They competed hard, Winston balled. Dang kicker literally blew it.In that last 5 weeks the Bucs lost to...
Falcons (2x)
So today was huge for the Seahawks as well. They will be equally up for today's game.
People tongue bathe Romo like he's the Carson Wentz of color guys calling games but for my money there's no better Cowboy doing it than Moose Johnston.
There is a reason bad teams always lose.They competed hard, Winston balled. Dang kicker literally blew it.
People tongue bathe Romo like he's the Carson Wentz of color guys calling games but for my money there's no better Cowboy doing it than Moose Johnston.
Why? One team has nothing to play for.Eagles Cowboys will be flexed to SNF.
Newton is such a hack. I hate the fact that I have to cheer for that sickening idiot to win next week. I'm sure he'll dress like a fruitcake after the game too
I don’t think so. If the Falcons win, the Cowboy game could be meaningless depending on what Philly doesEagles Cowboys will be flexed to SNF.
I'd like to push that 'concept' a helluva lot further, case point being: EVERY STADIUM HAS the COMMAND& CONTROL capabilities to determine the calls ON THEIR FIELD, ALL EQUIPMENT BEING EQUAL amongst the LEAGUE TO REVIEW THOSE CALLS,,, to hell with a centralized N.F.L. death star Gestapo dictatorial review station located in NEW YORK,,,,that's something that definitely needs to be wrestled back away from the league's ability to dictate the desired outcomes,,,THAT WHOLE CENTRALIZED POWER CONCEPT IS G.D. communist,,,another questionable catch "bad call" in the KC Miami game. Sometimes wonder what the heck these refs are doing. Lets just computerize the whole thing for gods sake
They and AtWe got two huge breaks, why is Carolina winning that big of a deal, we need them to beat Atlanta anyway, so they would be ahead of us anyway.