Do you want the Fan Zone and Daily Zone forums combined?

Leave them separate. It makes it much easier to find fan created discussions.
Risen Star;4022404 said:
No. I think you have a good thing going with the split forums. The reason being you have too many fan rambling threads that would push the news off the first page.

This totally ^.
Well judging by the poll results you guys have your work cut out for you in making this decision. :laugh2:
I think if they get combined the news would get pushed off the first page when you have something like Nnamdi mania going on.
67CowboysFan;4023182 said:
I think if they get combined the news would get pushed off the first page when you have something like Nnamdi mania going on.
Not really, it could just be a thread that the other discussions about Namndi get merged in to. It's pretty much how it functions now anyway. Just use the news item / headline post to be the first post and news follows it. As it stands, this pretty much happens anyway, I never visit the daily zone and I'm sure others don't either.

It's a little redundant if you ask me, since news items do get posted to the fan zone and discussions take place because of them.

I think if anything, there needs to be a twitter zone. Not every single tweet deserves its own thread.
tupperware;4023220 said:
Not really, it could just be a thread that the other discussions about Namndi get merged in to. It's pretty much how it functions now anyway. Just use the news item / headline post to be the first post and news follows it. As it stands, this pretty much happens anyway, I never visit the daily zone and I'm sure others don't either.

It's a little redundant if you ask me, since news items do get posted to the fan zone and discussions take place because of them.

I think if anything, there needs to be a twitter zone. Not every single tweet deserves its own thread.

If there is going to be anything added or moved it should be a cowboyjoe zone. Good Lord, I appreciate the passion but he has spurts that push entire pages off pages. STOP.
hutch1254;4023230 said:
If there is going to be anything added or moved it should be a cowboyjoe zone. Good Lord, I appreciate the passion but he has spurts that push entire pages off pages. STOP.
Definitely combine them. I'm usually in a hurry to see what's going on in Cowboysland and find it frustrating to have to search 2 forums for what interests me. I've been here a long time but have been mostly frequenting another forum because of the ease of which they provide me information.

Just my two cents.
Definitely prefer them separate.

I like not having to wade through a ton of BS and smilies to get my news fix from time to time. If the two are combined, there will be a TON of good, newsworthy information that will be pushed back by the more popular threads with people *****ing back and forth at one another. No thanks.

It's nice the way it is. Having an area that is relatively free of agenda and hyperbole is a great asset to this forum. IMO, if they're combined, you lose that.
theogt;4022433 said:
I can't tell you the last time I went to the Daily Zone except by accident. I'm sure there's information I've missed, but I'm not going to navigate two separate forums and if there's something worth discussing it's probably in the Fan Zone.

What he said. :) I never liked the idea of splitting them years ago and it would love to see them combined again. I rarely visit the Daily Zone.
I hated the idea of separating them when it happened but it's been one of the best things you've done on the board. So I'd like them kept separate.
So much better seperate than combined like it used to be.
And I have my pages set at 40 posts per.
protested the split and now I never check daily zone - maybe a different post icon to differentiate more serious/more relevant posts so everyone is happy.
Reality;4022382 said:
We would like to know if you want the Fan Zone and Daily Zone combined into one forum? The new forum would be called the Fan Zone.

Keep in mind that we have relaxed our thread moving policies to the Daily Zone somewhat due to the mad rush of news related threads since the lockout ended.

Our normal policy would be to move those kinds of threads to the Daily Zone almost immediately which means the Fan Zone would be primarily for only fan created discussions and the Daily Zone for snippets and summaries of articles, recaps, tweets, etc. from other news sources.

I like them seperate. During the season (and any time there's lots going on, such as Draft, FA, etc.), it's tough enough to keep up with the threads in the Fan Zone, as it is. Adding in all the articles from the Daily Zone would make it even more difficult to keep up with. Thanks.
Reality;4022382 said:
We would like to know if you want the Fan Zone and Daily Zone combined into one forum? The new forum would be called the Fan Zone.

Keep in mind that we have relaxed our thread moving policies to the Daily Zone somewhat due to the mad rush of news related threads since the lockout ended.

Our normal policy would be to move those kinds of threads to the Daily Zone almost immediately which means the Fan Zone would be primarily for only fan created discussions and the Daily Zone for snippets and summaries of articles, recaps, tweets, etc. from other news sources.


i honestly never go to the daily zone.
Really kind of split on this. I like the idea of seeing all threads in one place. to be able to read all the latest articles as I go down the list of threads.

But I voted no, as it is very nice to just go and be able to read the articles without sifting through all the user created discussions and threads and tweets.

Especially on gameday articles and reviews. Actually can a forum be added that lists links to highlight videos if anyone posts them. just a thought, if there are enough to list.
How about a up zone and down zone..The down zone would give the whiners,trolls , chicken littles and Jerry hater a place to meet and plan their mass suicide:)