Eat crow here

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Actually, Idgit there is no issue at all. I have been correct about a lot of what I have said regarding the Cowboys. It just so happens that this year I, and many others have mis-judged them and they are for the first time in a long time playing good mistake free football for the most part. I don't let my emotions get involved in my opinions. I just give an honest opinion good or bad (Keep in mind my opinions cover BOTH good and bad.. not just one or the other) It's just that when I have a negative opinion of the team or players the homers can't stand it and get offended. I can't control that part. One thing you can bet on is if my opinions are ever wrong, I have no problems admitting it as you can clearly see by me making this thread.

Actually they are still making a ton of mistakes. Once they start playing mistake free, Cowboys will not just be dominating opposing teams, they will be obliterating them (like they did to the Saints). I wish Hos' sig pic was an emoticon right now. :D
'm still waiting for someone to start a thread and say RS (and others) were right and I'll eat my crow.

You want to give him credit for parroting the "It all start up front" line that has been in the NFL since the 1950's? That no one disagrees with?

If a bunch of posters were yelling Super Bowl and the team was 1-5, they would deserve to eat crow. What we had was a bunch of haters screaming that the team was horrible and its playoff caliber at this point. That's where eating crow is deserved.
You want to give him credit for parroting the "It all start up front" line that has been in the NFL since the 1950's? That no one disagrees with?

If a bunch of posters were yelling Super Bowl and the team was 1-5, they would deserve to eat crow. What we had was a bunch of haters screaming that the team was horrible and its playoff caliber at this point. That's where eating crow is deserved.

It wasn't so obvious tot those that defended the acquisitions and resources spent on the secondary when we needed help along the lines. Many folks disagreed with that philosophy and claimed this as a new, pass happy NFL where the lines were not as important as the CB position to neutralize the new offenses.

I don't know many folks on either side that were predicting SB, but they sure predicted 10 plus wins year in and year out without understanding how teams are built. No one started the "eat crow" threads after missing the playoffs for 4 straight years. I'll be the first to admit the D is playing beyond my wildest expectations but that's because I didn't believe some of the DL would step up, not because of the philosophy of building through the lines and solid line play which is how teams win.
Where did this Dallas toughness come from? I mean physically and mentally. In past years they would've went on the road, got down 10-0, and crawled in a corner to continue to be beat on. Even Seahawk fans and national media are saying today that the big bully on the field yesterday was Dallas. Where did this come from? Who brought it?

The 2 general things I am most pleased with are (and I am not counting individual players here, this is a team thing I am talking about)

1. Their toughness and not allowing a team like Seattle to intimidate them.

2. The mentality of working the clock. Example: They run a play and now there are 22 seconds to go in the quarter. I am thinking they are making a conscious decision to hell with it, we dont need to run another play here , lets let the clock expire. I love this so much. Shortening the game and grinding.
Actually, Idgit there is no issue at all. I have been correct about a lot of what I have said regarding the Cowboys. It just so happens that this year I, and many others have mis-judged them and they are for the first time in a long time playing good mistake free football for the most part. I don't let my emotions get involved in my opinions. I just give an honest opinion good or bad (Keep in mind my opinions cover BOTH good and bad.. not just one or the other) It's just that when I have a negative opinion of the team or players the homers can't stand it and get offended. I can't control that part. One thing you can bet on is if my opinions are ever wrong, I have no problems admitting it as you can clearly see by me making this thread.

All I can say, ufc, is that your take on your opinions doesn't jive with what I've observed re: your opinions. Or with the facts on the field--and I'm not just talking about the beginning of this season.

I have no doubt you're giving your honest take on things. Being 'honest,' though, and being 'right' aren't the same thing.

I'm happy if you're happy with the thread you've created here, too. Whatever floats your boat. Just, as I alluded to earlier, don't make the further mistake of thinking a couple mea-culpa posts are going to do much to change anybody's overall perception. I don't think it really does. But, hey, go Cowboys, right? It's nice to have everybody happy around here after another impressive win. Let's keep it going.
Actually, Idgit there is no issue at all. I have been correct about a lot of what I have said regarding the Cowboys. It just so happens that this year I, and many others have mis-judged them and they are for the first time in a long time playing good mistake free football for the most part. I don't let my emotions get involved in my opinions. I just give an honest opinion good or bad (Keep in mind my opinions cover BOTH good and bad.. not just one or the other) It's just that when I have a negative opinion of the team or players the homers can't stand it and get offended. I can't control that part. One thing you can bet on is if my opinions are ever wrong, I have no problems admitting it as you can clearly see by me making this thread.

What a load of....
All I can say, ufc, is that your take on your opinions doesn't jive with what I've observed re: your opinions. Or with the facts on the field--and I'm not just talking about the beginning of this season.

I have no doubt you're giving your honest take on things. Being 'honest,' though, and being 'right' aren't the same thing.

I'm happy if you're happy with the thread you've created here, too. Whatever floats your boat. Just, as I alluded to earlier, don't make the further mistake of thinking a couple mea-culpa posts are going to do much to change anybody's overall perception. I don't think it really does. But, hey, go Cowboys, right? It's nice to have everybody happy around here after another impressive win. Let's keep it going.

Not trying to lampoon the OP at all, but you are correct. It doesn't change my perception. I don't want to be "united" with anyone who dislikes my team enough to bash them constantly on a forum dedicated to them. That doesn't mean I dislike him, or anyone else. I just do not respect it. I wouldn't respect it if a Commanders fan, an Eagles fan, or a Giants fan did it. I am not going to make an exception just because he is a Cowboys fan. I still don't like it, and I'm not likely to forget it.

We're all different, and you know that's cool. Every single one of us has times when the team drives us nuts. Every single, living, breathing, eating, drinking, pooping one of us. The difference seems to be in trying to make someone love the team or hate the team. I will always respect a diehard of any team. I have a buddy who loves the Raiders. He's beaming today about how they almost beat the Chargers. I respect him a hell of a lot more than someone who is a professed Raiders fan who is bashing them today. That is how I am different. I do not want to hear and read negative stuff about my team, and when I do, I am going to defend them.

Now, having said that, the OP and I have never gotten along all that well. I acknowledge that and I am sure he would too. It's because we differ on how we want to talk about our team. The closest I will get to united with him is if a Commanders fan (picking them only as an example) bashes him here and I see. Then I am going to come to his defense the same way i would if they bashed a player or a coach. It doesn't change the fact that some fans say more negative stuff about our team than fans of other teams do. I do not respect that, and I never will. That's me. Some will never respect me because they wrongly think I never say anything bad about the team. Cool. I have no issue with that at all.

They're happy now. Great! I mean that. Great. We're not united. We're both happy. I don't think that is bad at all, and I prefer it to the acrimony. But we're not united. Not by a damn sight.
It's funny how out of 18 years, they had a couple of relevant years yet some people picked them to win all 18 years. That's just stupid. You can actually admit when your team sucks, just as you can celebrate when your team is great. There's a difference between not rooting for your team anymore and criticizing when it's due.

All I can say is, I love this team and I deserve any flack guys give me for being down on this team, THIS YEAR. Not years past, but this year.

This sounds like your usual stuff. Your crow may go down easier with a simple 'I was wrong'.
Many folks disagreed with that philosophy and claimed this as a new, pass happy NFL where the lines were not as important as the CB position to neutralize the new offenses.

That's sugar coating Risen Star's behavior. After the team had spent 3 #1's on a OL and hit a gem UDFA in Leary he was still making personal attacks on anyone that didn't agree with him, plus making ridiculous negative statements like posting two days ago that half this team wasn't NFL quality - right before they beat the SB Champs on the road.

That isn't about a difference of philosophy, its about a child acting childish.
That's sugar coating Risen Star's behavior. After the team had spent 3 #1's on a OL and hit a gem UDFA in Leary he was still making personal attacks on anyone that didn't agree with him, plus making ridiculous negative statements like posting two days ago that half this team wasn't NFL quality - right before they beat the SB Champs on the road.

That isn't about a difference of philosophy, its about a child acting childish.

Haha, Risen Star

I doubt he can even see his computer right now, it's so dark in that hole he's dug for himself.
Yeah but they made you look right for the better part of 20 years.

So excuse me if I'm not interested in any lessons from the crowd who simply pick the Cow

So excuse me if I'm not interested in any lessons from the crowd who simply pick the Cowboys every week of every year.

Did you change your avatar? It appears small to me.
That's sugar coating Risen Star's behavior. After the team had spent 3 #1's on a OL and hit a gem UDFA in Leary he was still making personal attacks on anyone that didn't agree with him, plus making ridiculous negative statements like posting two days ago that half this team wasn't NFL quality - right before they beat the SB Champs on the road.

That isn't about a difference of philosophy, its about a child acting childish.

B I N G O .... Fallen Star and many others make outlandish statements about the Cowboys day after day after day, and now that the team seems to be getting better and the food is starting to taste good, they want to eat at the same table as us "homers"!?

He actually needs to go back to ExtremeSkins where he belongs. Same with KJJ. Where has he been? He's probably back with his 49'ers.

There is nothing I respect about Cowboys fans that bash the hell out of the Cowboys, yet want to reap the rewards.

The Cowboys are going to lose a few more games this season, and the same ones that dogged them in the past that are trying to "unite" today will revert right back to their whining ways. Pitiful...
Don't make the further mistake of thinking a couple mea-culpa posts are going to do much to change anybody's overall perception. I don't think it really does. But, hey, go Cowboys, right?

My job here isn't too change anyone's perceptions. I don't owe anyone anything here. We all post our opinions and talk about the Cowboys. If someone doesn't like my opinion they can put me on ignore. Me saying I was eating crow was about 2 things, #1. Thinking the Cowboy's were going to have a bad year, and #2, thinking the Seahawks were going to beat us. That is it. If anyone doesn't like that,...well... I don't care.
My job here isn't too change anyone's perceptions. I don't owe anyone anything here. We all post our opinions and talk about the Cowboys. If someone doesn't like my opinion they can put me on ignore. Me saying I was eating crow was about 2 things, #1. Thinking the Cowboy's were going to have a bad year, and #2, thinking the Seahawks were going to beat us. That is it. If anyone doesn't like that,...well... I don't care.

Cool. I don't see how anybody could *dislike* it. If anything, it's more of a 'whatever.' I didn't mean to imply that you owed anyone anything--even an explanation of why you may have been wrong or whatever. Big wins are too rare to quibble about them after the fact when we should be marinating in our victory juices and making fun of Giants and Redsk*ns fans.
My job here isn't too change anyone's perceptions. I don't owe anyone anything here. We all post our opinions and talk about the Cowboys. If someone doesn't like my opinion they can put me on ignore. Me saying I was eating crow was about 2 things, #1. Thinking the Cowboy's were going to have a bad year, and #2, thinking the Seahawks were going to beat us. That is it. If anyone doesn't like that,...well... I don't care.

Oh...but now you want to be all buddy buddy with the "homers"! Tell us about Romo.
Cool. I don't see how anybody could *dislike* it. If anything, it's more of a 'whatever.' I didn't mean to imply that you owed anyone anything--even an explanation of why you may have been wrong or whatever. Big wins are too rare to quibble about them after the fact when we should be marinating in our victory juices and making fun of Giants and Redsk*ns fans.

My hope in starting this thread was to try and get some of the "homers" and "realists" on the same page but it didn't stop some from attacking. I'm with you, I want nothing more than to really soak up this victory and look forward to the next 2 divisional beat downs.

Are you a crow?
Are you disgusted with sports fans constantly wanting to consume you?
If so, join the Stop Eating Me Club.
For an annual membership fee of 1/2 bushel birdseed,
you will become an official member flocking for vengence.
Using sophisticated global positioning satellite systems,
we offer members precise location of sports fans' vehicles parked around the world.
Stop walking away upset and use your poop to get even.
Join the Stop Eating Me Club today.
This has been an interesting, informative, enlightening and happy thread for the most part. Let's keep it that way. Can you people help us out here?
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