Doesn't sound good for Christine Michael

Is that the same J Train who has done squat in the league because he can't get on the field due an injury? Yep, definitely would have helped us.

Hey, Floaty -- if that's your car, then I can see how you got your handle.
Cmike represents a direct treat to his boy McFadden. The same guy he wrote off as garbage just a week or so ago. RunDMC flip flops harder than a world class gymnast.

oh ok, I just see these names and insults of players and just wondering do some people here know these players.. cmike is far from a bum he produces on the field which can help us win games but u knopw I just sit behind a computer and tyrpe my thoughts...I think cmike can be better honestly as a runner imo and I like McFadden but , Mcfadden is balling lets see how long it last ... but im just curious like what are the symptoms an standard of a bum?
I said just the other day it's obvious the Cowboys haven't been impressed with CMike which is why they're not playing him much. He's been with the team longer than Cassel and only has 12 carries averaging 3.6. The Cowboys have been struggling desperately needing to win games and he's spending most of his time on the sidelines. This is one of the worst RB situations the Cowboys have had in years. I would take the Julius Jones/ Marion Barber combo any day over the backs we have now.
oh ok, I just see these names and insults of players and just wondering do some people here know these players.. cmike is far from a bum he produces on the field which can help us win games but u knopw I just sit behind a computer and tyrpe my thoughts...I think cmike can be better honestly as a runner imo and I like McFadden but , Mcfadden is balling lets see how long it last ... but im just curious like what are the symptoms an standard of a bum?

Stepping away from all of whatever is going on in this thread (lol), I actually believe Linehan was being motivational because he sees the same things you see.

Now let's get back to this fun
As if there weren't already enough reasons you get on my nerves.

LOL! Alright y'all. No fighting. Save it for 11/28!

Let's gang up on the Eagles instead.

We need the running game to work this weekend. CM has to come to play.

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