DMN: Sporting News writer: Greg Hardy has rendered himself 'almost untouchable'

You're right! It's just too hard to not reply when someone displays such blatant disregard for reality, intelligence, reading comprehension and anything rational. That post won the prize for the dumbest in the thread. Decorum out the window when ignorance is your friend. You can't debate stupid. Enjoy the bliss.

That's the void of substantive rebuttal if I ever saw one. But I can't really blame you for not being equipped to counter what I laid down on you. As the great MC Hammer says... "Can't Touch This". :dance:
You can't provide a link because you're the only one who carries those thoughts.

And not one statement he had made contains one fact. Not one. Made up UFO scenarios. He doesn't even know what a civil and criminal court does
Bottom line, people.

If these were false accusations with no validity, Hardy would have had several teams calling him last year. He had one, maybe two if the Oakland rumors were to be believed.

This year, the dude can't scare up a phone call. Why? Because he's guilty, and when he got to Dallas, he showed no contrition and acted like a butthead the entire time he was here.

He's a leper with Ebola now. And cooties, too.

It doesn't follow that he's guilty because he has no teams interested. He's got no teams interested because of his performance last season alone. It's got little to do with guilt or innocence re: the DV charges.
And not one statement he had made contains one fact. Not one. Made up UFO scenarios. He doesn't even know what a civil and criminal court does

If you would bring your highness down to my level and just ask me to man-splain it to you, I'd explain it to you, if you say please. But... you've already posted your last post to me, right?
It doesn't follow that he's guilty because he has no teams interested. He's got no teams interested because of his performance last season alone. It's got little to do with guilt or innocence re: the DV charges.

I disagree. He wasn't awesome last year, but he was not bad. He drew a lot of double teams and Lawrence benefitted. He's the best pass rusher available in free agency, so why hasn't anyone asked for a visit?

Because he's a big poo-poo head.
It doesn't follow that he's guilty because he has no teams interested. He's got no teams interested because of his performance last season alone. It's got little to do with guilt or innocence re: the DV charges.

It's probably a combination of both. If the guy had played well last season while acting the good soldier, you can bet there would have been several teams lining up to pursue him this year regardless of his DV issues. As it is the league seems to have decided the guy is more trouble than he's worth.
Bottom line, people.

If these were false accusations with no validity, Hardy would have had several teams calling him last year. He had one, maybe two if the Oakland rumors were to be believed.

This year, the dude can't scare up a phone call. Why? Because he's guilty, and when he got to Dallas, he showed no contrition and acted like a butthead the entire time he was here.

He's a leper with Ebola now. And cooties, too.

I think it has more to do with how he acted in dallas than the DV incident, the arguing with ST coach would turn off a lot of teams,
Then the brady comments, and being late etc, and then just public perception .
Bottom line, people.

If these were false accusations with no validity, Hardy would have had several teams calling him last year. He had one, maybe two if the Oakland rumors were to be believed.

This year, the dude can't scare up a phone call. Why? Because he's guilty, and when he got to Dallas, he showed no contrition and acted like a butthead the entire time he was here.

He's a leper with Ebola now. And cooties, too.

I have no idea if you are right or wrong, but you post did make me chuckle...
He's nothing but a waste of time.

Feelings officially hurt. :( Whatever opinion we may or may not share, being a called a waste of time is no fun. I hope this does not spoil my otherwise good day. :muttley:

Pretty sure I'll get over it. :thumbup:
I disagree. He wasn't awesome last year, but he was not bad. He drew a lot of double teams and Lawrence benefitted. He's the best pass rusher available in free agency, so why hasn't anyone asked for a visit?

Because he's a big poo-poo head.

I agree with that. His issues now are because of the the distraction he was in Dallas. If he'd kept a low profile and just produced, somebody would have signed him to a decent multi year deal by now.
Feelings officially hurt. :( Whatever opinion we may or may not share, being a called a waste of time is no fun. I hope this does not spoil my otherwise good day. :muttley:

Pretty sure I'll get over it. :thumbup:

I'm not the first person who's called you a waste of time you should be use to it just like those plates of crow you've acquired a taste for. :thumbup:
I agree with that. His issues now are because of the the distraction he was in Dallas. If he'd kept a low profile and just produced, somebody would have signed him to a decent multi year deal by now.

This I agree with. Criminals or alleged criminals get chances if they can play. He got his, acted a fool, keeps acting a fool and now is persona non grata on NFL circles
Thanks for posting, its welcome to see some actual knowledge in these threads.

Not asking you to throw anyone you know under the bus, but do you think the publicity affected the course of the case?

I think district court judges sometimes error on the side of public sensitivity. Simply because they know it can be appealed to a jury trial. I've seen charges that should have been tossed and cases proceed on poor judicial judgment. I did not agree with her charges being dismissed out of court it should have proceeded as cross warrants to give more of the truth and less onesided. I wasn't there in the court room or involved in this case but I've seen several like it tossed without a single regret.
I also find it disturbing that we as a nation want to hold the NFL to a higher level of accountability than our own government.
I'm not the first person who's called you a waste of time you should be use to it just like those plates of crow you've acquired a taste for. :thumbup:

Hmmm..... not sure if serious. If you are going to complain about me wasting your time then stop wasting your time with replies. It makes you complaint seem less sincere. Just trying to help, my friend. As for the crow eating... goes down well with duck sauce... not that I eat a lot of crow. :grin:
I think it has more to do with how he acted in dallas than the DV incident, the arguing with ST coach would turn off a lot of teams,
Then the brady comments, and being late etc, and then just public perception .
I can see all of them outside of the Brady comments. Spare me that faux outrage garbage for anybody saying that's a thing. If he did the thing people want from you esp when you make a lot of money which is bow down begging to the world more than enough people will grant you "mercy". Since he kinda weird with whatever he's doing that's how you get this what you have here.
I didn't mean to put words in your mouth but in the post I was replying to you were saying Hardy "put hands on a woman" and committed the crime of Assault. How does someone do that without being the aggressor in the incident?

And YOU should include the context laid out by the original post I responded to. Where it was said that "he didn't hit her...he just pushed/threw her". I said that even IF all he did was push her, he's just as guilty as if he'd hit her. Not once did I say he pushed, hit, threw, etc., Nicole Holder. My point wasn't that he did anything - only that there was no difference (in the eyes of the law) between hitting and pushing.

As ve said several times, the only thing I KNOW he's guilty of is not walking away. And look,where that got him.
Maybe, you like many others don't know that there was actually another man in the apartment at the time of the incident? But, again, you have company. Millions of people have rushed to judgment on the case without spending even a few minutes bothering to know what they were talking about.

Bottom line.......if he is as pure as the driven snow, why the hell is every team in the league treating him like he has Ebola?

It dam sure isn't because he missed a couple of meetings.........this is not that hard to figure out fellas, its really not.
Since the Ray Rice incident that resulted in a TV campaign against domestic violence it's become a huge issue. The interview Hardy just did with Adam Scheffer is making him look even worse. If he thinks he helped his cause any by claiming he's never put his hands on any woman after all the pictures surfaced of bruises on his ex girlfriend he needs to be committed. In one sentence he claims he never touched her and in another he claims he did some things wrong but he won't say what he did. :cool: To say his suspension was unwarranted is ludicrous!

Lee Harvey Oswald maintained his innocence and had no clue as to why
he was being arrested, yet the entire world still to this day puts the killing
of Kennedy on his shoulders, when facts contrary to the evidence proves
other wise, so don't go believing everything you read and hear out there
- next comment

There was a lot of evidence a crime was committed and had he not paid her off to keep her from testifying the charges would have never been dropped and he very likely would have been convicted and his football career would have been over! Hardy went through OTA's and a full training camp with the team so stop apologizing for him. He's damn lucky he was given an opportunity and instead of taking advantage of it and doing everything possible to repair his tainted image his antics drew more attention than his play on the field.

keeping in mind what I just posted above, yes the evidence does point to a crime
committed, It doesn't however point to 1 man who had done it? as everyone has
falsely claimed. Which leaves a lot of suspicion as to what the real facts are? we
will certainly never know the real truth because the media will never tell us the real
facts. So we need to look at this from a different perspective,

The case against Hardy is weak -

here is what we know, under the law in any domestic violence crime being
investigated by the police, always favors the female in the incident, so if she
said he did it, The police have to take her word for it especially when or IF
no one else seen or heard anything, This does not mean neccesarily that
he is guilty. The law is imperfect, justice (blind) 2) the severity of the abuse
warrants it's a felony crime. However the state doesn't have any evidence
to prove the attack took place inside the alleged home, just her repeated
words of he did it, He did it, he said/she said the state had to provide the
burden of proof and failed to do so without her which tells me that it could
have taken place anywhere. So the D.A. dropped the case which tells me
she lied and got a guilty conscious and came clean about what really took
place that night and nothing more became of the matter

until the NFL went ahead and suspended him anyways and now here
we are rehashing a story that just proves how fraudulent the world really

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