Edge retires from WWE.

BraveHeartFan;3907000 said:
Yeah TNA did him a ton of favors. He was a top guy for all of...what? A year? They brought him in, gave him their standard "Oh look we got a WWE star lets give him the title for a hot minute" push and then he was nothing more than a mid card, upper mid card, nothing for TNA.

He was used, as most of the WWE guys have been, as Jeff Jarrett's personal going over project.


Wow ...... what a great post.
BigWillie;3906383 said:
CM Punk retired? I thought this thread was about Edge. :D


WWE still have Punk, Orton, HHH, Cena, Miz, Morrison, Christain and I'd take that over the TNA upper guys of Angle, Flair, Styles, Sting, Jarrett, and Fight-o Mc. Drug Fiend Hardy. In fact Angle is the only one I'd even consider taking out of the TNA main event right now. Sting a hundred years ago, maybe, but not now.

Hell if all TNA had was Orton and Punk they'd still have a far more intriguing main event.
BraveHeartFan;3907005 said:

WWE still have Punk, Orton, HHH, Cena, Miz, Morrison, Christain and I'd take that over the TNA upper guys of Angle, Flair, Styles, Sting, Jarrett, and Fight-o Mc. Drug Fiend Hardy. In fact Angle is the only one I'd even consider taking out of the TNA main event right now. Sting a hundred years ago, maybe, but not now.

Hell if all TNA had was Orton and Punk they'd still have a far more intriguing main event.

Um... None of the guys you mentioned for WWE with the exception of Punk & HHH are a complete package, with the ability to perform in the ring and on the mic at a high level.

Now on the other hand, Angle, Styles, Sting, Morgan, Joe, Anderson, RVD (and a few more mid-carders) and your good friend Jeff Hardy can all do that for TNA.

Sting, while old, is in fantastic shape right now.

WWE does not have a comparable roster, TNA has more "star" power if you remove Austin & Rock, TNA has better in ring performers, TNA is all around the better wrestling product, besides the involvement of the mental vince russo.

If they fire Russo, hire Heyman or Lagana WWE wouldn't even be comparable.

How could anyone in a sober state of mind prefer to watch Alberto Del Joke and the Miz over Christopher Daniels & AJ Styles?
BraveHeartFan;3907000 said:

You mean the way it died and allowed TNA to get closer when The Rock Retired? Or when Austin retired?

Or how about after Bret Hart was gone? HBK?

You are so beyond stupid when it comes to this it's become pathetic. I hate that Edge is retiring. He's one of my favorites. Loved watching the guy perform but this will hardly kill WWE and it STILL won't allow TNA to get anywhere near them in the ratings because TNA, in fact, still completely sucks.

Except that it won't get them any closer. TNA still has the same useless, stupid, people running their shows thus meaning they're still going to continue to 'celebrate' their 'wonderful' 1.3 ratings they get on occassion.

That company is, was, and always will be a joke.

Yeah TNA did him a ton of favors. He was a top guy for all of...what? A year? They brought him in, gave him their standard "Oh look we got a WWE star lets give him the title for a hot minute" push and then he was nothing more than a mid card, upper mid card, nothing for TNA.

And when he was champion he worked some quality feuds like that stupid thing with Abyss. Yeah, they really saw the greatness in Christian there in TNA. He was used, as most of the WWE guys have been, as Jeff Jarrett's personal going over project.

How am I stupid in this? Edge was their top performer.

and its not all about ratings, TNA's brand has been expanding, their overall revenue has soared over the past year. The company is growing, TNA's impact is available to watch online, a year subscription to download every episode costs $10 on iTunes. Mismanagement of the product undoubtedly effects the ratings.

WWE is Wrestling in most peoples minds, thats unarguable, its one of the best marketed brands next to Coca-Cola and McDonald's. Everyone knows WWE, TNA is not ever going to be on that level, but it is a profitable alternative, and thats all it needs to be. If they want to compete they will fire Vince the joke Russo and bring in Paul Heyman or Lagana to book the product.
Romo 2 Austin;3907023 said:
Um... None of the guys you mentioned for WWE with the exception of Punk & HHH are a complete package, with the ability to perform in the ring and on the mic at a high level.

:laugh2: You have got to be kidding .... Orton, Sheamus, Drew, ADR, Cena, Cody Rhoads, Undertaker, Miz, Kid, all all better than anyone on TNA cept Angle.

Romo 2 Austin;3907023 said:
WWE does not have a comparable roster, TNA has more "star" power if you remove Austin & Rock, TNA has an overall younger roster, TNA has better in ring performers, TNA is all around the better wrestling product, besides the involvement of the mental vince russo.

Again ...... stupid stupid stupid.

WWE is better and younger (and I will prove it if ya wanna test me)...... by a long long way.
zrinkill;3907040 said:
:laugh2: You have got to be kidding .... Orton, Sheamus, Drew, ADR, Cena, Cody Rhoads, Undertaker, Miz, Kid, all all better than anyone on TNA cept Angle.

Again ...... stupid stupid stupid.

WWE is better and younger (and I will prove it if ya wanna test me)...... by a long long way.


Orton- Stale in the ring, boring on the mic.
Sheamus- Unpolished in the ring, years away from being credilble.
Drew McIntyre- Same as sheamus, too raw.
ADR- The modern day funaki?
Cena- Horid in the ring, gets boo'd more than the heels yet he's the main babyface, says poopie in promos.
Cody Rhodes- He has the stupidest gimmick going with the deformed face.
Undertaker- Works 1 match a year.
Miz- Should be a mid carder, horrible in the ring.
Kid- Who? Kid Kash? What.

The only one's you listed i'd want on TNA are Orton, Cena, Undertaker and McIntyre, the rest are stale/not special. You can keep going on your little rants that everyone in TNA sucks, but eventually some will endup the WWE and you will be signing their praises, as anyone who is not blind knows TNA's performers are superior to WWE's. Hell i'm sure Vince McMahon knows it and as they keep bleeding main eventers without being able to create credible ones, you'll be seeing them offer huge money deals to people like Morgan, Styles, Joe, Hernandez and other TNA performers who fit the WWE mold, oh and I'd guarantee they would get over quicker than shoving the Miz and Del Joke down people's throats for a year and them still getting rejected. TNA has actual wrestlers that are entertaining, not entertainers having pathetic matches.
Romo 2 Austin;3907052 said:
the rest are stale/not special.

And still light years better than anyone in TNA besides Angle.

And younger on average.
Romo 2 Austin;3907023 said:
WWE does not have a comparable roster, TNA has more "star" power if you remove Austin & Rock, TNA has better in ring performers, TNA is all around the better wrestling product

Every wrestling thread you proudly jump on your TNA soapbox and loudly proclaim how great it is and yet no one believes or agrees with you. Doesn't that tell you something?
zrinkill;3907056 said:
And still light years better than anyone in TNA besides Angle.

And younger on average.

LOLLLLLLL. You must be the biggest WWE homer in the world, Vince McMahon really has you brainwashed if you believe half the things you are saying. The WWE product isn't even wrestling anymore, half the people wouldn't have made it as jobbers in ECW, WcW, WWF or any company of any importance a decade ago.
big dog cowboy;3907057 said:
Every wrestling thread you proudly jump on your TNA soapbox and loudly proclaim how great it is and yet no one believes or agrees with you. Doesn't that tell you something?

That people don't watch it and just are copying what Zrinkill says? Yes.

Anyone who watch's wrestling for more than the glitter and theme music would clearly see TNA has the better performers, it's nearly undebatable at this point with the retirement of Edge and HHH & Taker barely wrestling. Both companies have horrible storylines at this point in time, WWE has someone wearing a mask for no reason claiming their deformed, thats idiotic. Do they even do mid card feuds anymore? It just seems like **** thrown at the wall every week.
Romo 2 Austin;3907052 said:
Most intelligent thing you have posted.

Romo 2 Austin;3907052 said:
Kid- Who? Kid Kash? What.
Oh I am sorry ..... I forgot you are only familier with horrible tna washouts.

Tyson Kidd.

Romo 2 Austin;3907052 said:
as anyone who is not blind knows TNA's performers are superior to WWE's.

Only a complete idiot would believe that.
zrinkill;3907072 said:
Most intelligent thing you have posted.

Oh I am sorry ..... I forgot you are only familier with horrible tna washouts.

Tyson Kidd.

Only a complete idiot would believe that.

Go on a wrestling website, you would be trolled so hard it would be hilarious. WWE fan's on wrestling forums pretty much universally accept TNA has a better roster, WWE fan's hate Del Joke & The Miz, WWE fan's are sick of Cena at the top, you must just sit watching Raw, SuperStars, Tough Enough, NXT and SmackDown with a smile on your face saying "this is rasslin'!!" its not. WWE is entertainment, it pushes charismatic people who can barely perform in the ring, if that's what you enjoy more power too you, but TNA has actual talented wrestlers wrestling, so if thats what you enjoy, stop trolling it just to piss me off cause its just obnoxious at this point.
zrinkill;3907077 said:

Its just too easy .......


What's funny is that you actually enjoy Del Joke, Miz and the performers that wouldn't be out of developmental a decade ago because Vince McMahon tells you too. Thats whats funny bro. No point in arguing with someone who is just a sheep, so i'm done. Enjoy dissecting and trolling all my posts as usual.
Romo 2 Austin;3907075 said:
Go on a wrestling website, you would be trolled so hard it would be hilarious.


You mean TNA troll websites ...... and they would lose the argument because they have none.

Randy Orton and John Cena by themselves draw more money and are more talented than the entire TNA locker room with the exception of Angle.

And the only reason Angle is not in WWE still is because he is a pill popping drunk that cannot stay clean ..... which is all TNA is full of, along with old people.
big dog cowboy;3907057 said:
Every wrestling thread you proudly jump on your TNA soapbox and loudly proclaim how great it is and yet no one believes or agrees with you. Doesn't that tell you something?

Romo 2 Austin;3907065 said:
That people don't watch it and just are copying what Zrinkill says? Yes.

Uh, no.


There are plenty of members who disagree with you and are NOT just copying what Zrin says. PLEASE!!!

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