Edge retires from WWE.

Phoenix;3905386 said:
Must have missed that somehow. She used to be in TNA didn't she...?


Awesome Kong Kills Divas Dead
Kong is..uh..an intimidating lady. Most of those gals are just there because they look good. She is definitely not of that ilk!
TNA superstar Hulk Hogan highly critical about Edge's retirement

if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago. but I don't know Edges working environment because they are a media company not a wrestling company." said Hulk Hogan via Twitter "Wrestlers work hurt! What about Foley!

Stay classy Hulk.
Oh yea Hulk talk the big game, because of course you, and Flair broke your necks and had metal plates inserted next to your throat right? It's easy to sit back and call out people for retiring for there health.

you do also know theres so much more money to be made when you know you can walk, and talk, live, and breathe?
(AA must = Arn Anderson)

Man. Hulk. Pipe down and crawl back in your So-Ten-Years-Ago out of the mainstream little corner.

Hogan is such a doofus sometimes.

Edge has been working hurt for years...at a very high competitive level.

He just had this MRI which revolved a very dangerous situation with his neck and would have to be medically cleared to ever wrestle again with the WWE. They have said he would never be medically cleared. I think Edge made it very clear that he knew he was wrestling on borrowed time after his surgery and there is a final point where your body cannot continue. His time came.

It would have been the decent thing for Hogan just to say that Edge had a great career..sorry to hear about your medical issue..and best wishes.

zrinkill;3905389 said:

Awesome Kong Kills Divas Dead

Ah, okay. I think I caught about 3 seconds of this on my way to the restroom or something. Yeah, she was definitely in TNA some years back...I remember watching her destroy all the other women wrestlers in that company back then...
Hogan is a moron. I do not like Awesome Kong even though she is brutal.

Edge is doing what he thinks is right and though I hate it, I stand by him in a tough decision.

If anyone ever wants to get some dirt in wrestling listen to Jim Cornette on youtube. Don't post it. Ricky Morton and Manny Fernandez are also pretty vocal. Don't post it.
Hostile;3906079 said:
Hogan is a moron. I do not like Awesome Kong even though she is brutal.

Edge is doing what he thinks is right and though I hate it, I stand by him in a tough decision.

If anyone ever wants to get some dirt in wrestling listen to Jim Cornette on youtube. Don't post it. Ricky Morton and Manny Fernandez are also pretty vocal. Don't post it.

What Hogan did in a backhanded way is question Edge's toughness..he's a shrill for his company and nothing more. As I said before Edge worked hurt for many years...he had that fusion some years ago on his neck. Edge is doing what is right but he really had no choice. He could not get medical clearance to wrestle anymore. He was forced to retire...last interview I read of his around WM time he wanted to wrestle 2 more years but was hoping for 5. Obviously his injury dictated otherwise..so he moves on. I too hate to see him go.

He has always been an excellent wrestler.
Hostile;3906079 said:
Hogan is a moron. I do not like Awesome Kong even though she is brutal.

Edge is doing what he thinks is right and though I hate it, I stand by him in a tough decision.

If anyone ever wants to get some dirt in wrestling listen to Jim Cornette on youtube. Don't post it. Ricky Morton and Manny Fernandez are also pretty vocal. Don't post it.

I am guessing Kong is going to come in as a heel...she is a big girl!
DallasGirl50;3906118 said:
I am guessing Kong is going to come in as a heel...she is a big girl!
They'd be stupid not to. Hope she and Beth Phoenix (my favorite) have some matches.
I just read what I posted about Kong..dumb me. I think it's a fact Kong will be a heel; they wouldn't have her tearing off blonde Barbie heads if she was coming in any other way. Duh...

Besides it's what she does best..she can't compete look wise with their Playmate divas but she can certainly crush them...

You have a point about her and Beth. They should have her just crush a few of the bimbos on there and then put her in a program with a gal that can actually wrestle. Beth would certainly fit that bill.
Hostile;3906155 said:
Didn't she lose the TNA belt to Gail Kim at one time?

I do not know but I am sure our resident TNA historian will be on soon enough to fill us in on that...
Phoenix;3905645 said:
Man. Hulk. Pipe down and crawl back in your So-Ten-Years-Ago out of the mainstream little corner.


My sentiments exactly. When I think of Hogan, I can't help but think he is so yesterday.
Hostile;3906155 said:
Didn't she lose the TNA belt to Gail Kim at one time?

yeah shortly before kim went back to the wwe. hopefully this means they're going to let the women actually wrestle if for no other reason than i get to see more of natalya.

just to comment on the handbags earlier in the thread over whether r-truth is a wwe or tna guy, i'd say its fairly irrelevant as either way he's absolutely rotten. i also don't think he's going to stay anywhere near the main event picture. he'll be the one pinned thus allowing miz or more likely cena to claim they were never beaten and continue that feud and r truth will go back to outjobbing evan bourne where he belongs

edit: oh and hogan is an arse of the highest order
Romo 2 Austin;3904906 said:
In other words, rip wwe your top performer has retired.


You mean the way it died and allowed TNA to get closer when The Rock Retired? Or when Austin retired?

Or how about after Bret Hart was gone? HBK?

You are so beyond stupid when it comes to this it's become pathetic. I hate that Edge is retiring. He's one of my favorites. Loved watching the guy perform but this will hardly kill WWE and it STILL won't allow TNA to get anywhere near them in the ratings because TNA, in fact, still completely sucks.

Hostile;3905105 said:
The OP still sounds like you are tickled to death about it because you think it brings TNA closer to WWE in terms of product.

If it was Kurt Angle I wouldn't be dancing on TNAs grave but that's just me. Edge was a top notch wrestler and one of the best. Your favorite guy is likely going to get a title reign.

Except that it won't get them any closer. TNA still has the same useless, stupid, people running their shows thus meaning they're still going to continue to 'celebrate' their 'wonderful' 1.3 ratings they get on occassion.

That company is, was, and always will be a joke.

Romo 2 Austin;3905350 said:
He should've been a main eventer for years now, and he knew it thats why he jumped to TNA a few years back. Hopefully with the lack of main eventers in WWE right now he finally gets his opportunity.

Yeah TNA did him a ton of favors. He was a top guy for all of...what? A year? They brought him in, gave him their standard "Oh look we got a WWE star lets give him the title for a hot minute" push and then he was nothing more than a mid card, upper mid card, nothing for TNA.

And when he was champion he worked some quality feuds like that stupid thing with Abyss. Yeah, they really saw the greatness in Christian there in TNA. He was used, as most of the WWE guys have been, as Jeff Jarrett's personal going over project.

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