Since the Ray Rice incident that resulted in a TV campaign against domestic violence it's become a huge issue. The interview Hardy just did with Adam Scheffer is making him look even worse. If he thinks he helped his cause any by claiming he's never put his hands on any woman after all the pictures surfaced of bruises on his ex girlfriend he needs to be committed. In one sentence he claims he never touched her and in another he claims he did some things wrong but he won't say what he did.

To say his suspension was unwarranted is ludicrous!
Lee Harvey Oswald maintained his innocence and had no clue as to why
he was being arrested, yet the entire world still to this day puts the killing
of Kennedy on his shoulders, when facts contrary to the evidence proves
other wise, so don't go believing everything you read and hear out there
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There was a lot of evidence a crime was committed and had he not paid her off to keep her from testifying the charges would have never been dropped and he very likely would have been convicted and his football career would have been over! Hardy went through OTA's and a full training camp with the team so stop apologizing for him. He's damn lucky he was given an opportunity and instead of taking advantage of it and doing everything possible to repair his tainted image his antics drew more attention than his play on the field.
keeping in mind what I just posted above, yes the evidence does point to a crime
committed, It doesn't however point to 1 man who had done it? as everyone has
falsely claimed. Which leaves a lot of suspicion as to what the real facts are? we
will certainly never know the real truth because the media will never tell us the real
facts. So we need to look at this from a different perspective,
The case against Hardy is weak -
here is what we know, under the law in any domestic violence crime being
investigated by the police, always favors the female in the incident, so if she
said he did it, The police have to take her word for it especially when or IF
no one else seen or heard anything, This does not mean neccesarily that
he is guilty. The law is imperfect, justice (blind) 2) the severity of the abuse
warrants it's a felony crime. However the state doesn't have any evidence
to prove the attack took place inside the alleged home, just her repeated
words of he did it, He did it, he said/she said the state had to provide the
burden of proof and failed to do so without her which tells me that it could
have taken place anywhere. So the D.A. dropped the case which tells me
she lied and got a guilty conscious and came clean about what really took
place that night and nothing more became of the matter
until the NFL went ahead and suspended him anyways and now here
we are rehashing a story that just proves how fraudulent the world really