Do you want the Fan Zone and Daily Zone forums combined?

I hardly ever check the Daily Zone. I say combine the two but only if its an overwhelming majority vote.
I do not even read the DailyZone. I know there is stuff in there that I would be interested in reading, but I already read at least four different ones now. I don't need another. Merge them.
Merge them then put in a "grown up" zone in it's place. Only allow intelligent conversations about the Cowboys without the trolls that have slowly turned this place into "cesspool light".
In my opinion, nothing kills a thread like moving it from the Fan Zone does.
I like having them separate. For "Official" news I check the Daily, sifting through poster's opinions in the populated Fan Zone to find official information is tedious.
stasheroo;4026827 said:
In my opinion, nothing kills a thread like moving it from the Fan Zone does.


This point simply cannot be countered.
Uh Oh, here comes the tyranny of the majority.


Think about all the lame beat writers we'd like to beat with a broom stick!

Think about Jennifer Floyd Engle!

Do you really want vomit posted in the main forum when it's busy?

Ed Werder?

I mean, this could effect the attention and integrity of those "I told you so posts".

Just food for thought before the voting ends.
Boyzmamacita;4022395 said:
I like the idea of coming to one forum for all news and fan created discussions. Combining the two would be a great idea. And I don't mind tweets like some posters do. The more news/rumors/recaps etc., the better.

I'm with her!
Sounds like most people that want a merger so, simply because they are too lazy to click on another forum ?
Something to think about, between the two categories right now there are 9 stickies. Unless I counted wrong there is 27 threads listed on the first page of the Fan Zone. Do you really want the top 1/3 of the Fan Zone to be Stickied?
67CowboysFan;4028177 said:
Something to think about, between the two categories right now there are 9 stickies. Unless I counted wrong there is 27 threads listed on the first page of the Fan Zone. Do you really want the top 1/3 of the Fan Zone to be Stickied?

That would not be the case if the forums are merged .. we tend to use the Daily Zone as a sticky holder because that forum is underused right now. It has more sticky threads than normal because I moved most out so this poll would get more attention.

Combine them and then change the quick links to...

Home - Fan Zone - Draft Zone - NFL Zone - Guidelines - Chat

I honestly don't care, which I'm sure that should mean something, but I don't know what that is.
Don't combine them:)

But in addition, can you consider providing support for tapatalk I believe it is FREE for the forum owners and vBulletin is supported. It would make browsing the forum on a mobile device simpler and more enjoyable.
Sometimes its something as simple as name change /branding

change this

Quick Links: Home | [strike]Daily Zone[/strike] | Fan Zone | Draft Zone | Guidelines | Chat

to this

Quick Links: Home | Cowboys News | Fan Zone | Draft Zone | Guidelines | Chat
So often the same articles get posted in both places anyway.

Have the FAN FORUM for all articles and opinions.

Maybe replace the DAILY FORUM with something new and creative...maybe the SOCIAL NETWORK FORUM where someone who follows all the twitter accounts, etc. can post that stuff, maybe even with links to certain pages to make it easier for fans to follow. Or maybe the BEAT WRITERS FORUM or maybe a PRE-POST GAME FORUM where people can post anything they want about the next game or the current game...and not limit fans to putting all their game posts in one thread. I understand the reason for that when it's part of the FAN FORUM, but it's sort of annoying when the thread gets so many pages long. I actually like seeing lots of threads with different titles so I can choose some to respond to without scouring 10 pages, and because it would be replaced each week, say every Wednesday, it really wouldn't matter if there were what some refer to as duplicate threads. It would let everyone have their fun leading up to game day and during the game and for a day or two afterwards...the format might actually help some of us move on after a tough one the way the players do.

Just an idea.

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