Edge retires from WWE.

zrinkill;3912162 said:
He is running a wrestling academy now.
Didn't see this until now when BH commented. Thanks for the info. Some guys you just can't inject personality into and some guys you just can't inject wrestling into.

Sadly Lance was great at the more important role in a time when the less important role was needed.

Like I said before, people do not become instant top carders unless they get an amazing push like Goldberg. Most have to pay their dues as jobbers and mid carders. I seriously doubt people in Mexico would agree with R2A and RtH about Del Rio whom they know as Dos Caras.

People hate the guy and no, it is not because he can't wrestle. It's because they have him working as a heel and he is pulling it off.

I want to say one more thing about Beer Money because people are defending them. I was never that into the Rock n Roll Express either and they were a good tag team. I just never bought Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson and the double drop kick as all that special. I am not a tag team fan really. The Road Warriors were really the exception for me. I never even really liked Powers of Pain or Demolition because they were Road Warriors copies.

Beer Money could be the best tag team in the world and I probably would not be that interested. That's just me. It is really rare that a tag team has me that jazzed. I mentioned Cody and Ted earlier. I think they could have been better. The last tag team I really felt was truly entertaining was Edge and Christian. I never really even bought into the New Age Outlaws even though I loved the DX shtick. Once their ring entrance was over Road Dog and Billy Gunn ceased to interest me. Really, the APA was another rare like for me. Same with the Freebirds.

I do like cliques at times if they are really intriguing. My all time favorite may have been Kevin Sullivan's Varsity Club who were all amazing wrestlers and he was the shtick. I loved the 4 Horseman, but I have been less than thrilled with Flair's attempts to copy the original power group. I don't like Nexus or the Corre mostly because they came off the Reality Show and right into push status. I don't think they earned it though Wade Barrett at least has potential to be a push.

So Beer Money could be the best tag team in the world right now and I would not be as likely to care. It is just my own personal preference.
Goldberg was an intriguing situation.

He was arguably the top draw for WCW Nitro. In fact, I remember his matches happening just as Raw was getting started at 9pm ET.

What was intriguing about him is that they kept him totally off the mic and his matches were extremely short. The jobbers were usually speared and jackhammered...match over. But the people (including myself) loved it. Some of the old-schoolers didn't care for Goldberg at all because he didn't pay his dues. The thing is...he was entertaining. He was huge, he was intimidating, his entrances were great, and his moves were extremely easy to sell. He didn't need to be on the mic.

I tuned in to WCW for Goldberg and I tuned in to Raw for Rock/Austin ultimately.

I will say though that I didn't agree with how Goldberg handled his wrestling career (letting his WCW contract expire before getting back in the ring). I know it's a business, but fans like myself felt short-changed. In the end, the WWE ruined Goldberg with the Harley-Davidson gimmick and putting Bill on the mic.
I heard from a guy that Goldberg may be headed back to the ring for WWE. No idea if this is true.
Hostile;3914909 said:
I heard from a guy that Goldberg may be headed back to the ring for WWE. No idea if this is true.

Heard the same thing as well..he's on the wrong side of 40 though I think. But in his defense he looks to be in the same shape as the last time he wrestled. Of course that may not equate to be in wrestling shape.

I liked Goldberg. Batista sort of tried to be Goldberg-ish. Another guy who started his career much later than most do.
Hostile;3914863 said:
Didn't see this until now when BH commented. Thanks for the info. Some guys you just can't inject personality into and some guys you just can't inject wrestling into.

Sadly Lance was great at the more important role in a time when the less important role was needed.

Like I said before, people do not become instant top carders unless they get an amazing push like Goldberg. Most have to pay their dues as jobbers and mid carders. I seriously doubt people in Mexico would agree with R2A and RtH about Del Rio whom they know as Dos Caras.

People hate the guy and no, it is not because he can't wrestle. It's because they have him working as a heel and he is pulling it off.

I want to say one more thing about Beer Money because people are defending them. I was never that into the Rock n Roll Express either and they were a good tag team. I just never bought Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson and the double drop kick as all that special. I am not a tag team fan really. The Road Warriors were really the exception for me. I never even really liked Powers of Pain or Demolition because they were Road Warriors copies.

Beer Money could be the best tag team in the world and I probably would not be that interested. That's just me. It is really rare that a tag team has me that jazzed. I mentioned Cody and Ted earlier. I think they could have been better. The last tag team I really felt was truly entertaining was Edge and Christian. I never really even bought into the New Age Outlaws even though I loved the DX shtick. Once their ring entrance was over Road Dog and Billy Gunn ceased to interest me. Really, the APA was another rare like for me. Same with the Freebirds.

I do like cliques at times if they are really intriguing. My all time favorite may have been Kevin Sullivan's Varsity Club who were all amazing wrestlers and he was the shtick. I loved the 4 Horseman, but I have been less than thrilled with Flair's attempts to copy the original power group. I don't like Nexus or the Corre mostly because they came off the Reality Show and right into push status. I don't think they earned it though Wade Barrett at least has potential to be a push.

So Beer Money could be the best tag team in the world right now and I would not be as likely to care. It is just my own personal preference.

When I use to go to the Sportatorium the Freebirds were so over as heels they had to have police escort them to the parking lot to leave...some great tag team stuff in those days. Last time I saw Michael Hayes on anything he reminded me of Dog the Bounty Hunter! :p:
Hostile;3914909 said:
I heard from a guy that Goldberg may be headed back to the ring for WWE. No idea if this is true.

I heard this also and checked out his web site last week. According to what I read, he has no intentions of returning. I have to admit I was really disappointed.
Hostile;3914863 said:
Didn't see this until now when BH commented. Thanks for the info. Some guys you just can't inject personality into and some guys you just can't inject wrestling into.

Sadly Lance was great at the more important role in a time when the less important role was needed.

Like I said before, people do not become instant top carders unless they get an amazing push like Goldberg. Most have to pay their dues as jobbers and mid carders. I seriously doubt people in Mexico would agree with R2A and RtH about Del Rio whom they know as Dos Caras.

People hate the guy and no, it is not because he can't wrestle. It's because they have him working as a heel and he is pulling it off.

I want to say one more thing about Beer Money because people are defending them. I was never that into the Rock n Roll Express either and they were a good tag team. I just never bought Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson and the double drop kick as all that special. I am not a tag team fan really. The Road Warriors were really the exception for me. I never even really liked Powers of Pain or Demolition because they were Road Warriors copies.

Beer Money could be the best tag team in the world and I probably would not be that interested. That's just me. It is really rare that a tag team has me that jazzed. I mentioned Cody and Ted earlier. I think they could have been better. The last tag team I really felt was truly entertaining was Edge and Christian. I never really even bought into the New Age Outlaws even though I loved the DX shtick. Once their ring entrance was over Road Dog and Billy Gunn ceased to interest me. Really, the APA was another rare like for me. Same with the Freebirds.

I do like cliques at times if they are really intriguing. My all time favorite may have been Kevin Sullivan's Varsity Club who were all amazing wrestlers and he was the shtick. I loved the 4 Horseman, but I have been less than thrilled with Flair's attempts to copy the original power group. I don't like Nexus or the Corre mostly because they came off the Reality Show and right into push status. I don't think they earned it though Wade Barrett at least has potential to be a push.

So Beer Money could be the best tag team in the world right now and I would not be as likely to care. It is just my own personal preference.

No, not at all. There is a difference between heel heat and being boring. If the goal is to get people to fast foward/avoid their product by pushing Del Rio, then mission accomplished.

A good heel makes you want to see them lose, but intrigued to see what they will do. Everyone rips on him, but Hulk Hogan is doing good right now in TNA, that's 'heel heat', everyone wants to see him get his *** kicked but people are still watching, intrigued to see what he will do, intrigued to see if RVD/Anderson will join Immortal.

Del Rio just smirks and looks like an idiot, and performs at a sub-wwe level even though he should be one of the best in ring performers in the company. If he wasn't mexican he wouldn't have a job in WWE, TNA, or any other notable U.S Wrestling company, the guy only made it in mexico because his father is one of the all time greats.
Hostile;3914909 said:
I heard from a guy that Goldberg may be headed back to the ring for WWE. No idea if this is true.

TNA contacted him last year around the time Bischoff/Hogan came in, and he reportedly wanted more money than both of them combined.

Needless to say, he probably got laughed at when negotiations ended.

To see him do a run with WWE would make sense, at 44 he'd have to do it soon, maybe a program leading into a match at SummerSlam would be the best for both sides as it would bring interest into SummerSlam w. them already having Rock for WM28. Would be good if they did it with a bigger muscled-up superstar that went on a winning streak, and then started proclaiming "I have the greatest winning streak of all time" and then comes in Goldberg.
Romo 2 Austin;3914949 said:
TNA contacted him last year around the time Bischoff/Hogan came in, and he reportedly wanted more money than both of them combined.

Needless to say, he probably got laughed at when negotiations ended.

To see him do a run with WWE would make sense, at 44 he'd have to do it soon, maybe a program leading into a match at SummerSlam would be the best for both sides as it would bring interest into SummerSlam w. them already having Rock for WM28. Would be good if they did it with a bigger muscled-up superstar that went on a winning streak, and then started proclaiming "I have the greatest winning streak of all time" and then comes in Goldberg.


Potential opponent for Taker at WM28?

For a Goldberg return, it'd have to be right. Minimal mic work. Nothing flashy. I would do the same gimmick that gave him the superstardom he had back in the day.

I'm not surprised he's asking for a ton of money. Seems like that's what he was in it for from the beginning.
Aikmaniac;3914961 said:

Potential opponent for Taker at WM28?

For a Goldberg return, it'd have to be right. Minimal mic work. Nothing flashy. I would do the same gimmick that gave him the superstardom he had back in the day.

I'm not surprised he's asking for a ton of money. Seems like that's what he was in it for from the beginning.

Undertaker's 20-0 is too special to be used on goldberg, Taker-McMahon would be the best from a storyline point of view. If Goldberg is brought in it should be used to elevate a new star and create interest in them, no one on the roster right now besides Mason Ryan would really fit the build for a interesting feud with Goldberg, and Ryan's not ready. Hernandez's contract is coming up in TNA, he's 38 and with the right push would be accepted as a main eventer in the E, he's mexican which is something WWE is really big on right now & he would be a good fit for a monster heel in WWE and could potentially have a good feud with Goldberg.

Creator vs Creation, for WM28. McMahon vs Taker.
Romo 2 Austin;3914964 said:
Undertaker's 20-0 is too special to be used on goldberg, Taker-McMahon would be the best from a storyline point of view. If Goldberg is brought in it should be used to elevate a new star and create interest in them, no one on the roster right now besides Mason Ryan would really fit the build for a interesting feud with Goldberg, and Ryan's not ready. Hernandez's contract is coming up in TNA, he's 38 and with the right push would be accepted as a main eventer in the E, he's mexican which is something WWE is really big on right now & he would be a good fit for a monster heel in WWE and could potentially have a good feud with Goldberg.

Creator vs Creation, for WM28. McMahon vs Taker.

I don't know about Taker's 20-0 being too big for Goldberg. Heck, there's been a ton of discussion about who, in the WWE right now, has the skins on the wall to earn that level of match on that stage.

Having Goldberg (starting maybe at SummerSlam) come back and mow through the WWE roster with nothing on his mind but beating Taker would be entertaining.

Nevertheless, I do see Taker being victorious. If he was going to lose, it would've happened by now, especially after the second match with HHH.
Aikmaniac;3914968 said:
I don't know about Taker's 20-0 being too big for Goldberg. Heck, there's been a ton of discussion about who, in the WWE right now, has the skins on the wall to earn that level of match on that stage.

Having Goldberg (starting maybe at SummerSlam) come back and mow through the WWE roster with nothing on his mind but beating Taker would be entertaining.

Nevertheless, I do see Taker being victorious. If he was going to lose, it would've happened by now, especially after the second match with HHH.

I don't think it'd be smart for them to bring in Goldberg and have him at 44 get elevated to that point, "mowing" through the roster as you said, would be better for them to bring him in to do the job to elevate a new star, someone like a Mason Ryan, or bringing in a Hernandez and elevating him to the WWE's main event. Goldberg - Batista never happened I don't believe, if Batista comes back that'd be an interesting feud though.
Romo 2 Austin;3914964 said:
Undertaker's 20-0 is too special to be used on goldberg, Taker-McMahon would be the best from a storyline point of view. If Goldberg is brought in it should be used to elevate a new star and create interest in them, no one on the roster right now besides Mason Ryan would really fit the build for a interesting feud with Goldberg, and Ryan's not ready. Hernandez's contract is coming up in TNA, he's 38 and with the right push would be accepted as a main eventer in the E, he's mexican which is something WWE is really big on right now & he would be a good fit for a monster heel in WWE and could potentially have a good feud with Goldberg.

Creator vs Creation, for WM28. McMahon vs Taker.


Somebody posted Goldberg has no intention of wrestling..according to his own website.

Vince is NOT a wrestler..never has been no matter how many gimmick matches he's been in and I think Mark would retire before he'd agree to something that stupid. There would be NO possibility of Vince even coming close to winning and there is no way you can market him as an credible opponent. Particularly at 60 bucks a pop.
Romo 2 Austin;3914964 said:
Undertaker's 20-0 is too special to be used on goldberg, Taker-McMahon would be the best from a storyline point of view. If Goldberg is brought in it should be used to elevate a new star and create interest in them, no one on the roster right now besides Mason Ryan would really fit the build for a interesting feud with Goldberg, and Ryan's not ready. Hernandez's contract is coming up in TNA, he's 38 and with the right push would be accepted as a main eventer in the E, he's mexican which is something WWE is really big on right now & he would be a good fit for a monster heel in WWE and could potentially have a good feud with Goldberg.

Creator vs Creation, for WM28. McMahon vs Taker.

First of all.. NOTHING in the wrestling business is too big for Goldberg. He is like the biggest draw of all time.

Suggesting Vince McMahon would be a better match for Taker to end on is laughable at best.. and makes me worry for your mental health at worst. Please stop with that dude, its ridiculous.

That being said, it won't happen because as DallasGirl said, Goldberg isn't interested in getting in the ring. Now maybe he'd change his mind later on for one match, but as of now he has no intentions of getting back in the ring.
Goldberg will get back in the ring if the money is right...especially for one match.

Him jobbing some young up and comers would be a total waste of comeback of that magnitude. If he did come back, a match against Taker would sell that much more buys for WM28. Rock/Cena, Taker/Goldberg...that's worth $65 right there.

I just don't see who is around that is worthy enough to be IN the potential 20-0 match, much less who would be worthy enough to end it.

The Vince match is comical but as DallasGirl said...it's hard to put any credibility into it.
Aikmaniac;3914993 said:
Goldberg will get back in the ring if the money is right...especially for one match.

Him jobbing some young up and comers would be a total waste of comeback of that magnitude. If he did come back, a match against Taker would sell that much more buys for WM28. Rock/Cena, Taker/Goldberg...that's worth $65 right there.

I just don't see who is around that is worthy enough to be IN the potential 20-0 match, much less who would be worthy enough to end it.

The Vince match is comical but as DallasGirl said...it's hard to put any credibility into it.

Can you do HHH two years in a row? lol

If anyone ever ended it.. i would want it to be him. He just has the look, the history, the attitude, the intensity, everything. Can't get any better than The Game.
RoyTheHammer;3914994 said:
Can you do HHH two years in a row? lol

If anyone ever ended it.. i would want it to be him. He just has the look, the history, the attitude, the intensity, everything. Can't get any better than The Game.

Haha...third time's a charm?

Never been a fan of HHH. I do give credit where it is due, though. He works very hard and has had some memorable matches over the years.

I feel in the end that is what will happen. HHH/Taker again. Otherwise, the whole Post-WM Raw speech by HHH would have no merit. "I'll be waiting-uh cause I'm the game-uh" ;)
Romo 2 Austin;3914946 said:
No, not at all. There is a difference between heel heat and being boring. If the goal is to get people to fast foward/avoid their product by pushing Del Rio, then mission accomplished.

A good heel makes you want to see them lose, but intrigued to see what they will do. Everyone rips on him, but Hulk Hogan is doing good right now in TNA, that's 'heel heat', everyone wants to see him get his *** kicked but people are still watching, intrigued to see what he will do, intrigued to see if RVD/Anderson will join Immortal.

Del Rio just smirks and looks like an idiot, and performs at a sub-wwe level even though he should be one of the best in ring performers in the company. If he wasn't mexican he wouldn't have a job in WWE, TNA, or any other notable U.S Wrestling company, the guy only made it in mexico because his father is one of the all time greats.
I read nothing past the first sentence. Nor will I.

It is a waste of your time to put this much effort into replies to me on this subject. I give no credence to your wrestling opinions at all. I do not mean to be so blunt, but you say the same things over and over and there is no point discussing anything with you on this. If others choose to that is their choice.
Hostile;3915019 said:
I read nothing past the first sentence. Nor will I.

It is a waste of your time to put this much effort into replies to me on this subject. I give no credence to your wrestling opinions at all. I do not mean to be so blunt, but you say the same things over and over and there is no point discussing anything with you on this. If others choose to that is their choice.

I rarely have repeated anything that I haven't been "baited" to repeat. Del Rio isn't over as a heel considering the fact he's won the rumble and still barely gets reactions from the live audience.

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