DMN: Sporting News writer: Greg Hardy has rendered himself 'almost untouchable'

The truth sets us free now doesn't?
yet the NFL sought suspension on
what we now know is a lie. He in
fact never touched her. So how
is it we still want to believe the lie
knowing he never did it

What a ridiculous statement. Just stop.
If you read the transcript of Hardy's NFL hearing (BKnight posted it in the off topic zone) its really obvious the NFL was going to railroad Hardy no matter what so they could look hard on DV.

Most of the posters here get the situation, its human nature to believe the worst and I did initially when all this came up last January. These threads have been going on since then and most people get it, there are only a few people that haven't done the reading but still keep pounding the table about Hardy being guilty.

And OJ was innocent
And OJ was innocent

what the holy hell does one have to do with the other? when you have to make "that guy is HITLER!" type comparisons it only means you got nothing, know you got nothing, so you REEEEAAAAAAACCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHH for anything at all that you can compare it to in HOPES that the other person will run away from OBVIOUS when the only thing OBVIOUS is you are dreadfully losing the debate.
what the holy hell does one have to do with the other? when you have to make "that guy is HITLER!" type comparisons it only means you got nothing, know you got nothing, so you REEEEAAAAAAACCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHH for anything at all that you can compare it to in HOPES that the other person will run away from OBVIOUS when the only thing OBVIOUS is you are dreadfully losing the debate.

TY domestic violence isn't murder on any level and much like the OJ Simpson
trail Hardy was vindicated now wasn't he? the evidence proved he couldn't have
done it yet they'd rather believe the lie than simply accept the truth
TY domestic violence isn't murder on any level and much like the OJ Simpson
trail Hardy was vindicated now wasn't he? the evidence proved he couldn't have
done it yet they'd rather believe the lie than simply accept the truth

just old hat tactics i think many are tired of. i don't like politician xyz so they're hitler or the anti-christ. i don't like hardy so he's OJ.

i honestly don't care who they like and don't like. hate hardy all you want and have a day. but keep it to what he's done and stop the exaggerations done only to satisfy your own emotional parade.

anyway - didn't mean to interrupt into your discussion. just saw something that needed a good poo on top of it and let it fly.
what the holy hell does one have to do with the other? when you have to make "that guy is HITLER!" type comparisons it only means you got nothing, know you got nothing, so you REEEEAAAAAAACCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHH for anything at all that you can compare it to in HOPES that the other person will run away from OBVIOUS when the only thing OBVIOUS is you are dreadfully losing the debate.

Winning ^

All the Hardy supporters should look at it this way. If he doesn't get signed to a NFL team than at least you all will have a baby sitter available for your children.

Winning ^

All the Hardy supporters should look at it this way. If he doesn't get signed to a NFL team than at least you all will have a baby sitter available for your children.

I'm sorry but those pictures simply do not tell the entire story. Hardy is 6' 4" tall and 280 pounds heavy, and Nicole Holder is almost a foot shorter and less than half his weight.

That type of bruising could occur during rough sex, or it could even be inflicted defensively by a man of such a size holding away an angered woman attacking and flailing her arms, legs, or whatever in a physical confrontation. That is not the type of bruising that manifests if such a man actually hit a woman with even half his strength.

The point is, after hearing the stories of the two parties involved and assessing the bruising in those pictures, the judge who specializes in domestic violence cases thought they were ambiguous enough to be unworthy of the charges.
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I can respect your opinion, but I'd counter that he was fine, until the media sabotaged his amazing start by releasing the picks, though the team and the NFL already had seen them.

He was basically sabotaged. At the same time, he also was playing with injuries and he did get the most amount of snaps.

On ability alone, I think we need to resign him. I wasn't as down on his play as some other fans were. I recognized he hadn't been playing for about a year, and you just don't rebound that quickly - his tremendous game against the Patriots notwithstanding.

As for the sabotage claim, I don't necessarily disagree. The only thing I would say is this: public figures have to be extremely careful nowadays not to put themselves into situations that come back to bite them, ESPECIALLY in this TMZ, Facebook/Instagram/Snapshot, social media era. Pictures and videos are bound to get out if they exist.

Do I like it? No! But that's the world we live in, and there's no putting the genie back in the bottle.

Winning ^

All the Hardy supporters should look at it this way. If he doesn't get signed to a NFL team than at least you all will have a baby sitter available for your children.

again - ******** comparisons to illustrate your emotional state of mind.

you are losing this debate badly and you don't even see the ignorance pouring from your skin like sweat on a texas august day.

first of all - talking about hardy on the playing field has ZERO to do with a murder trial - but you are out to make that emotional connection to cover a lack of facts. FAIL.
second - you now say hardy can be our babysitter - first, i don't have kids. and 2nd - what does this have to do with ANYTHING other than being yet another emotional tirade where you get mad at the world for not thinking like you do. so since i'm never likely to meet hardy, NOR do i have kids, your "connection" is just as stupid as the OJ one and yet again - an emotional reach to compensate for serious dearth off acts.

That is my assessment as well. I posted the 911 call and a scenario that i witnessed about 10 years ago. To try an illuminate other possible scenarios that are more likely closer to the truth. Most people have already made their mind up about what happened.
Never takes long for someone who believes the lie to appear out of nowhere and spew idiotic statements (Abe)
when the truth has vindicated thenot guilty of any criminal wrong doing

FTFY. The law doesn't seek to prove someone is innocent. The law proves seeks to prove if someone is not guilty of the charges he/she faces.

A person may very well have committed a crime. But the evidence may not support a guilty conviction. So I wouldn't say Hardy was innocent.

Second, Hardy settled with the woman. So there is definitely some suspicion regarding his "innocence" claim, even if it is just him putting his hands on her but doing nothing more.
I'm sorry but those pictures simply do not tell the entire story. Hardy is 6' 4" tall and 280 pounds heavy, and Nicole Holder is almost a foot shorter and less than half his weight.

That type of bruising could occur during rough sex, or it could even be inflicted defensively by a man of such a size holding away an angered woman attacking and flailing her arms, legs, or whatever in a physical confrontation. That is not the type of bruising that manifests if such a man actually hit a woman with even half his strength.

The point is, after hearing the stories of the two parties involved and assessing the bruising in those pictures, the judge who specializes in domestic violence cases thought they were ambiguous enough to be unworthy of the charges.

Which judge was this? The judge who presided in his bench trial found him guilty. The case never went before another judge because Holder pulled a disappearing act and the trial didn't take place.

Maybe I missed a subsequent judge's ruling so which judge deemed the bruises so ambiguous that he/she dismissed the charges? Link please?

Thanks in advance.
again - bull**** comparisons to illustrate your emotional state of mind.

you are losing this debate badly and you don't even see the ignorance pouring from your skin like sweat on a texas august day.

first of all - talking about hardy on the playing field has ZERO to do with a murder trial - but you are out to make that emotional connection to cover a lack of facts. FAIL.
second - you now say hardy can be our babysitter - first, i don't have kids. and 2nd - what does this have to do with ANYTHING other than being yet another emotional tirade where you get mad at the world for not thinking like you do. so since i'm never likely to meet hardy, NOR do i have kids, your "connection" is just as stupid as the OJ one and yet again - an emotional reach to compensate for serious dearth off acts.


It reads/sounds like you're the one who is mad. Just saying.
Which judge was this? The judge who presided in his bench trial found him guilty. The case never went before another judge because Holder pulled a disappearing act and the trial didn't take place.

Maybe I missed a subsequent judge's ruling so which judge deemed the bruises so ambiguous that he/she dismissed the charges? Link please?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry, I recalled that from memory and was wrong. The judge dismissed the case on the first day of the trial because Holder wouldn't cooperate with the prosecution.
Sorry, I recalled that from memory and was wrong. The judge dismissed the case on the first day of the trial because Holder wouldn't cooperate with the prosecution.

Thanks. I think that was the case. Her testimony was a bit shaky, and she vanished into thin air - taking Hardy's money with her. :laugh:
So it has been suggested, but no evidence has been provided for it.

The DA's office has said it, and Hardy has never refuted it. I wouldn't think the prosecutor's office would tell a bold-faced lie like that.
The DA's office has said it, and Hardy has never refuted it. I wouldn't think the prosecutor's office would tell a bold-faced lie like that.

so prosecutors never lie. unless they're prosecuting someone you don't like them i'm sure they never do.

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