Doesn't sound good for Christine Michael

Sorry for the highjack!

Anyway, I hope CM can get it together and he and RunDMC can provide a consistent 1-2 punch to take some pressure off of MC. That will hopefully help Dez, being it is his second game back, get into a rhythm and do some damage against that Eagles secondary.

I'm right there with you bro. Rooting for both of them. They're all we have.
Well, Marinelli yelling is like the old man telling everyone to get off his lawn. Linehan is more like Mr. Rogers getting mad at Trolley for running too slowly ... it doesn't happen unless Trolley is really running too slowly.

Oh, I am trying to. They just have let me down too many times. Like in '00 with Woodrow Dantzler, highly ranked Clemson team overlooks an unranked Georgia Tech team, loses and then gets shellacked by FSU the next weekend. Or how about when they were undefeated in 01 and lose at home to an unranked UNC team featuring Darian Durant and Julius Peppers? How about being undefeated in '10 and going to GT and getting waxed? How about allowing 70 points in the Orange Bowl to West Virginia? Hmm, being ranked #4 and getting embarrassed by FSU at HOME in 2013?

Okay, okay, stop! You are giving me nightmarish flashbacks!:eek: BTW, I was at that UNC game!

Anyway, this team is not any of those teams. :)
Hopefully this is a more a motivational thing than the fact the guy is just a ******.

That they know Michael is goign to be a key figure from here on out so they are really trying to get him prepared.
Okay, okay, stop! You are giving me nightmarish flashbacks!:eek: BTW, I was at that UNC game!

Anyway, this team is not any of those teams. :)
I hope you are right. I was at that game too. I was a student then.
I still say they need to give him the Private Pyle treatment from Full Metal Jacket where they held him down and beat him with socks full of soap bars or coins.

As long as he dosen't end up like Leonard Lawrence. :eek:
And all this could have been avoided if they had just followed my lead and drafted the J-Train...


Dude, I swear, the perfect Cowboy team for you would be all former Boise State players. Biased much.
C-MIKE BUM? Clown? how do you know this and what makes you say that? im just asking?

Cmike represents a direct threat to his boy McFadden. The same guy he wrote off as garbage just a week or so ago. RunDMC flip flops harder than a world class gymnast.
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If McFadden goes down, I'm afraid our running game is toast.

CM needs to decide if he wants to be a career starter or a career back-up. This is his best shot. If he doesn't get it done in Dallas, it ain't happening.
I've never been on the CMike bandwagon and it appears I never will be. Time to let Rodney "see what I'm say'n" Smith get a few carries.

Perhaps he will achieve more YPC than his wonderlic score.
CM needs to decide if he wants to be a career starter or a career back-up. This is his best shot. If he doesn't get it done in Dallas, it ain't happening.

Yup. I don't care how "A type" you are, this type of reality affects everyone. I expect him to come out fighting Sunday night.
As long as he dosen't end up like Leonard Lawrence. :eek:

Yes, private Pyle's name was Leonard Lawrence.

Maybe they already tried it with Randle and that's why he flipped out. I don't think anybody has actually seen Randle since his famous departure from the team facility. He might be black and blue (black as in bruises not race, ;)).

C. Hill did claim they cut him over the phone.
And all this could have been avoided if they had just followed my lead and drafted the J-Train...


Yeah, we'd be in this exact position, until next week, then we would have a rookie RB that still hadn't proven himself.
So a guy taking it easy in practice gets yelled at by his coach, and that's an agenda too? Seriously? Coaches can't even coach now without someone trying to spin it? Of course if word got out he was taking it easy in practice and nothing was done, you'd be right here saying, "Our coaches don't even care, why should we?"

Seriously, it's time to get over it and move on.

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