Dont laugh.....


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illone said:
Look, you're taking this too personal. If Romo was any good he'd have prevented your FO from acquiring Bledsoe to begin with and now it appears you guys are taking a look at Volek. It's pretty clear to most that your backups are not good enough to even be backups. If I were in your shoes I'd be scared poopless to see either of those guys enter the game. Probably the same feeling I got when I would see Ramsey warming up on the sidelines.


*** are you even talking about? Somehow, in your twisted logic, acquiring a borderline HOF'er = Romo and Henson not even being good enough to be backups.

I've got news for ya, sonny - they ARE backups.

Using non-mouth-breather logic, therefore, we can assume that since they ARE backups, they are in fact, good enough to be backups.

But by all means, continue enlightening us about our players, whom you've never seen, by using rumors made up in your head.


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illone said:
Funny, one of your fellow Cowboys fans above even said the season would be over if Bledsoe went down. Is he wrong too?
That wasn't the *whole* point you were making, though.

I have no problem admitting my expecations for the season would be altered if Bledsoe got injured.

But your faulty knowledge regarding this team is pretty hilarious to watch. I'd never go on a skins board and start spouting off like I just have all this knowledge about your team as you do on this one.

But I want you to stick around. Good entertainment during a slow news period.


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illone said:
Look, you're taking this too personal. If Romo was any good he'd have prevented your FO from acquiring Bledsoe to begin with and now it appears you guys are taking a look at Volek. It's pretty clear to most that your backups are not good enough to even be backups. If I were in your shoes I'd be scared poopless to see either of those guys enter the game. Probably the same feeling I got when I would see Ramsey warming up on the sidelines.


BTW not taking it personal at all. If I see something that does not make sense I will call someone on it. My best friend is a Skins fan unfortunately. We have at it quite often, what you see on this boards is childs play compared to when me and him get together.

If Romo was any good he'd have prevented your FO from acquiring Bledsoe to begin with and now it appears you guys are taking a look at Volek. It's pretty clear to most that your backups are not good enough to even be backups

You can like someone a lot, but not want them to start just yet. Unless I am missing something Brunell is supposed to be the starter this year and of course he started last year. Does that mean that Campbell is no good or just that he is not ready yet? What if Brunell has a great year this year are you guys just going to hand the reigns over to Campbell next year? That would put Campbell on the bench for three years, just like Romo as of right now. Again, your logic does not pass the test.

Can you please show me where we are taking a look at Volek? I have not heard that one yet.

Again, what have your back ups proven? Yeah, I will hold my breath when Romo or Henson step on the field because they are unproven.

You may be too Homered up to know that you should hold your breath as well when Campbell or Collins enters a real live NFL football game.


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WoodysGirl said:
That wasn't the *whole* point you were making, though.

I have no problem admitting my expecations for the season would be altered if Bledsoe got injured.

But your faulty knowledge regarding this team is pretty hilarious to watch. I'd never go on a skins board and start spouting off like I just have all this knowledge about your team as you do on this one.

But I want you to stick around. Good entertainment during a slow news period.

What was the whole point I was making, then?


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Ok, I can play illone's game...

"You can tell that Jason Campbell just sucks. Gibbs brought in Todd Collins, who sucks, so that means that Campbell sucks even more."
- Is that true? Maybe not. The thing is, we might be looking at a veteran QB who won't have to worry about the learning curve that Henson/Romo are going through.

You wouldn't understand that, would you? You're too busy stacking your Commanders team on Madden...


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gbrittain said:
You can like someone a lot, but not want them to start just yet. Unless I am missing something Brunell is supposed to be the starter this year and of course he started last year. Does that mean that Campbell is no good or just that he is not ready yet?

I did love that brilliant logic.

Romo is worthless because he's a UDFA who couldn't keep Bledsoe (a borderline HOF) from being brought aboard.

But Campbell is simply unproven, even though he is a first rounder, who can't beat out Brunell (who is nowhere near sniffing the HOF and has an injury history)......

Something doesn't seem fair in the assessments....


Well-Known Member
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illone said:
Look, you're taking this too personal. If Romo was any good he'd have prevented your FO from acquiring Bledsoe to begin with and now it appears you guys are taking a look at Volek. It's pretty clear to most that your backups are not good enough to even be backups. If I were in your shoes I'd be scared poopless to see either of those guys enter the game. Probably the same feeling I got when I would see Ramsey warming up on the sidelines.


Hmmmm, ill-one I understand that you have a 'personal' problem. When one has been infected with the dreaded 'troll' disease, it is a very serious thing. The disease usually manifests itself with patently stupid remarks devoid of all logic and lacking indentifiable reason.

I suggest that, while we may be 'scared poopless', you do not have to worry about that condition because you are clearly....'full of poop!'

Ohhh but wait...I have detected your problem!!! I can help you. All you need to do is stop being a Commander fan and a trip to the bathroom should be possible. The 'full of poop' condition should begin to reverse itself and logic and reason might appear for you! Once that occurs, and you see the old and injury prone Brunell on the Commander sideline, you might realize what a mistake it was to expect much from him this season!


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gbrittain said:
I never said you said anything about the Commanders situation. For all I know (I doubt it) you think the Skins QB situation is far worse than that of Dallas. I was just pointing out the similiar situation in case you had not realized it yet.

Could you please reconcile these statements. Romo has never ever in his life thrown a pass in the NFL much like Campbell, yet you "know" that Romo sucks?

I can play that game too. Cambell sucks and you know it. Wow that was easy.

Look, I respect other teams fans and well thought out opinions, but you are offering just opinions without the "well thought out" part.

You keep posting rational posts like that and the "other" posters are bound to be exposed... oh wait... they were already LMAO


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superpunk said:
I did love that brilliant logic.

Romo is worthless because he's a UDFA who couldn't keep Bledsoe (a borderline HOF) from being brought aboard.

But Campbell is simply unproven, even though he is a first rounder, who can't beat out Brunell (who is nowhere near sniffing the HOF and has an injury history)......

Something doesn't seem fair in the assessments....

You know I love good debate and not just football debate. However, when someone refuses to use logic and use it consistently it just drives me up a wall. :bang2:


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DragonCowboy said:
Ok, I can play illone's game...

"You can tell that Jason Campbell just sucks. Gibbs brought in Todd Collins, who sucks, so that means that Campbell sucks even more."
- Is that true? Maybe not. The thing is, we might be looking at a veteran QB who won't have to worry about the learning curve that Henson/Romo are going through.

You wouldn't understand that, would you? You're too busy stacking your Commanders team on Madden...

Exactly my point. If you're looking at someone other than Romo or Hensen then what other proof do you need?


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gbrittain said:
You know I love good debate and not just football debate. However, when someone refuses to use logic and use it consistently it just drives me up a wall.

IMpossible to talk to.

I think juke said something about it being like attempting to reason with a toaster oven once. I thought it was clever. Looks like the toaster oven clause is invoked here.


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YoMick said:
You keep posting rational posts like that and the "other" posters are bound to be exposed... oh wait... they were already LMAO

:lmao2: :bow:


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illone said:
Exactly my point. If you're looking at someone other than Romo or Hensen then what other proof do you need?

(a) That sentence makes no sense.

(b) If I was able to use my troll translator correctly, and "looking at someone other than" refers to your unsubstantiated, ridiculous rumor about the Cowboys looking at Billy Volek - save it.

And stop making crap up.


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superpunk said:
(a) That sentence makes no sense.

(b) If I was able to use my troll translator correctly, and "looking at someone other than" refers to your unsubstantiated, ridiculous rumor about the Cowboys looking at Billy Volek - save it.

And stop making crap up.

(b) If I was able to use my troll translator correctly

That was you mind if I use that in the future? :D


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gbrittain said:
That was you mind if I use that in the future? :D

I read the damn thing like 8 times trying to figure out what he was talking about.

use away.;)


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
illone said:
What was the whole point I was making, then?
Others are making it for me, but that's ok, I'll take a swing at it.

If Romo was any good he'd have prevented your FO from acquiring Bledsoe to begin with
Like others have mentioned, we could say the same about them bringing in Todd Collins over your Campbell. If he was so good, why'd they go get Collins? Cambell should be the clear #2 behind Brunell, even though he's on his what 6th offense in 6 years? But no, you guys go get a scrub QB in Collins who you better he doesn't have to play for you in any meaningful game. I think we'd see Chicago 2004 again.

At the time Bledsoe was brought in, Romo was a raw QB with no experience. Why wouldn't the 'boys go get a proven vet like Bledsoe rather than go with a raw 2nd year UDFA?

and now it appears you guys are taking a look at Volek.
Haven't read a thing about that. Link?

Last I heard he's starting for the Titans this year. No way could he be considered an option.

I troll the 'net all day, everyday for 'boys news, so unless you pulled it off a messageboard that came out of somebody's backside, it's not true.

It's pretty clear to most that your backups are not good enough to even be backups.
Really? How do you know? Have you seen them play? Has anyone from any reputable news source stated it? Do you have any kind of proof, source, anything, which suggests that Henson and/or Romo are not good enough to step on the field?


I thought so.

See that's what I mean by flawed knowledge. You know enough to come here and cause a little havoc, but not enough to sustain it.


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illone said:
Exactly my point. If you're looking at someone other than Romo or Hensen then what other proof do you need?

Okay, what are you talking about? I was talking about how stupid your idea of "sucks" is.

Man, how hard it is to communicate with these people...


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WoodysGirl said:
Others are making it for me, but that's ok, I'll take a swing at it.

Like others have mentioned, we could say the same about them bringing in Todd Collins over your Campbell. If he was so good, why'd they go get Collins? Cambell should be the clear #2 behind Brunell, even though he's on his what 6th offense in 6 years? But no, you guys go get a scrub QB in Collins who you better he doesn't have to play for you in any meaningful game. I think we'd see Chicago 2004 again.

At the time Bledsoe was brought in, Romo was a raw QB with no experience. Why wouldn't the 'boys go get a proven vet like Bledsoe rather than go with a raw 2nd year UDFA.

Haven't read a thing about that. Link?

Last I heard he's starting for the Titans this year. No way could he be considered an option.

I troll the 'net all day, everyday for 'boys news, so unless you pulled it off a messageboard that came out of somebody's backside, it's not true.

Really? How do you know? Have you seen them play? Has anyone from any reputable news source stated it? Do you have any kind of proof, source, anything, which suggests that Henson and/or Romo are not good enough to step on the field?


I thought so.

See that's what I mean by flawed knowledge. You know enough to come here and cause a little havoc, but not enough to sustain it.

Ohhh...a spanking.


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WoodysGirl said:
Others are making it for me, but that's ok, I'll take a swing at it.

Like others have mentioned, we could say the same about them bringing in Todd Collins over your Campbell. If he was so good, why'd they go get Collins? Cambell should be the clear #2 behind Brunell, even though he's on his what 6th offense in 6 years? But no, you guys go get a scrub QB in Collins who you better he doesn't have to play for you in any meaningful game.

Gibbs likes having three QB's. Bringing in Collins has nothing to do with Campbell or Brunell.


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illone said:
Gibbs likes having three QB's.

Somebody stop the presses and alert the rest of the NFL's head coaches that having 3 QBs is good practice.