Edge retires from WWE.

The 5 Knuckle Shuffle, The Peoples Elbow, the Worm....these are/were all very stupid signature moves.
zrinkill;3916027 said:
SO you discount what actually happened in the video for that still shot?

***** ........ you are hopeless ....... R2A level hopeless.

Except that he's completely right and your completely wrong, your the one hopeless arguing its anymore than a glorified cross arm bar.
BraveHeartFan;3916174 said:
The 5 Knuckle Shuffle, The Peoples Elbow, the Worm....these are/were all very stupid signature moves.

The worm was fine since Scotty 2 Hotty was a midcarder, thats my opinion atleast.
Romo 2 Austin;3916187 said:
Except that he's completely right and your completely wrong, your the one hopeless arguing its anymore than a glorified cross arm bar.

boy you do not have a clue ..... you have proven that time and time again.

I refuse to argue with you about wrestling any longer .... you are hopeless and ignorant.
BraveHeartFan;3916151 said:
Ummmm rather it's simple or not you realise they actually tap people out in MMA with arm bars, right? So rather it's 'simple' or not doesn't mean it isn't an effective move.

And ask all the guys who get trapped in arm bars and have to tap if it's a simple stretch move that makes their shoulder feel better.


Yup ...... They prefer to hang a guy between their legs and drop on them like A.J. Styles.
zrinkill;3916199 said:
boy you do not have a clue ..... you have proven that time and time again.

I refuse to argue with you about wrestling any longer .... you are hopeless and ignorant.

you seem to say that to everyone who doesn't agree with your "McWrestling" points of view.
Yeagermeister;3916221 said:
The worm was stupid period

Yea, but that was the point. It's not like the peoples elbow or the 5 knuckle shuffle ending PPV Main Events, it was a mid card gimmick that was pretty funny.
Romo 2 Austin;3916224 said:
Yea, but that was the point. It's not like the peoples elbow or the 5 knuckle shuffle ending PPV Main Events, it was a mid card gimmick that was pretty funny.

The only finishing moves I ever really liked were the piledriver (Lawler) and the Stunner.
BraveHeartFan;3916151 said:
Ummmm rather it's simple or not you realise they actually tap people out in MMA with arm bars, right? So rather it's 'simple' or not doesn't mean it isn't an effective move.

And ask all the guys who get trapped in arm bars and have to tap if it's a simple stretch move that makes their shoulder feel better.

Even if you tap right away it's still going to hurt for about a week if it get hyper extended and that happens so quickly once your arm is extended that it's almost impossible to avoid.

It might be a simple move but it is beautifully executed and unlike most submission finishes in wrestling you can't just roll out of it.
Yeagermeister;3916228 said:
The only finishing moves I ever really liked were the piledriver (Lawler) and the Stunner.

the F5, Sweet Chin Music, the RKO, The Pedigree and the Styles Clash are my favorites
Romo 2 Austin;3916223 said:
you seem to say that to everyone who doesn't agree with your "McWrestling" points of view.

Nope just you.

Your ignorance is just to much ...... and at least 5 people have told you that in this thread alone.
zrinkill;3916250 said:
Nope just you.

Your ignorance is just to much ...... and at least 5 people have told you that in this thread alone.

See the problem is most of my opinions are the popular ones overall, and if you want to go to Wrestlingforum.com (the largest wrestling forum) which I am a active member of, good luck validating any of your opinions.

SmackDown! section: "And winner of Smackdowns most overated..."

6 pages, pretty much universal agreement. Who is it, Alberto Del Joke!

I sent you a link to a thread that went 15 pages a few days ago, you didn't reply of course, and pretty much 90% of them panicking that WWE's roster in terrible shape, and people suggesting they need to raid TNA's main event scene since its far superior.

Yet here, i'm viewed as the idiot. While pretty much any wrestling fan would agree with me over you.

Then there are the threads "Who are your favorite TNA wrestler's", nearly everyone has AJ Styles at #1. But no, he's not over at all, just a wwe jobber! I can't believe I was so ignorant.

Oh and the Miz, the winner of wrestlingforum.com 2006 "worst newcomer" and "biggest joke of the year"

OH he must be really popular with the internet community, I was just pulling that out of my ***, yup.
Romo 2 Austin;3916263 said:
See the problem is most of my opinions are the popular ones overall,

No they are not ..... not even close.

If they were TNA would be the big dog instead of stuck in the indies.

Its been 7 years.

You are full of it.
zrinkill;3916266 said:
No they are not ..... not even close.

If they were TNA would be the big dog instead of stuck in the indies.

Its been 7 years.

You are full of it.

Lol? I prefer the WWE storylines over TNA's, I've said that before. You just want to shove words down my mouth.

TNA has the better wrestlers, better fan base (clearly if WWE fanbase will accept 2 jobbers as main eventers), and the brighter future. If they fired Russo and put anyone with a working brain, or a monkey, can't do worse than Russo, it would be the much better product than WWE.

Your the ignorant one, bro. You accept everything WWE shoves at you and yet question my wrestling fandom? While I go to local indys, watch DGUSA, ROH, TNA and WWE & watch CMLL and AAA on youtube from time to time, yet you watch The Miz and Alberto Del Rio. Yet i'm the one who doesn't understand wrestling? That doesn't even make sense, its illogical.
Ren;3916246 said:
Even if you tap right away it's still going to hurt for about a week if it get hyper extended and that happens so quickly once your arm is extended that it's almost impossible to avoid.

It might be a simple move but it is beautifully executed and unlike most submission finishes in wrestling you can't just roll out of it.


ADR (real name Dos Caras, Jr.) was a MMA fighter with a 9-5 record..
Romo 2 Austin;3916268 said:
TNA has the better wrestlers, better fan base (clearly if WWE fanbase will accept 2 jobbers as main eventers), and the brighter future.

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
zrinkill;3916271 said:
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

The truth usually doesn't make people laugh, and considering wrestlingforum.com is 90% WWE trolls making fun of Hulk Hogan Ric Flair and Vince Russo and even they accept TNA is far superior in those aspects, you must really have a case of McMahonism.
if you want to go to Wrestlingforum.com

I used to go to that site years ago until I was getting hit with spyware from their ads......so no thanks I won't go to that site.
Romo 2 Austin;3916272 said:
The truth usually doesn't make people laugh

Exactly ...... bullcrap from the ignorant imagination of a tna fanboy has that effect though.

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