Interesting. The only time I ever quit on a team was never because they were bad, but because the game changed to a point that I can no longer watch. For example, I was a life long Yankees fan. I no longer like the sport, nor do I watch the sport. I may have to try to watch some games with the new rules.
If I ever stop watching the Cowboys, it won't be because they're losing. It will be because the game is getting soft and 5 million commercials.
But I want to touch on heartbreak losses in the playoffs for a second. I can't speak for you, but besides super bowl losses, the only playoff heartbreaks I suffered were in this order. 2016, 2014, 2007, 1994, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1976. Those were all of the years I had hoped for more. Those losses bothered me. I'm not going to be heartbroken over a team I thought had little chance at going anywhere. If they win by some miracle, fantastic. But I'm not going to get heartbroken over a playoff loss that I fully expected. That's just me. But I will admit, any Championship game loss is a heartbreaker. Because you're just one game away.