?

I never said she was a good girl and my explanation does make her someone that went for the cash. Right. I just never want a woman to be "victim blamed" because of who they are. But it also doesn't make Hardy right or prove he didn't hit her. Some will say it proves the opposite and he paid to be free. She just chose to take the cash and move on vs go through another criminal trial. I've said all along that I think she was banged up by Hardy but the story of what happened was probably somewhere in the middle of their two statements. I'm not calling for his head. He played the system and won. But it doesn't make what happened right and doesn't mean I have to take his side or take her side. I'm looking at it from a 30,000 ft view and piecing what makes sense to me...a bad dude who hurt a bad girl and in the end he came out clean and she got something for it. What has happened since then just makes me think he is a bigger POS.
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I never said she was a good girl and my explanation does make her someone that went for the cash. Right. I just never want a woman to be "victim blamed" because of who they are. But it also doesn't make Hardy right or prove he didn't hit her. Some will say it proves the opposite and he paid to be free. She just chose to take the cash and move on vs go through another criminal trial. I've said all along that I think she was banged up by Hardy but the story of what happened was probably somewhere in the middle of their two statements. I'm not calling for his head. He played the system and won. But it doesn't make what happened right and doesn't mean I have to take his side or take her side. I'm looking at it from a 30,000 ft view and piecing what makes sense to me...a bad dude who hurt a bad girl and in the end he came out clean and she got something for it. What has happened since then just makes me think he is a bigger POS.

I'm not interested in what you never said. What you did say was, "This will be my last post to you on it." Yet again you were wrong. You say you never want a woman to be "victim blamed" because of who they are. So by that statement I guess it's okay to "victim blame" a man because of who they are. Is it really about gender to you? Greg Hardy got played by a gold digger who refused to get cut off so she faked cra cra, ran from police and made false statements to the authorities. Lucky for her the DA screwed this case up by allowing the lack of evidence to convict an innocent man in the bench trial. Her golden ticket to walk was the settlement that bought her silent disappearance and the dismissal of all charges to cover DA Murray's buttocks. So you see... Hardy was the victim and you are doing the victim blaming. But its okay in your opinion because he is a man and it all comes down to gender for you. Guess who I think is the bigger POS. Better yet... say nothing... after all, you have already made your last post to me on this, right?
If there were a "civil settlement", wouldn't that require the creation of a document that would be filed with some government entity with the expectation by at least one of the parties that the "civil settlement" could be enforced by that entity?

Now in the dispute between Ms Holder and Mr Hardy, a "payoff" might have occurred as opposed to a "civil settlement," but there is no evidence for the existence of either.

Would an artful lawyer work out a "palimony" settlement for Ms Holder that work make both parties happy?

Would that settlement require a filing?

Of course, this is speculation. Ms Holder could have been the offending party, and Mr Hardy could have had cause for damages.
Bottom line, people.

If these were false accusations with no validity, Hardy would have had several teams calling him last year. He had one, maybe two if the Oakland rumors were to be believed.

This year, the dude can't scare up a phone call. Why? Because he's guilty, and when he got to Dallas, he showed no contrition and acted like a butthead the entire time he was here.

He's a leper with Ebola now. And cooties, too.
I'm not interested in what you never said. What you did say was, "This will be my last post to you on it." Yet again you were wrong. You say you never want a woman to be "victim blamed" because of who they are. So by that statement I guess it's okay to "victim blame" a man because of who they are. Is it really about gender to you? Greg Hardy got played by a gold digger who refused to get cut off so she faked cra cra, ran from police and made false statements to the authorities. Lucky for her the DA screwed this case up by allowing the lack of evidence to convict an innocent man in the bench trial. Her golden ticket to walk was the settlement that bought her silent disappearance and the dismissal of all charges to cover DA Murray's buttocks. So you see... Hardy was the victim and you are doing the victim blaming. But its okay in your opinion because he is a man and it all comes down to gender for you. Guess who I think is the bigger POS. Better yet... say nothing... after all, you have already made your last post to me on this, right?

You're right! It's just too hard to not reply when someone displays such blatant disregard for reality, intelligence, reading comprehension and anything rational. That post won the prize for the dumbest in the thread. Decorum out the window when ignorance is your friend. You can't debate stupid. Enjoy the bliss.
Bottom line, people.

If these were false accusations with no validity, Hardy would have had several teams calling him last year. He had one, maybe two if the Oakland rumors were to be believed.

This year, the dude can't scare up a phone call. Why? Because he's guilty, and when he got to Dallas, he showed no contrition and acted like a butthead the entire time he was here.

He's a leper with Ebola now. And cooties, too.

Well said
Bottom line, people.

If these were false accusations with no validity, Hardy would have had several teams calling him last year. He had one, maybe two if the Oakland rumors were to be believed.

This year, the dude can't scare up a phone call. Why? Because he's guilty, and when he got to Dallas, he showed no contrition and acted like a butthead the entire time he was here.

He's a leper with Ebola now. And cooties, too.

...and a hammer toe! :muttley:
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