Do you want the Fan Zone and Daily Zone forums combined?

No way.

The Fan forum is already too crowded b/c people make 30 different threads on the same topic. I like having the news in one place and the fan talk in another.

I thought Daily Zone was for official writers/articles and links, and Fan Zone was for wanna-be writers manifestos, ravings and rants.
justbob;4024453 said:
How about a up zone and down zone..The down zone would give the whiners,trolls , chicken littles and Jerry hater a place to meet and plan their mass suicide:)

I never go to the Daily Zone. If they were combined, the worthy articles and discussions will stay towards the top.
I think during the season, hell no. The reasons have already been explained ad nauseum by others.

But in the offseason, when nothing is really going on, it wouldn't be a bad thing at all.
i was thinking of asking if you could add a twitter zone so i could avoid
twitter threads
poke;4024926 said:
i was thinking of asking if you could add a twitter zone so i could avoid
twitter threads
Agreed, if anything THIS is what the forum needs. The news items that are worthy of discussing will be discussed and keep a spot on the first page.

Every time a player goes to the bath room doesn't need a thread.
poke;4024926 said:
i was thinking of asking if you could add a twitter zone so i could avoid
twitter threads

I agree some of the twitter threads are worthless and probably don't even need to be posted. But at the same time you need to accept that twitter is how news is broken these days. So to say nothing from twitter can be posted in the fan zone would be a huge mistake. Random meaningless posts from players? Sure, but legit news from twitter has its place.
VThokie7;4025225 said:
I agree some of the twitter threads are worthless and probably don't even need to be posted. But at the same time you need to accept that twitter is how news is broken these days. So to say nothing from twitter can be posted in the fan zone would be a huge mistake. Random meaningless posts from players? Sure, but legit news from twitter has its place.

i wouldn't say it's how news is broken. it's how gossip can spread and the potential for news, sure. but someone twitting around in 140 characters or less in sext'ing style doesn't really means it's news.
iceberg;4025248 said:
i wouldn't say it's how news is broken. it's how gossip can spread and the potential for news, sure. but someone twitting around in 140 characters or less in sext'ing style doesn't really means it's news.

Pretty sure if you following the right people like Schefter, Mort, and Glazer you can be confident its not "gossip" and frankly where do you think the free agent signings were broken? Has nothing to do with "style" it has everything to do with convenience if you don't understand it or appreciate it that's your decision. But its not going away.
VThokie7;4025259 said:
Pretty sure if you following the right people like Schefter, Mort, and Glazer you can be confident its not "gossip" and frankly where do you think the free agent signings were broken? Has nothing to do with "style" it has everything to do with convenience if you don't understand it or appreciate it that's your decision. But its not going away.
Yeah I gotta agree here. We wouldn't of found out that Namndi was going to the Jets without Schefters up to the second tweeting.
tupperware;4025334 said:
Yeah I gotta agree here. We wouldn't of found out that Namndi was going to the Jets without Schefters up to the second tweeting.

Yes because there is never any false information in any other information medium? And when was that posted as fact? Do you understand what speculation is? Or do you believe everything you read online?

Guarentee you find out news faster on Twitter when something happens than you will on TV or any website.
VThokie7;4025416 said:
Yes because there is never any false information in any other information medium? And when was that posted as fact? Do you understand what speculation is? Or do you believe everything you read online?

Guarentee you find out news faster on Twitter when something happens than you will on TV or any website.
My point was that basically, because of the ease and quickness with which you can post things to twitter, the garbage to fact ratio is much much higher. So while you may get it quicker, you may also be getting a load of bull quicker.
CATCH17;4022402 said:
I hated it when it was split up at first but I actually think it was a good idea looking back on it.

Just leave it the way it is.

I adjusted too. And I don't like change. But I'm on board with the majority if they want it.

Get out and vote, though.
Please don't. Having a Daily Zone makes my show prep that much easier.
I almost never visit the daily zone, and just a quick glance there this morning shows that most threads there don't get much discussion, in fact the entire daily zone seems to always have only a relatively few number of people viewing it at any time compared to the fan zone.

I disagree that important topics would be pushed of the first page. ANY "active" topic will maintain it's front page status till something more important to the fans arrives to move it down the line... as it should be. And I expect that most people don't simply view the first page of a forum, but click through at least the first several several pages.

I say combine the two. Let the most active topics compete for front page status. Survival of the fittest, so to speak.
i'd say combine them to make a Hot Zone.

you could then rename the daily zone to the all-star zone and reserve it for really good articles, threads or posts. it would be a motivating factor to get better posts coming in.
If combined I would probably see more articles, since I hardly every go to the Daily Zone.

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