Roy Williams in 2008 as a Cowboy...19 receptions
Miles Austin in 2008...13 receptions
Sam Hurd in 2008...IR
Isaiah Stanback in 2008...2 receptions
Patrick Crayton in 2008...39 receptions
By my count that is 73 receptions.
Matt Jones in 2008...65 receptions.
The insinuation being he is more productive than our entire WR corps as currently constituted.
First of all I submit that he will not only
not equal his 2008 production, but that 2 of our WRs will have more production than him and I don't mean combined. Two of our WRs will out produce him in 2009.
Someone will say, "but he has to end up on a team in 2008 or it doesn't count." It doesn't? Then adding Hurd to the mix shouldn't count either should it? That sort of blunts (pardon the pun) the entire point of his 2008 production being equal to our entire corps.
Besides it isn't my fault that he's a blithering idiot who got busted once for cocaine (his

first time ever to try it or any drug

) and another time for violation of his probation. It isn't my fault that 30 NFL teams are leery of signing him at this point, 1 NFL team booted his butt despite him being their receptions leader at WR (we can identify with that strategy here), and one team will be desperate and give him a chance.
On top of this the claim only takes into consideration receptions. I much prefer scores. Lo and behold this icon of WRs only had 2 scores in 2008. Two of our unworthy candidates had more than that. One of them, Crayton doubled it. One guy exceeded that total with only 13 receptions. I don't see the need for a guy who catches a lot of balls but can't get in the endzone.
To me, discussing his worthiness is blunted (pardon the pun again) by the fact that handing the job of #2 WR to someone should indicate that WR is an impact player. I see nothing about him that indicates he is capable of impact except on the psyche of any team that counts on him should he happen to

decide to try cocaine a 2nd time

Now in reflection I think the only fair comparison to him would be Patrick Crayton. Fairly or unfairly Crayton got pushed aside in 2008. His one season as a starter in 2007 he more than proved to me he can handle the job. I openly admit I have said I prefer him as the #3 guy, but I'll take him at #2 and be more than content. When he had his chance at the brass ring he got in the endzone 7 times. Nearly 4 times as often as Matt Jones did when he got his chance, and he did it in fewer receptions than Jones had.
I guess Matt's problem is that he gets distracted by those white lines on the field. Rather than crossing them he thinks about putting them up his nose. Naw, that was a one time mistake.
Right? Oh wait, whatever you do, don't agree with me. You'll get labeled a butt kisser.