DMN: Sporting News writer: Greg Hardy has rendered himself 'almost untouchable'

Lee Harvey Oswald maintained his innocence and had no clue as to why
he was being arrested, yet the entire world still to this day puts the killing
of Kennedy on his shoulders, when facts contrary to the evidence proves
other wise, so don't go believing everything you read and hear out there
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keeping in mind what I just posted above, yes the evidence does point to a crime
committed, It doesn't however point to 1 man who had done it? as everyone has
falsely claimed. Which leaves a lot of suspicion as to what the real facts are? we
will certainly never know the real truth because the media will never tell us the real
facts. So we need to look at this from a different perspective,

The case against Hardy is weak -

here is what we know, under the law in any domestic violence crime being
investigated by the police, always favors the female in the incident, so if she
said he did it, The police have to take her word for it especially when or IF
no one else seen or heard anything, This does not mean neccesarily that
he is guilty. The law is imperfect, justice (blind) 2) the severity of the abuse
warrants it's a felony crime.
However the state doesn't have any evidence
to prove the attack took place inside the alleged home, just her repeated
words of he did it, He did it, he said/she said the state had to provide the
burden of proof and failed to do so without her which tells me that it could
have taken place anywhere. So the D.A. dropped the case which tells me
she lied and got a guilty conscious and came clean about what really took
place that night and nothing more became of the matter

until the NFL went ahead and suspended him anyways and now here
we are rehashing a story that just proves how fraudulent the world really

One correction... it was a misdemeanor charge.
Bottom line.......if he is as pure as the driven snow, why the hell is every team in the league treating him like he has Ebola?

Nobody's ever tried to make that claim, before or after he signed here, so whatever point you're trying to make with this line is irrelevant.

It dam sure isn't because he missed a couple of meetings.........

Then whatever claims you're trying to make are ones that happened before he signed in Dallas and ones that this team was OK with.

this is not that hard to figure out fellas, its really not.

Not hard at all when you've got a preconceived stance on the subject. Then you'll fill in whatever blanks there are with whatever helps you reach your desired conclusion.
This I agree with. Criminals or alleged criminals get chances if they can play. He got his, acted a fool, keeps acting a fool and now is persona non grata on NFL circles

Yeah, I don't think anyone can deny this. I just wonder what it was that he actually did in Dallas to warrant sending him packing and weakening the team and it's frustrating that none of these 'journalists' will do their job to find out.
Yeah, I don't think anyone can deny this. I just wonder what it was that he actually did in Dallas to warrant sending him packing and weakening the team and it's frustrating that none of these 'journalists' will do their job to find out.

Stash, your words keep betraying you. We all know where you stand and that's okay. You arguments and debate is a losing position but,
you are keeping up the good fight my friend. The media, the internet, the advertisers, the 32 NFL teams have spoken loudly on this issue
and the court of public thought and opinion is sure to carry the day. Oh by the way, Mr. Hardy has not done himself any favors by speaking to the
Stash, your words keep betraying you. We all know where you stand and that's okay. You arguments and debate is a losing position but,
you are keeping up the good fight my friend. The media, the internet, the advertisers, the 32 NFL teams have spoken loudly on this issue
and the court of public thought and opinion is sure to carry the day. Oh by the way, Mr. Hardy has not done himself any favors by speaking to the

I make no apologies for asking for more information rather than simply buying into 'groupthink' and 'mob mentality'. Maybe thinking for one's self is a lost art for many people, but it isn't yet for me.
I suspect the Schefter article will really make it difficult for Hardy to pass the FO smell test anymore.
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I make no apologies for asking for more information rather than simply buying into 'groupthink' and 'mob mentality'. Maybe thinking for one's self is a lost art for many people, but it isn't yet for me.

My friend, you don't have to make any apologies and I stand by your right to your view on the subject. Let's take one last
hypothetical situation and see if this convinces you that Mr. Hardy does not have a beef if he doesn't get another job in the NFL.
Say you work for a big company and you just happen to have a Facebook account. You don't like your boss and post some
negative comments about him that somehow gets back to the Company. You have not committed a crime and all you did
was state your own private opinion on your private Facebook page. The boss and Company HR calls you in the next morning and fires on
the spot. They don't even have to give you a reason they just fire you. They may share with you that your comments reflected
poorly on the Company and you are hereby terminated. That is the internet world we live in today and that one mistake could
keep you from ever finding employment in a similar industry or job.
My friend, you don't have to make any apologies and I stand by your right to your view on the subject. Let's take one last hypothetical situation and see if this convinces you that Mr. Hardy does not have a beef if he doesn't get another job in the NFL. Say you work for a big company and you just happen to have a Facebook account. You don't like your boss and post some negative comments about him that somehow gets back to the Company. You have not committed a crime and all you did was state your own private opinion on your private Facebook page. The boss and Company HR calls you in the next morning and fires on the spot. They don't even have to give you a reason they just fire you. They may share with you that your comments reflected poorly on the Company and you are hereby terminated. That is the internet world we live in today and that one mistake could keep you from ever finding employment in a similar industry or job.

While I agree that the company has the ability to fire me, I do not think it's right. I'm not sure when we signed over all of our rights as workers, but I know that I never voted that way.

And, unlike Hardy, it doesn't sound like I would be blackballed from ever working again.

And don't get me wrong, I think the Cowboys have every right to move on from Hardy if they choose to. My question as a fan is were his transgressions so bad or so much that they justify sending away the team's most accomplished pass rusher at a position of need? Or is it that a thin-skinned coach is showing a weakness in not being able to handle a problem child player the way stronger coaches like Johnson and Parcells did with guys like LT and Haley?

Knowing what Hardy truly did would better enable me to form a more informed opinion.
While I agree that the company has the ability to fire me, I do not think it's right. I'm not sure when we signed over all of our rights as workers, but I know that I never voted that way.

And, unlike Hardy, it doesn't sound like I would be blackballed from ever working again.

And don't get me wrong, I think the Cowboys have every right to move on from Hardy if they choose to. My question as a fan is were his transgressions so bad or so much that they justify sending away the team's most accomplished pass rusher at a position of need? Or is it that a thin-skinned coach is showing a weakness in not being able to handle a problem child player the way stronger coaches like Johnson and Parcells did with guys like LT and Haley?

Knowing what Hardy truly did would better enable me to form a more informed opinion.

You make some good points and it's okay with me if you think it's not right. I think calling Garrett thin-skinned is pretty harsh
and judgmental though. I think coaches are only given a very few years to get a team into a winning culture and they don't have
much time for misfits or malcontents. The same could have been said when Pacman was let go or when TO was not brought back.
Whatever the reasons were, Garrett, the team & the FO decided not to bring those guys on again and it appears that Hardy
found the same basket.
You make some good points and it's okay with me if you think it's not right. I think calling Garrett thin-skinned is pretty harsh and judgmental though. I think coaches are only given a very few years to get a team into a winning culture and they don't have much time for misfits or malcontents.

The guy has had more than enough time already. He's used up more than his allotted time on his 'process' and if one bad apple can spoil his whole bunch, he's obviously not the right man for the job and it's time to cut bait on the failed experiment.

Garrett has a proven history of not being able to handle adversity or being challenged. Just ask Dan Reeves, Terrell Owens, or Bill Callahan. None of them would give him an endorsement. And worst of all is that Garrett doesn't even have the guts to say or do things publicly but instead hides in the background and has someone else do the dirty work while trying to keep his own hands clean.

The same could have been said when Pacman was let go or when TO was not brought back.
Whatever the reasons were, Garrett, the team & the FO decided not to bring those guys on again and it appears that Hardy found the same basket.

And both showed that they could still perform and produce at a high level. Something that Garrett has yet to do. So if I'm going to question things, I choose to question the more questionable part of the equation and a .500 coach.
I think calling Garrett thin-skinned is pretty harsh
and judgmental though. .

I think that it's pretty obvious that Garrett is just role playing within Jerry's concept of a home-grown, behind the scenes, anti-Jimmy figurehead. Guys like Hardy that challenge his authority on the filed and in the locker room (if we are to believe the radio accounts) threaten to expose Jason for the insanely over-paid empty suit that he is. Hardy should have been suspended after that on-the-field coordinator confrontation, or at the very least, benched directly by Garrett. Instead, Jason literally cowered away. Just like in his play calling, Jason is incredibly risk averse, personnel-wise, RKG simply means somebody Jason can control with the limited authority that Jerry grants him.
I think that it's pretty obvious that Garrett is just role playing within Jerry's concept of a home-grown, behind the scenes, anti-Jimmy figurehead. Guys like Hardy that challenge his authority on the filed and in the locker room (if we are to believe the radio accounts) threaten to expose Jason for the insanely over-paid empty suit that he is. Hardy should have been suspended after that on-the-field coordinator confrontation, or at the very least, benched directly by Garrett. Instead, Jason literally cowered away. Just like in his play calling, Jason is incredibly risk averse, personnel-wise, RKG simply means somebody Jason can control with the limited authority that Jerry grants him.

I can't argue with your assessment of Garrett. He leaves a lot to be desired and certainly is not in the Parcells HC mold. This
type of coach is whom Jerry and Stephen feel most comfortable with so, we'll just have to live with it if we want to be Cowboy fans.
You do know that Jerry does not care what we think on the zone or what the media thinks either?
I can't argue with your assessment of Garrett. He leaves a lot to be desired and certainly is not in the Parcells HC mold. This
type of coach is whom Jerry and Stephen feel most comfortable with so, we'll just have to live with it if we want to be Cowboy fans.
You do know that Jerry does not care what we think on the zone or what the media thinks either?

Agree - he doesn't care what we say here. I do think that he cares about his public image though - he's not a happy, behind the scenes, oligarch like so many of his contemporaries..... hosting his own personal radio show speaks volumes in that regard.

I do think that his financial success with the Cowboys leads him to believe that the the press, and the public in general, support him. As confounding as that seems, it's hard to argue, especially with such a narcissist.
Glad that got cleared despite the fact I never said he was or had been charged with a felony

"the severity of the abuse warrants it's a felony crime."... You never said that? I copied and pasted straight out of your post. I want the readers... that are most certainly under informed on this case... to know Hardy was charged with a misdemeanor and found guilty of a misdemeanor because that's the most that the evidence added up to and even that got discredited and dismissed once the DA was faced with presenting the evidence(or lack there of) to a jury. The media so misrepresented the facts of this case to public and the public has bought that message hook, line, and sinker. If you don't want to give folks the impression Greg Hardy was charged with a felony due to the severity of the abuse then maybe you shouldn't say, "the severity of the abuse warrants it's a felony crime." You're welcome.
Stash, your words keep betraying you. We all know where you stand and that's okay. You arguments and debate is a losing position but,
you are keeping up the good fight my friend. The media, the internet, the advertisers, the 32 NFL teams have spoken loudly on this issue
and the court of public thought and opinion is sure to carry the day. Oh by the way, Mr. Hardy has not done himself any favors by speaking to the

the court of public opinion has zero skin in the game, can go to bed w/o worry if they're wrong cause they can rely on others to ensure being wrong is ok, in this instance, cause it's hardy.

maybe this whole "speaking to the enemy" in talking about people playing a game means you take this a tad too seriously if you really consider other NFL players "the enemy".

the court of public opinion sucks. always has, always will. they feed off anger and issues usually not related to the core and use the issue to feel better about their own private issues. mob mentality has never been a good thing that i know of. it's emotional, has zero use for facts, and often wrong.
the court of public opinion has zero skin in the game, can go to bed w/o worry if they're wrong cause they can rely on others to ensure being wrong is ok, in this instance, cause it's hardy.

maybe this whole "speaking to the enemy" in talking about people playing a game means you take this a tad too seriously if you really consider other NFL players "the enemy".

the court of public opinion sucks. always has, always will. they feed off anger and issues usually not related to the core and use the issue to feel better about their own private issues. mob mentality has never been a good thing that i know of. it's emotional, has zero use for facts, and often wrong.

I don't disagree with you but, you protest too much about our world that is changing so fast as we type. The world of social media
now rules the media, news organizations, advertisers (money), & the political correctness of the NFL. You can rail on about it but,
that is the justice (social) which is going to be handed out in today's & tomorrow's world. You and I may not like it. We might even
loathe it. But, the power of the media on the internet is growing and will not be quenched. It may not be right or just but, it is
likely going to happen anyway. You and I both will eventually have to submit or get run over.
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the court of public opinion has zero skin in the game, can go to bed w/o worry if they're wrong cause they can rely on others to ensure being wrong is ok, in this instance, cause it's hardy.

maybe this whole "speaking to the enemy" in talking about people playing a game means you take this a tad too seriously if you really consider other NFL players "the enemy".

the court of public opinion sucks. always has, always will. they feed off anger and issues usually not related to the core and use the issue to feel better about their own private issues. mob mentality has never been a good thing that i know of. it's emotional, has zero use for facts, and often wrong.

Icehead, sit down buddy, I'm about give you shock. I agree with you. I'll try not to make it a habit. :)
I don't disagree with you but, you protest too much about our world that is changing so fast as we type. The world of social media
now rules the media, news organizations, advertisers (money), & the political correctness of the NFL. You can rail on about it but,
that is the justice (social) which is going to be handed out in today's & tomorrow's world. You and I may not like it. We might even
loathe it. But, the power of the media on the internet is growing and will not be quenched. It may not be right or just but, it is
likely going to happen anyway. You and I both will eventually have to submit or get run over.

it only has power if we let it. trouble is, we do. when the MOB starts changing facebook pics to show support, you can get railed on if you don't.

information has always been powerful. these days it comes faster than ever before and that can be the issue. how *we* filter it.

you can always go along with mob. or you can think for yourself. that power of choice has not been taken from us yet regardless of the excuses that continue to pile up to blame our actions on society.

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