Edge retires from WWE.

RoyTheHammer;3912172 said:
I don't think you understand completely. Most of us who don't like Miz, we don't hate him at all. We just can't stand watching such a pathetic character week in and week out. There's absolutely nothing entertaining about him.

Ziggler on the other hand, is a guy who to me, should be getting a bigger push, and should be written a different angle than the one he's in with Vicki the Loudmouth. There's no reason to pair up such a talented wrestler with her and keep him in that stupid gimmick. He's got the right persona and intensity to be a main event type of guy.

and Del Rio is even worse than the Miz.
RoyTheHammer;3912172 said:
There's absolutely nothing entertaining about him.
Do not agree at all ..... Aside from Punk he is the best heel going right now ...... followed by ADR.

RoyTheHammer;3912172 said:
Ziggler on the other hand, is a guy who to me, should be getting a bigger push, and should be written a different angle than the one he's in with Vicki the Loudmouth. There's no reason to pair up such a talented wrestler with her and keep him in that stupid gimmick. He's got the right persona and intensity to be a main event type of guy.

Ziggler is still bad on the Mic ...... he will have to work on that before he will ever make it as a main on WWE.
big dog cowboy;3912192 said:
They were right.

Yes. I was thinking it couldn't possibly be as stupid as it sounded on paper, but it was.

"THINK OF THE CHILDRENNNNN" whoever booked that segment deserves to be fired.
RoyTheHammer;3912172 said:
I don't think you understand completely. Most of us who don't like Miz, we don't hate him at all. We just can't stand watching such a pathetic character week in and week out. There's absolutely nothing entertaining about him.

Ziggler on the other hand, is a guy who to me, should be getting a bigger push, and should be written a different angle than the one he's in with Vicki the Loudmouth. There's no reason to pair up such a talented wrestler with her and keep him in that stupid gimmick. He's got the right persona and intensity to be a main event type of guy.
I must understand because that is exactly what I said. It is about his shtick. As far as entertaining goes you seem to be quite wrong given the reaction he causes.

Dolph needs Vicky because he's not good on the mike. I'd like to see him move on too, but until he can provide something other than "I'm Dolph Ziggler," I don't see it happening.

There are very few guys who can get a proper push without being good in the ring and on the mike. It takes Dean Malenko kind of ring skills or Sin Cara kind of explosion to achieve that. I don't know how high the top rope of the ring is off the ground, but last night either that guy achieved a high jump over it, or I missed some sort of launching apparatus.
Hostile;3912207 said:
but last night either that guy achieved a high jump over it, or I missed some sort of launching apparatus.

They have a guy under the ring with a small trampoline.

And no I am not joking.
Hostile;3912207 said:
I must understand because that is exactly what I said. It is about his shtick. As far as entertaining goes you seem to be quite wrong given the reaction he causes.

Dolph needs Vicky because he's not good on the mike. I'd like to see him move on too, but until he can provide something other than "I'm Dolph Ziggler," I don't see it happening.

There are very few guys who can get a proper push without being good in the ring and on the mike. It takes Dean Malenko kind of ring skills or Sin Cara kind of explosion to achieve that. I don't know how high the top rope of the ring is off the ground, but last night either that guy achieved a high jump over it, or I missed some sort of launching apparatus.

That's his entrance.. he does it every time he comes out. (Sin Cara)

As for Ziggler.. he doesn't "need" Vicki if the writing was any good. Look at Orten, the guy hardly says anything and yet people know he's the best in the business right now.

Ziggler has that same intensity and persona, they could work around him on the mic while letting him have an oppertunity here and there to let him keep working on it. You arn't going to get better without practice.

Honestly, if it were up to me.. i'd switch the roles of Ziggler and Miz and have Dolph in the title picture with Orten, Punk, Swagger, and Shameus.. and use Miz for comic relief. Him and his little buddy Gilligan. They'd be better in that role, but you'll never convince me he's a main eventer. Honestly, the reason he gets as big a push as he does is because of the PG image crap, and also because Vince is trying to turn the WWE into a big reality drama series instead of wrestling. So in that respect, Miz has more experience than anyone in reality drama series TV. That's what the WWE has become, and its only going to get worse in the years to come if Vince has his way.

Remember.. its NOT wrestling anymore even, and these guys are NOT athletes.

Hostile;3912207 said:
I don't know how high the top rope of the ring is off the ground, but last night either that guy achieved a high jump over it, or I missed some sort of launching apparatus.

Think they use a springboard, looked like it on Raw last week or the week before when they showed it from a different angle.
Ren;3912221 said:
Think they use a springboard, looked like it on Raw last week or the week before when they showed it from a different angle.

Are you sure? The guy has hops from watching his work.. i don't know that it isn't just his pure leaping ability.

UPDATE: Just looked.. its definately a trampoline. haha

Love how they botched his debut too.
RoyTheHammer;3912219 said:
That's his entrance.. he does it every time he comes out. (Sin Cara)

As for Ziggler.. he doesn't "need" Vicki if the writing was any good. Look at Orten, the guy hardly says anything and yet people know he's the best in the business right now.

Ziggler has that same intensity and persona, they could work around him on the mic while letting him have an oppertunity here and there to let him keep working on it. You arn't going to get better without practice.

Honestly, if it were up to me.. i'd switch the roles of Ziggler and Miz and have Dolph in the title picture with Orten, Punk, Swagger, and Shameus.. and use Miz for comic relief. Him and his little buddy Gilligan. They'd be better in that role, but you'll never convince me he's a main eventer. Honestly, the reason he gets as big a push as he does is because of the PG image crap, and also because Vince is trying to turn the WWE into a big reality drama series instead of wrestling. So in that respect, Miz has more experience than anyone in reality drama series TV. That's what the WWE has become, and its only going to get worse in the years to come if Vince has his way.

Remember.. its NOT wrestling anymore even, and these guys are NOT athletes.

I have no idea why PG, PG13 or R makes some difference to you or why you think it should to me. I think that is a very hollow excuse at best.
Hostile;3912597 said:
I have no idea why PG, PG13 or R makes some difference to you or why you think it should to me. I think that is a very hollow excuse at best.

R2A's reason is he wants to hear cursing and see naked diva's

He is 17 so its almost understandable ..... do not know what Roy's excuse is.
Hostile;3912597 said:
I have no idea why PG, PG13 or R makes some difference to you or why you think it should to me. I think that is a very hollow excuse at best.

An excuse for what exactly? Im telling you why i, and many others, think the WWE has gone soft and its not nearly as entertaining anymore.

In the golden age of wrestling in the 90's and early 2000's it was all about attitude, and intensity.. it was RAW! That's what wrestling was all about.

Now, week after week, its just people coming out, doing promo's about how much they respect each other, and giving feel good public service announcements, like John Morrison's "smoking is bad and will cut your life short" BS last night.

And the Rock with his "team bring it" BS. Telling us how we can all improve our lives, yada yada yada..

And the Miz, with his monkey Alex "Gilligan" Reily as his corporate chair getter in tow.. coming out with his "comedy relief".

Its just not what it used to be.. if you enjoy it though, thats great.
RoyTheHammer;3912618 said:
An excuse for what exactly? Im telling you why i, and many others, think the WWE has gone soft and its not nearly as entertaining anymore.

In the golden age of wrestling in the 90's and early 2000's it was all about attitude, and intensity.. it was RAW! That's what wrestling was all about.

Now, week after week, its just people coming out, doing promo's about how much they respect each other, and giving feel good public service announcements, like John Morrison's "smoking is bad and will cut your life short" BS last night.

And the Rock with his "team bring it" BS. Telling us how we can all improve our lives, yada yada yada..

And the Miz, with his monkey Alex "Gilligan" Reily as his corporate chair getter in tow.. coming out with his "comedy relief".

Its just not what it used to be.. if you enjoy it though, thats great.
Wrestling was at it's best when Harley Race, Nick Bockwinkel, Ric Flair, Bruiser Brodie, and dozens of other wrestlers really knew the game. That was long before the R rated attitude era.

Wrestling doesn't need to be vulgar or risque to be good. It never has. So your continued commentary about it just really rings hollow. I've been more entertained by Ric Flair in a 3 minute PG shoot than I ever was by Edge when he was pushing his rated R superstar persona.
Hostile;3912665 said:
Wrestling was at it's best when Harley Race, Nick Bockwinkel, Ric Flair, Bruiser Brodie, and dozens of other wrestlers really knew the game. That was long before the R rated attitude era.

Wrestling doesn't need to be vulgar or risque to be good. It never has. So your continued commentary about it just really rings hollow. I've been more entertained by Ric Flair in a 3 minute PG shoot than I ever was by Edge when he was pushing his rated R superstar persona.


You continue to show your lack of understanding for what im talking about. Edge's "Rated R Superstar" gimmick was just one example of how the WWE is continuing to go downhill.

..and stop calling it "wrestling" before Vince finds out and slaps a lawsuit on your arse. lol
RoyTheHammer;3912690 said:

You continue to show your lack of understanding for what im talking about. Edge's "Rated R Superstar" gimmick was just one example of how the WWE is continuing to go downhill.

..and stop calling it "wrestling" before Vince finds out and slaps a lawsuit on your arse. lol
Now you are simply boring me whereas before it was a pleasant discussion.
Argh..wrestling has gone thru many incarnations in it's century old history. Vince will do what he thinks will make money; he's no different than Trump or Gates or any other zillionaire out there. If it doesn't work they'll try something else.

One thing I do know is that Vince has forgotten more about wrestling than I'll ever even know and if I don't want to watch I can switch the channel.
Hostile;3911414 said:
Beer money bores the hell out of me. Two guys who don't do the beer drinking half as good as Stone Cold did.

No one does it as well as Steve did but Beer Money is a darn good tag team. I'd pay money to see them and happily do so.

RoyTheHammer;3911584 said:
Just read that the person behind "The Network" in the current TNA story isn't going to be Dixie Carter. Im actually intrigued by who it could be now since it doesn't appear to be her or Heyman. Hope they don't drop the ball again.. and it damn well better NOT be Hogan, Bischoff, or Russo.

I'm almost willing to bet it will be one of those 3 or someone close to Hogan. It will be someone that will suck and be a complete let down, no doubt about it.

Hostile;3912134 said:
I don't think it was vague at all. The variosu wrestling alliances always have guys they are developing and when Mr. Kennedy was in WWE there were people saying the same things about him as they do now about Miz and Dolph, et al.

Now, like Miz he is main eventing a PPV for one of the wrestling alliances. At one time Austin was a mid carder. Edge was a mid carder. Jericho was a mid carder. I even remember when the now deified Shawn Michaels was a mid carder and kicked his best friend Marty Jannety on the Barbershop for his first heel turn towards being a main event guy.

Guys pay their dues. Seems to me like a lot of "fans" are impatient and expect all of these guys to walk down the ramp as Flairs, Austins, and Rocks right out of the gate. That's silly.

Shelton Benjamin was a great wrestler, but a so so guy on the mike. There was a guy out of Canada years ago named Lance Storm who in the ring was really gifted, but had the personality of paint chips. They tried to give him a persona but the fans never bought him. I will be shocked if anyone knows where he is wrestling now or if he still is at all.

Mr. Kennedy got a few small title shots in WWE but I don't remember if he ever held a belt or not and don't care. He has moved to TNA, changed his name, still doing the same microphone shtick and has added a little Stone Cold disrespect of authority and now he is a main eventer. I don't see that as any different than Miz in WWE.

The fans react to Miz. He pushes their buttons. He paid his dues. That's why he is holding a belt right now and John Morrison, a more exciting in ring performer, isn't.

I see very little difference in how Miz and Anderson are being handled. I see very little difference in their in ring skills. I see huge differences in their shticks.

I think a lot of the hatred of Miz and Del Rio stems from people not liking their shtick more than anything else. Just my opinion.

Excellent post.

zrinkill;3912162 said:
He is running a wrestling academy now.

Yep. That's what I remember reading about.

Lance Storm was a heck of a great wrestler. It's a shame the guy had a boring as hell personality.

RoyTheHammer;3912172 said:
I don't think you understand completely. Most of us who don't like Miz, we don't hate him at all. We just can't stand watching such a pathetic character week in and week out. There's absolutely nothing entertaining about him.

Ziggler on the other hand, is a guy who to me, should be getting a bigger push, and should be written a different angle than the one he's in with Vicki the Loudmouth. There's no reason to pair up such a talented wrestler with her and keep him in that stupid gimmick. He's got the right persona and intensity to be a main event type of guy.

The Spirit Squad guy? Come on man. He can't complain. Being Vicky's boy toy, or whatever they're pushing them as now, has to be better than being a joke in the Spirit Squad. lol
Hostile;3912665 said:
Wrestling was at it's best when Harley Race, Nick Bockwinkel, Ric Flair, Bruiser Brodie, and dozens of other wrestlers really knew the game. That was long before the R rated attitude era.

Wrestling doesn't need to be vulgar or risque to be good. It never has. So your continued commentary about it just really rings hollow. I've been more entertained by Ric Flair in a 3 minute PG shoot than I ever was by Edge when he was pushing his rated R superstar persona.

Agreed. Completely.

Now don't get me wrong Roy, or anyone else, I loved the Attitude Era. I loved Austin, HBK, The Rock, Foley, HHH, Taker, Angle, and all that stuff. There was some classic, and brilliant work, during that era.

But I can think of tons of feuds, promos, and segments from the 80's NWA that was FAR SUPERIOR to anything I've ever seen.

Back in the day a Dusty Rhodes or Ric Flair or Terry Funk promo was absolutely GOLDEN.

In fact some of my all time favorite promos are from Dusty back in those days. Great stuff. Just great all around stuff.
BraveHeartFan;3914745 said:
No one does it as well as Steve did but Beer Money is a darn good tag team. I'd pay money to see them and happily do so.

I'm almost willing to bet it will be one of those 3 or someone close to Hogan. It will be someone that will suck and be a complete let down, no doubt about it.

Excellent post.

Yep. That's what I remember reading about.

Lance Storm was a heck of a great wrestler. It's a shame the guy had a boring as hell personality.

The Spirit Squad guy? Come on man. He can't complain. Being Vicky's boy toy, or whatever they're pushing them as now, has to be better than being a joke in the Spirit Squad. lol

The Network? Just figure out who TNA signed recently and that's THE NETWORK...

I'm pretty sure Lance Storm came out of the Hart wrestling school..he's friends with all those Canadian wrestlers..Jericho, Christian, Edge, etc. He was really good.

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