Ed Werder: Deion would accept the job if offered

Anybody that can’t change the culture won’t work here. Simple as
How much of it can he change realistically, what's he going to tell players if they don['t listen they don't play??? Or they won't start??? Too much money involved. As far as practicing etc I believe MM may have been too nice on them, he can change things in the locker room to make players more focused
Anybody that can’t change the culture won’t work here. Simple as
Well when I say have success I mean as far as winning games. As far as having a championship type winning culture....that part I don't think Ben or anyone could. I'm not even sure if Prime could. But I think he potentially could since we haven't hired a guy like him.
Deion will be more exciting than some retread or other puppet needing a job like MM was. Deion is a coach that will be bigger than Jerry. It won't last long but it could change culture for a little while to something more interesting.
I'm genuinely shocked tons of people can't see this. At least we'll get SOME reality about the team...MM was a straight STOOGE during his pressers. No personality, no initiative and no charisma. Total Dud and Doofus.

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