Edge retires from WWE.

Romo 2 Austin;3915278 said:
Del Rio isn't over as a heel considering the fact he's won the rumble and still barely gets reactions from the live audience.

bull ....
Romo 2 Austin;3915284 said:
On RAW when he come's out its as silent as can be, SD has infamously used canned heat.

You are full of it.

He gets a great reaction on Raw and Smackdown.

This is just more of your silly crap.
zrinkill;3915290 said:
You are full of it.

He gets a great reaction on Raw and Smackdown.

This is just more of your silly crap.

No, listen next time ADJ comes on Raw and you'll see. Its laughable how un-over he is for a Royal Rumble winner.
Romo 2 Austin;3915295 said:
No, listen next time ADJ comes on Raw and you'll see. Its laughable how un-over he is for a Royal Rumble winner.


You are wrong and biased, no matter how many times you say it its simply not true.

ADR is one of the top heels in the business already and he gets a great reaction from the crowds.
World Wrestling Entertainment star Alberto Del Rio couldn’t help smiling as boos thundered from the rafters in Cleveland’s Quicken Loans Arena.

He hadn’t said one word into his microphone, and still, the fans were bodyslamming him with disapproval. When you have your own personal ring announcer and drive Rolls Royces and Lamborghinis to the ring, you might ooze a special brand of slimy machismo that invites public scorn. Del Rio’s pearly whites grew wider and brighter with each “Alberto Sucks!” chant until he winked at his adoring public and addressed them.

“My name is Alberto Del Rioooooo!” he bellowed, whipping fans into a fever-pitched frenzy. “But you already knew that.”

Romo 2 Austin;3915278 said:
I rarely have repeated anything that I haven't been "baited" to repeat. Del Rio isn't over as a heel considering the fact he's won the rumble and still barely gets reactions from the live audience.

Believe me there is a world of difference between what you hear on TV and being there live. I've been to plenty of WWE live shows and the noise is deafening at times. Never been to a single show that wasn't loud.
DallasGirl50;3915428 said:
Believe me there is a world of difference between what you hear on TV and being there live. I've been to plenty of WWE live shows and the noise is deafening at times. Never been to a single show that wasn't loud.

Same. WWE is always a fun experience live, they rarely sell out when they come to Nassau Coliseum(a mile from my house) so I usually walkup on the day of and get tickets for $10-$20(cheaper than when TNA run's shows here, as they seem to always sell out on Long Island/NYC. They also run much smaller venues, which is probably why its more expensive usually starting at $25 a ticket. )
Romo 2 Austin;3915278 said:
I rarely have repeated anything that I haven't been "baited" to repeat. Del Rio isn't over as a heel considering the fact he's won the rumble and still barely gets reactions from the live audience.
I didn't bait you. I wasn't even talking to you.
zrinkill;3915319 said:
World Wrestling Entertainment star Alberto Del Rio couldn’t help smiling as boos thundered from the rafters in Cleveland’s Quicken Loans Arena.

He hadn’t said one word into his microphone, and still, the fans were bodyslamming him with disapproval. When you have your own personal ring announcer and drive Rolls Royces and Lamborghinis to the ring, you might ooze a special brand of slimy machismo that invites public scorn. Del Rio’s pearly whites grew wider and brighter with each “Alberto Sucks!” chant until he winked at his adoring public and addressed them.

“My name is Alberto Del Rioooooo!” he bellowed, whipping fans into a fever-pitched frenzy. “But you already knew that.”

Hey, that was a well done article. Thank you for posting that.
Hostile;3915514 said:
Hey, that was a well done article. Thank you for posting that.

You are very welcome.

Alberto Del Rio is a huge star ...... and will be on top of the WWE for a long time.
Quite possibly the most awesome thing i have ever seen that's wrestling related


zrinkill;3915528 said:
You are very welcome.

Alberto Del Rio is a huge star ...... and will be on top of the WWE for a long time.

Their plan all along has been for him to hold a belt...it's very obvious.

I have to say I think the whole having his own announcer is very clever..it always makes me laugh when that guy gets on.
DallasGirl50;3915595 said:
Their plan all along has been for him to hold a belt...it's very obvious.

I have to say I think the whole having his own announcer is very clever..it always makes me laugh when that guy gets on.

If Edge hadn't been forced to retire he would probably get the belt at the next PPV, since he retired they'll probably let Christian hold it for a while.
On the other hand they could use his retirement to get Del Rio even more hate with some cheap wins over Christian who's gonna be a fan darling for a while now. Del Rio is throwing a farewell party for edge on SD tomorrow so it sets up quite nicely both ways.

It's not as easy to call as the other title match at ER is which is only a triple threat match so Miz can retain without Cena losing
zrinkill;3915666 said:
Breaking News

Jay Lethal has been released from TNA

Bad move by TNA, happened a few hours ago. Wouldn't be shocked to see him signed by WWE. Guys only 26.
Romo 2 Austin;3914946 said:
No, not at all. There is a difference between heel heat and being boring. If the goal is to get people to fast foward/avoid their product by pushing Del Rio, then mission accomplished.

A good heel makes you want to see them lose, but intrigued to see what they will do. Everyone rips on him, but Hulk Hogan is doing good right now in TNA, that's 'heel heat', everyone wants to see him get his *** kicked but people are still watching, intrigued to see what he will do, intrigued to see if RVD/Anderson will join Immortal.

Del Rio just smirks and looks like an idiot, and performs at a sub-wwe level even though he should be one of the best in ring performers in the company. If he wasn't mexican he wouldn't have a job in WWE, TNA, or any other notable U.S Wrestling company, the guy only made it in mexico because his father is one of the all time greats.

Sorry but I couldn't disagree more about Hogan.

I used to love the guy, and love him as a heel, now I just feel sorry that the guy can't hang it up and it's no longer real heel heat bro. Sorry it's just not. Now, outside of the TNA Fan Boys, the hatred for Hogan is hatred for him personally, not for his gimmick anymore. It's been that way for a long time with Hogan now, and it's not just cause he's in TNA. People are just long past tired of him now.

DallasGirl50;3914977 said:

Somebody posted Goldberg has no intention of wrestling..according to his own website.

Vince is NOT a wrestler..never has been no matter how many gimmick matches he's been in and I think Mark would retire before he'd agree to something that stupid. There would be NO possibility of Vince even coming close to winning and there is no way you can market him as an credible opponent. Particularly at 60 bucks a pop.

Vince vs. Taker would be a HORRIBLE idea for the 20-0. That would be the biggest waste they could come up with. Horrible idea.

RoyTheHammer;3914984 said:
First of all.. NOTHING in the wrestling business is too big for Goldberg. He is like the biggest draw of all time.

Suggesting Vince McMahon would be a better match for Taker to end on is laughable at best.. and makes me worry for your mental health at worst. Please stop with that dude, its ridiculous.

That being said, it won't happen because as DallasGirl said, Goldberg isn't interested in getting in the ring. Now maybe he'd change his mind later on for one match, but as of now he has no intentions of getting back in the ring.

I don't like goldberg, never did, but I'd find that a much better draw, even on short notice, for 20-0 than I would for Vince.

In fact Goldberg makes a lot of sense cause he can claim he's got the greatest streak in wrestling history and he's there to end the Greatest streak in WWE history by Takers WM streak.

That makes so much more sense than Vince or some nobody who isn't going to win having a shot at Taker.

Aikmaniac;3914993 said:
Goldberg will get back in the ring if the money is right...especially for one match.

Him jobbing some young up and comers would be a total waste of comeback of that magnitude. If he did come back, a match against Taker would sell that much more buys for WM28. Rock/Cena, Taker/Goldberg...that's worth $65 right there.

I just don't see who is around that is worthy enough to be IN the potential 20-0 match, much less who would be worthy enough to end it.

The Vince match is comical but as DallasGirl said...it's hard to put any credibility into it.

Agreed with this post. Great post in fact.

RoyTheHammer;3914994 said:
Can you do HHH two years in a row? lol

If anyone ever ended it.. i would want it to be him. He just has the look, the history, the attitude, the intensity, everything. Can't get any better than The Game.

HHH is great. But I wouldn't even want HHH winning over Taker. Doing HHH 2 years in a row would be ok but that would make 3 shots at Taker and to me it would just be over done.

I actually like the Goldberg idea, personally, and I don't even like Goldberg.
Romo 2 Austin;3915519 said:
Wasn't referring to you
And so once again I say that you spew the same crap about 2 guys every chance you get and I don't respect your wrestling takes so respond to other people. Don't waste your time with me. I don't want to read your opinion of Miz and Del Rio any more. Is it now clear?

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