Do not resign Dak


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I'm not going to continue this argument with you anymore. I bet you weren't saying this [explicit] in 2016 when he was a rookie. I agree with you on him needing to be a better passer, but I fail to understand how I am coddling him when I said all he needs is a better QB? Is it coddling a little boy/girl if I were to say that he/she needs better parents? Dak has shown that he can throw deep. He has MADE passes like it before. He doesn't DO IT because A. His QB coach sucks [explicit] and probably doesn't teach him the mechanics of doing so, and B. His OC doesn't let him take such risks. Regardless of what you say next, hasta la vista. Dak is staying with this team rather you like it or not, and we have to deal with it. Might as well look at the positives rather than the negatives.

May I ask, what do you suppose we do with the QB position? Drafting one with the 58th pick is no easy task. Rush sucks. I don't understand why you're complaining when there really is no solution to our "problem" besides sticking with him and hoping he gets better instead of complaining.
I wouldn't continue an argument where you're not making sense either. You bet I wasn't saying this in 2016 and you'd be mostly right. That's like saying I wasn't saying Tyron Smith isn't good in 2013. Things changes not wise fan. When circumstances change pov can change too. Nobody including yourself has an opinion and sticks to it forever so use better logic than that. You're coddling him with the y'all are being too hard on him stuff. We are just on a messageboard saying what he needs to work on.

I've already answered what to do with him. Keep him until the first chance you get to get a potentially better qb like they did to his football daddy Alex Smith


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Prediction: Sometime in February Dallas resigns Lawrence to a 5 year deal and extends Dak on a 10 year deal. Book it!!!!

Oh how wonderful....10 more years of misery.....:facepalm: and a passing game that is for the Dog's....!!!!


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LOL “garbage time”? Garbage time is reading your posts.

A TD with over 2 minutes left while keeping all 3 timeouts to cut the lead to a 1-score game isn’t “garbage time”, genius. That’s called giving your team a chance to win.

My God, learn football.

You’re still stuck on this 22 points thing as if that’s not a lot of points in 8 possessions.
Again: that would’ve been the 4th-best scoring offense in football on a per-possession basis.


This despite zero run game and a terrible defense. Dak played a very good game and the numbers all reflect that. He’s the one guy who shouldn’t be blamed. Smart people know that.

“Dak didn’t show up until the 4th” LOLLLL yeah except for that 85-yard TD drive in the 3rd quarter, Bozo.

Keep embarrassing yourself.

Again, you're citing stats that are good in the regular season against regular teams that mean squat against Playoff teams with great offenses.

The Rams took away the run game by stacking the box daring Dak to win it with his arm. He made a valiant effort, but made many mistakes in the first half that could have led to points and keeping it a closer game. Once again, trying to read and understand: Dak contributed to the loss. He wasn't the main reason, but he contributed. How is that hard to understand? Did he throw perfect passes to open receivers that were caught? NO. So he didn't play flawless. That one hard to grasp? I think so. Keep making excuses, but the bottom line is that Dak contributed to the loss. The defense and coaching were the main culprits, but not the only ones. Since you are blind and can't see his mistakes, I'm done talking to you. Keep excusing him all you want. I'd bet money he's aware of the mistakes he made and will work to correct them.


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Again, you're citing stats that are good in the regular season against regular teams that mean squat against Playoff teams with great offenses.

The Rams took away the run game by stacking the box daring Dak to win it with his arm. He made a valiant effort, but made many mistakes in the first half that could have led to points and keeping it a closer game. Once again, trying to read and understand: Dak contributed to the loss. He wasn't the main reason, but he contributed. How is that hard to understand? Did he throw perfect passes to open receivers that were caught? NO. So he didn't play flawless. That one hard to grasp? I think so. Keep making excuses, but the bottom line is that Dak contributed to the loss. The defense and coaching were the main culprits, but not the only ones. Since you are blind and can't see his mistakes, I'm done talking to you. Keep excusing him all you want. I'd bet money he's aware of the mistakes he made and will work to correct them.
Yeah! Why didn’t Dak play a PERFECT game with no run game and no defense!?!?!?!?

LOL what a joke. No QB scores on EVERY drive, especially with no run game and shaky pass protection.

Dak played a damn good game overall. Only a fool can’t see that.


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I tired of seeing people trott out Daks stats as proof he is a good QB. All the stats say is that Dak is very good at executing the particular plays called for him by Linehan.

Yet we get lots of complaints about Linehan's limited vanilla playbook. How Linehan doesnt open it up etc.

The elephant in the room here is that because Dak has limited skills, Linehan has a limited playbook.

The fact that it looks like the team is retaining Linehan in spite of offensive limitations and heavy criticism this year suggests that the team thinks he's done a good job in maximising offensive output with a limited QB. And credit to Dak, he does his best.

And the eye test doesnt lie. We can all see the limitations. It's actually disheartening seeing other QBs being able to do things we cant. Dont settle for mediocre - the team should be trying to upgrade the QB position.
Heresy burn him at the stake.


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Considering how poorly the defense played and Zeke only getting 47 yards, Dallas still only lost by 8 points. After the Cowboys initial drive for a TD they punted 4 straight times while the Rams were scoring and we still only lost by 8 with a chance at the end. It wasn't 38-6 or 34-3 like two of our divisional losses. They actually hung in there despite it all.


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Tough game. Defense didn't play well, but that was a given.. Thye played a very good offense and all things considered fought hard. held them to field goals...

End of the day, the game was there to be won. They dared dak to win with his arm. With a more efficient QB we win this game.

This guy has so much more than most QB's the team has all the things in place to make noise except for ... DAK.. One of the best olines, one of the best RB's one of the best defenses, good wo's this guy can't win.. he's a scrub. Resigning him and loosing out on other more important players that we should resign will be imprending mediocracy for this franchise for more years to come. He is the issue.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!! oh man, was that YOU I saw sipping JJ's glass of scotch on Sat??? You apparently slept thru the game or were drunk. Best Oline??? Ohh man that right there is rich I tell ya, they got blown off the mark all day by rams D, try again. Field goals you say??? Hummm must have been ANOTHER team scoring those punch it in your face on 4th and goal, or 35 yard running scores for 6... try again. And I'm sorry to break you from the dakhaterskillthebum club meeting here, but DP was the ONLY reason this game was as close as it was. Now if you had maybe said Better play calling, better game plan/scheme better preparedness, motivation and determination of the team as a whole, I'd be with you.... I do believe, fan zone has another forum to post stupid S*** like this.


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You give up 260+ yards rushing, you lose 80 percent of games.

It doesn’t matter who your QB is.

I don’t even have to look at the stats to know that.

That's irrelevant and the two aren't mutually exclusive. The defense actually did fairly well against a high scoring offense and kept them below their PPG average. The offense didn't do much of anything. So many missed throws, bad reads, horrid 3rd down conversion rate. Even if the defense was stale, the offense did absolutely nothing to compensate.


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That's irrelevant and the two aren't mutually exclusive. The defense actually did fairly well against a high scoring offense and kept them below their PPG average. The offense didn't do much of anything. So many missed throws, bad reads, horrid 3rd down conversion rate. Even if the defense was stale, the offense did absolutely nothing to compensate.
I agree. Most would agree the D was sad but the O didn't do too much to help them when we all could see the D didn't have it that day.


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Considering how poorly the defense played and Zeke only getting 47 yards, Dallas still only lost by 8 points. After the Cowboys initial drive for a TD they punted 4 straight times while the Rams were scoring and we still only lost by 8 with a chance at the end. It wasn't 38-6 or 34-3 like two of our divisional losses. They actually hung in there despite it all.

Agreed. I think if Dak actually hit some of those passes and open receivers, we would have been ok. If Dak works on that, Zeke won't be our only explosive weapon on offense. We hung in there pretty well towards the end, believe it or not (And please, nobody say that it was a "garbage" touchdown at the end. There are no garbage touchdowns in the playoffs. Anything can happen and anyone can come back. Remember 28-3.)


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Agreed. I think if Dak actually hit some of those passes and open receivers, we would have been ok. If Dak works on that, Zeke won't be our only explosive weapon on offense. We hung in there pretty well towards the end, believe it or not (And please, nobody say that it was a "garbage" touchdown at the end. There are no garbage touchdowns in the playoffs. Anything can happen and anyone can come back. Remember 28-3.)

Agreed. And you have to give Dak some credit for that game. No way our D doesn't show up, Zeke runs for 47 yards and Dak plays like trash and we keep it close at the end. That's not even possible.

There are no garbage touchdowns when you are not required to onsides kick it and still have a shot at coming back.


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That's irrelevant and the two aren't mutually exclusive. The defense actually did fairly well against a high scoring offense and kept them below their PPG average. The offense didn't do much of anything. So many missed throws, bad reads, horrid 3rd down conversion rate. Even if the defense was stale, the offense did absolutely nothing to compensate.

The defense was absolutely awful.

Saying they did “fairly well” shows either an extreme bias or an absence of football knowledge.

Rams could’ve scored 50 on us. They didn’t want to...they knew they could run the ball and win easily if they limited turnovers and did just that the entire game. Rams only punted the ball the 3rd quarter. 5 out of their first 6 drive all ended in points.

Offense could’ve been better but I have no doubt if we had more offensive success, Rams just would’ve scored more points. We couldn’t stop the run so they were content just draining the clock and ramming it down our throat.

Everyone knows our offense isn’t built to play from behind. That is mostly to do with the scheme. The passing game is in severe need of a makeover but no QB is winning that game with the way our defense played coupled with our predictable play calling.


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I’m guessing you’re not a fan of looking at football games outside of the box?

The offenses objective is to not score as many points as possible...its to score more than the other team. If the Rams wanted to put up 50...they would’ve aired the ball out more but why would they when they could just run the ball at will and drain the clock? They successfully protected their lead, limited he chances of Goff throwing an interception, drained the clock and kept our offense off the field. They did exactly what they wanted to do.

It’s only common sense.


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Only on Cowboys Forum can a defense force 1 punt, 0 turnovers, 0 sacks, and I think 0 tackles for loss and people say the defense played fairly well.