Dont laugh.....


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If Bledsoe goes down our season is OVER....

You can insert Romo/Henson/Testaverde/Collins etc..etc..

We MUST have Bledsoe at QB to be a contender.


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illone said:
I wouldn't worry about Bledsoe, either. What's behind him is a major concern, though. Any Cowboys fan who is of the "wait and see" approach with Henson or Romo needs to have a 'between the ears' exam. These guys suck.

Maybe, maybe not. Kind of like your Commanders situation, after Brunell what do you have?

All Campbell is as of right now is an unproven commodity. Todd Collins is a proven commodity, but not in a good way if you know what I mean.

Looks to me like Dallas and Skins are in the same boat virtually, except of course that Bledsoe is more durable than Brunell to this point.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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gbrittain said:
All Campbell is as of right now is an unproven commodity.

But Campbell has "pedigree".

Does that no longer count for anything?


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KingTuna said:
If Bledsoe goes down our season is OVER....

You can insert Romo/Henson/Testaverde/Collins etc..etc..

We MUST have Bledsoe at QB to be a contender.

Just like it was over for New England when Bledsoe went down?............. en route to 3-SB's-in-4-years-down?


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gbrittain said:
Maybe, maybe not. Kind of like your Commanders situation, after Brunell what do you have?

All Campbell is as of right now is an unproven commodity. Todd Collins is a proven commodity, but not in a good way if you know what I mean.

Looks to me like Dallas and Skins are in the same boat virtually, except of course that Bledsoe is more durable than Brunell to this point.

no, he's an unproven talent. :p:


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Alexander said:
But Campbell has "pedigree".

Does that no longer count for anything?

I like how some not all Skins fans see Campbell as money in the bank, but Carpenter, Skyler, Fasano, Hatcher, Watkins, Burnett, and etc are unknown and unproven talents.



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YoMick said:
Its not hat cut and dry. Growing pains are part of the game. You cant say that every QB is put out there with the best players around him. Its just not realisitic.

I was just ribbing a bit.

It seems some feel if we threw Romo/Henson out there for some garbage games, all of a sudden the coaches would see stuff they never knew about, evaluations could be made, the heavens would part......

I don';t buy it, tho....:D


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gbrittain said:
Maybe, maybe not. Kind of like your Commanders situation, after Brunell what do you have?

All Campbell is as of right now is an unproven commodity. Todd Collins is a proven commodity, but not in a good way if you know what I mean.

Looks to me like Dallas and Skins are in the same boat virtually, except of course that Bledsoe is more durable than Brunell to this point.

It appears we can't have any discussion on this board without comparing teams.

Nowhere in any of my posts did I say anything about the Commanders current QB situation. If you'd like to compare, sure, we're in the same boat. We have a unproven rookie behind Brunell and a 3rd stringer who luckily knows our OC which is why he is even here. The main difference is that your QB depth is known to suck. Ours isnt. Collins isn't a guy we're going to ever play, sans some insane situation, but regardless I'm assuming he sucks pretty bad. Campbell on the other hand is unknown. Nobody knows what he can or can't do yet.

Everyone knows Romo and Henson suck. I'm sure you know that by now, too.


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illone said:
Everyone knows Romo and Henson suck. I'm sure you know that by now, too.

Somebody alert Bill.

The skins fan, who has probably never seen Romo, has passed judgement.

I'm really glad you were able to share this with us.


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illone said:
It appears we can't have any discussion on this board without comparing teams.

Nowhere in any of my posts did I say anything about the Commanders current QB situation. If you'd like to compare, sure, we're in the same boat. We have a unproven rookie behind Brunell and a 3rd stringer who luckily knows our OC which is why he is even here. The main difference is that your QB depth is known to suck. Ours isnt. Collins isn't a guy we're going to ever play, sans some insane situation, but regardless I'm assuming he sucks pretty bad. Campbell on the other hand is unknown. Nobody knows what he can or can't do yet.

Everyone knows Romo and Henson suck. I'm sure you know that by now, too.
Seriously, how do you know? :confused:

Romo hasn't appeared in any regular season game. Henson, only for a half and the JV league over in Europe.

I don't think anyone should speak in absolutes until they hit the field during the reg season. Spot duty in the preseason doesn't count.


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Alexander said:
But Campbell has "pedigree".

Does that no longer count for anything?

What is this pedigree you speak of?

I wasn't aware of any pedigree with Campbell. I think I read somewhere that his dad is a professor.:confused:


What's it going to be then, eh?
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illone said:
What is this pedigree you speak of?

Pedigree is a mythical construct that allows one to use press clippings or college success as reasoning to assume they are going to be a good professional even though they haven't played very few downs of meaningful NFL football.


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superpunk said:
I was just ribbing a bit.

It seems some feel if we threw Romo/Henson out there for some garbage games, all of a sudden the coaches would see stuff they never knew about, evaluations could be made, the heavens would part......

I don';t buy it, tho....:D

Yeah I hear ya... we all express our frustrations a bit in our posts or reasoning... developing.....


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illone said:
It appears we can't have any discussion on this board without comparing teams.

Nowhere in any of my posts did I say anything about the Commanders current QB situation. If you'd like to compare, sure, we're in the same boat. We have a unproven rookie behind Brunell and a 3rd stringer who luckily knows our OC which is why he is even here. The main difference is that your QB depth is known to suck. Ours isnt. Collins isn't a guy we're going to ever play, sans some insane situation, but regardless I'm assuming he sucks pretty bad. Campbell on the other hand is unknown. Nobody knows what he can or can't do yet.

Everyone knows Romo and Henson suck. I'm sure you know that by now, too.

I never said you said anything about the Commanders situation. For all I know (I doubt it) you think the Skins QB situation is far worse than that of Dallas. I was just pointing out the similiar situation in case you had not realized it yet.

The main difference is that your QB depth is known to suck. Ours isnt

Everyone knows Romo and Henson suck. I'm sure you know that by now, too

Could you please reconcile these statements. Romo has never ever in his life thrown a pass in the NFL much like Campbell, yet you "know" that Romo sucks?

I can play that game too. Cambell sucks and you know it. Wow that was easy.

Look, I respect other teams fans and well thought out opinions, but you are offering just opinions without the "well thought out" part.


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Alexander said:
Pedigree is a mythical construct that allows one to use press clippings or college success as reasoning to assume they are going to be a good professional even though they haven't played very few downs of meaningful NFL football.


Do you know what pedigree means?

Not sure what your point is, anyways. No skins fan I know has ever mentioned Campbell as having pedigree.


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gbrittain said:
Could you please reconcile these statements. Romo has never ever in his life thrown a pass in the NFL much like Campbell, yet you "know" that Romo sucks?

Look, you're taking this too personal. If Romo was any good he'd have prevented your FO from acquiring Bledsoe to begin with and now it appears you guys are taking a look at Volek. It's pretty clear to most that your backups are not good enough to even be backups. If I were in your shoes I'd be scared poopless to see either of those guys enter the game. Probably the same feeling I got when I would see Ramsey warming up on the sidelines.



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illone said:
Look, you're taking this too personal. If Romo was any good he'd have prevented your FO from acquiring Bledsoe to begin with and now it appears you guys are taking a look at Volek. It's pretty clear to most that your backups are not good enough to even be backups. If I were in your shoes I'd be scared poopless to see either of those guys enter the game. Probably the same feeling I got when I would see Ramsey warming up on the sidelines.

How a person can be so wrong on so many counts is amazing...

Oh I can't wait to see the responses to this one.

~grabbing popcorn~


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WoodysGirl said:
How a person can be so wrong on so many counts is amazing...

Oh I can't wait to see the responses to this one.

~grabbing popcorn~

Funny, one of your fellow Cowboys fans above even said the season would be over if Bledsoe went down. Is he wrong too?