Don't expect a discount from Dak Prescott


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0 alternatives lol that's what everyone says right before they get fired oh no my boss can't replace me and the next day you're in the unemployment line :lmao2:
Either of those backups ready to start? Want Foles? They've gone down this path too far to deviate at this point, including getting Prescott the guy he wants for OC. Add to this the history of the Cowboys blinking and his agent has to feel like he has the upper hand.


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I have no problem franchising him and let him walk. We need a QB with arm talent and pocket presence, none of which he has and shows no sign in developing that aspect of his game.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Negotiations are about leverage. As we’ve seen with the recent high profile negotiations, if you don’t have any leverage the other side doesn’t have to budge. Though I believe that was a phony show of one side pretending they were fighting for something even though they knew it was no chance of an agreement, and both sides were fine with that because it was all a show for the public.. Pro Wrestling if you will

Digress: Dak and his agents need to be cognizant of Dak’s value outside of Dallas. Don’t piss away money no other team would offer you. #treadlightly

Leverage? Our Senile Homer owner already gave Dak all the leverage he'll ever need...


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Either of those backups ready to start? Want Foles? They've gone down this path too far to deviate at this point, including getting Prescott the guy he wants for OC. Add to this the history of the Cowboys blinking and his agent has to feel like he has the upper hand.
I agree that at this stage it wouldn't be ideal to have to replace dak. I don't know if the backups are ready maybe we'll find out. I wouldn't mind foles if he'll play for 20 million a year. I'm just saying that he shouldn't price himself out of a job. He might be our best option but we're his best option to if he thinks about it. I don't think he wants to go to Jacksonville him and his agent should think about that. but then again maybe we're all wrong and he doesn't really care if he's a cowboy or not. Don't forget playing for the cowboys is not a right it's a privilege.


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How can the team argue the point that Prescott has so overperformed his rookie contract that part of this deal is deserved back pay? Isn't that what they've always done in the past, rewarded past performance? They have a long line of players that they "overpaid" based on future performance vs past and some are on the team now.

I have seen his warts since his junior year at Miss St; however, I also saw him do whatever it took to lead his team and he was a very effective leader.

This isn't a question of how much they allocate to the QB position as much as what is the alternative? I feel the same way I did about Romo, there were better QB's that I would have preferred but when I looked at that line of QB's after Aikman, Romo didn't look too bad.

If they do not extend him and let him go through his contract year, what's the risk? Let's say he has a year like last year, do any really think some other team(s) isn't going to throw big money at him? Just look around at the QB money for barely proven QB's like Bortles and Garoppolo. So they end up paying more in the long run or they let him walk and do what? Love to have Tua, Lawrence and even Herbert but so would the teams that will be at the top of the draft. A team not there would have to do what the Skins did for Griffin or the Saints for Williams. The competition for those guys is going to be fierce.

What we must accept is that Dak Prescott is the guy, warts and all. He's a bragging right to an ego driven owner and all he's done is give the team the best he has to give and there's a lot more to like about him than to dislike.

The key is the same as it is with all of these Tier 1's like Brady, Brees, Luck, Rodgers, and Rothliesberger, it is all about what they put around them because except for Brady because Belichick is anal about that, those other blue chippers miss the playoffs without the help. Luck got the hell beat out of him until they decided to protect him. And GB and PIT missed the playoffs.

On the positive side of this, they know Prescott is not Tier 1 and most likely not to get there and they've seen him with and without first rate skill position talent at RB and WR so if they're going to drop heavy coin on him, they have to get him the best help that can afford and find. One thing these Tier 1's have taken away from the game, team. It is still all about the team and I think he's proven, with the right kind of team, this can be a true contender with him as QB1.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Don't kid yourself Aikman was about the money too. He became the highest paid NFL player on his 2nd contract and had a clause in his contract that he would remain one of the highest paid players in the league throughout the contract. Even as an announcer, he's still about the money. He's openly talked about wanting more money especially after hearing what was offered to Manning.

You miss his original point. He has no qualms about Dak negotiating what is best for him. He just doesn't like the fact that Dak is speaking to the media about his contract negotiations.


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I agree that at this stage it wouldn't be ideal to have to replace dak. I don't know if the backups are ready maybe we'll find out. I wouldn't mind foles if he'll play for 20 million a year. I'm just saying that he shouldn't price himself out of a job. He might be our best option but we're his best option to if he thinks about it. I don't think he wants to go to Jacksonville him and his agent should think about that. but then again maybe we're all wrong and he doesn't really care if he's a cowboy or not. Don't forget playing for the cowboys is not a right it's a privilege.
He views it as such and this has been his lifelong dream so he's plenty motivated to remain a Cowboy; however, it's all about the money in the NFL. I can't fault any player for going for the gold when the opportunity is there. Ware was a strong a Cowboy as we've ever had and he had to make that move.

The other side of this is the Joneses openly saying they wanted to extend him as a reward for how he's played could work against them if they can't get a deal done. Prescott and his agent have done their due diligence, they know what every QB is making and how he stacks up on the comparison scale. And it's sure as hell not Brady they're looking at, it's Cousins, Bortles and Garappolo and their salaries and achievements. Forget the warts, how successful has he been compared to those QB's getting 20M a year?

I don't like his comment about Brady but what the hell does Brady have to do with Prescott's situation? Why even bring him up? Did they bring him up to Brees or Rodgers on their last contracts. He just needs to learn not every question has to be answered, unlike his owner.

Gangsta Spanksta

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I'm sure from Dak's viewpoint, the Cowboys have already received their discount.

Not really, he got paid according to the scouting report. If he wanted to be be paid more for his rookie contract, he should've performed better before making it to the NFL.


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He's earned a fair contract. I don't blame the front office for wanting to see a little more, but he's on track to be very well-paid.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Whoa, hold on...........Find me one first!

RWB is going to be doing this:



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Tag DLaw again. Pay Dak and Zeke. The caveat with Zeke is, sign him on no more than a 2 year deal. Back load the money and make him prove his longevity. Dak on a 3 year deal would be prudent. Pay him up front bonus money. Dlaw scares me if we sign him longterm. He's been dinged up almost every year hes been in the league. THAT SAID, stud defensive ends don't come around much. We need to tag him again. I want to see him produce at the playoff push. He disappeared for us late this year.


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your in the "no respect whatsoever" camp on Dak I see. That's ashame really. You will find out who's right if you all get your wish and he walks. Teams will be lined up to land him. Miami,Jags,Skins, Buffalo, Broncos, Raiders to name a few. The contract will exceed what Cousins got no matter who signs him. Fair or not, that's the QB market these days.


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You can not pay Dak elite quarterback money when he hasn't made significant improvements over the past couple of years. He still has terrible footwork, pocket awareness, accuracy issues, holds the ball to long, and doesn't trust himself to throw the ball to the anticipated route.

Comparing him to Kirk Cousins is down right laughable. Do I think Kirk Cousins got overpaid? Yes, but Dak does not even sit at the same table as him. Kirk put up fantastic numbers in Washington even with a front office and coaching staff who didn't want him around. He put up slightly better numbers then Dak this year with a horrendous offensive line(mid 80 grade rankings). Their interior was probably they worst in the league. Running game ranked 30th in the league and he lost one of his best receivers half way through the year.


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You can not pay Dak elite quarterback money when he hasn't made significant improvements over the past couple of years. He still has terrible footwork, pocket awareness, accuracy issues, holds the ball to long, and doesn't trust himself to throw the ball to the anticipated route.

So his rookie year in 2016 featured "terrible footwork, pocket awareness, accuracy issues, holds the ball to long, and doesn't trust himself to throw the ball to the anticipated route"?

Or did he throw for 3667 yards and put up one of the best rookie seasons in history because he had a healthy Offensive Line?