Either way on this QB thing, a Cowboy fan isn't stupid


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For once we may agree. However, just yesterday, he posted his dumb *** Dak take in my Leary .

Ah... see, you lost me at *** Try to clean up your language and have an actual conversation.


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How about some folks are ecstatic with Dak and stopping there? Why do you need to assert your opinion beyond that? It screams of agenda.

And. It's. All. You. Ever. Talk. About.
I've said it many times. I am tired of seeing this team lose. Dak is our ONLY chance to win right now. I said he was better than Russell Wilson when he was in his junior year in college, and many friends and coworkers laughed. MANY here made quotes like "he will never play an NFL snap" "Wait until the games matter" "this is vanilla" "wait until he plays a real team" etc, etc, etc...

I have been right on him the ENTIRE time I've been here. I said when Dez got hurt that it mattered absolutely ZERO and got ridiculed BIGTIME here. Well, I was 100% completely accurate. Don't hate me because I continue to be right and can actually see what is going to happen better than most.

I hate seeing wasted potential and again I want to see us win. I'll continue sharing my thoughts as long as im welcome here. If you don't agree with them, trust me you are not alone and believe me that bothers me zero.


Kellen Moore baby
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I've said it many times. I am tired of seeing this team lose. Dak is our ONLY chance to win right now. I said he was better than Russell Wilson when he was in his junior year in college, and many friends and coworkers laughed. MANY here made quotes like "he will never play an NFL snap" "Wait until the games matter" "this is vanilla" "wait until he plays a real team" etc, etc, etc...

I have been right on him the ENTIRE time I've been here. I said when Dez got hurt that it mattered absolutely ZERO and got ridiculed BIGTIME here. Well, I was 100% completely accurate. Don't hate me because I continue to be right and can actually see what is going to happen better than most.

I hate seeing wasted potential and again I want to see us win. I'll continue sharing my thoughts as long as im welcome here. If you don't agree with them, trust me you are not alone.

I don't hate you, Gabe. I hate what you've done to numerous threads.


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Where are we, bubba?

I have a life outside of this message board. I feel sorry for you, that you don't. You're immature, as I said. This morning I took my son out disc golfing, breathed in some of God's beautiful crisp air, sipped a coffee and didn't have a care or concern about you. I still don't. I call you out on one thing, and you get defensive, because again, you are a man child. Have a nice day.


Kellen Moore baby
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I have a life outside of this message board. I feel sorry for you, that you don't. You're immature, as I said. This morning I took my son out disc golfing, breathed in some of God's beautiful crisp air, sipped a coffee and didn't have a care or concern about you. I still don't. I call you out on one thing, and you get defensive, because again, you are a man child. Have a nice day.

Resorting to the ol "I have a life meme" -- bravo rockstar. You're a piece of work (is that pg-13 enough for you?), and if you want to call me out and then be proven wrong, only to then cherry pick my adjectives, you can go on and enjoy that thrilling life of yours. But know, when you respond to me, I will never quit.

Call it stubbornness, competitiveness, no life, whatever you wish. I will nary back down from some chump who asserts themself in the high-brow wannabe way that you do.

Speaking of "man child," it takes two to tango -- and you equally participated, as you did last night with me. So that makes the two of us, hoss.
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I have a life outside of this message board. I feel sorry for you, that you don't. You're immature, as I said. This morning I took my son out disc golfing, breathed in some of God's beautiful crisp air, sipped a coffee and didn't have a care or concern about you. I still don't. I call you out on one thing, and you get defensive, because again, you are a man child. Have a nice day.
Just ignore him Blake, he will become obsessed with you like he has me. Just let him say his piece and move on. Best advice I could give.


Kellen Moore baby
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Just ignore him Blake, he will become obsessed with you like he has me. Just let him say his piece and move on. Best advice I could give.

Gabe, if you were just a pure Dak supporter, I'd be right there with you brudda, but you cut down our guys to try and make your points. And you did it over and over again, in threads that had nothing to do with either Dak, Romo etc.

It's okay to love and support and appreciate Dak, without cutting the legs off of our other guys.

That's why I got upset. But alas, ignore me if you wish.
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Real quick – some Cowboy fans want Romo back when he’s healthy; others want to stick with our hot hand in Dak. You can make a compelling argument either way, and either way it doesn’t make the person stupid. It would be stupid to advocate starting Sanchez over these two, but I don’t believe anyone is arguing for that. Romo or Dak is the biggest QB controversy since White versus Hogeboom. Whichever side of the fence someone is on, it doesn’t make them stupid.
It's a good problem to have. Look at the Bears or Browns, even Denver.

Reverend Conehead

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This is the most exciting, young QB this franchise has ever seen?

Glad Roger and Troy don't read this board.

It's okay to love Dak, but you go overboard. You spite other players when complimenting Dak.

I probably should go easy on you, as I have a feeling you're a youngster (14-16) and I shouldn't be going this hard at a kid.

Someone who says Dak is the most exciting rookie QB the team has ever seen is obviously too young to remember when Staubach got to Dallas. It's not in any way a slam on Dak. Dak is awesome and I'm thrilled we've got him. I'm for Dak keeping the job, but I don't think anyone is stupid for wanting Romo to start when healthy. Romo's not a failed QB. He's made a lot happen with some weak teams. His best year was 2014 when he finally had the support of a quality O-line and run game, but still not a great D. I think it's possible the team could play great when Romo gets back, depending on whether he's his old self. I see that side. I just don't think it makes sense to disrupt a hot hand when you have it in Dak. I love Romo, but at this point Dak gives us the best chance to win. Make Romo the league's most expensive and experienced backup when he's back, but hang onto Sanchez in case Romo and Dak are both hurt (god forbid).


Kellen Moore baby
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Someone who says Dak is the most exciting rookie QB the team has ever seen is obviously too young to remember when Staubach got to Dallas. It's not in any way a slam on Dak. Dak is awesome and I'm thrilled we've got him. I'm for Dak keeping the job, but I don't think anyone is stupid for wanting Romo to start when healthy. Romo's not a failed QB. He's made a lot happen with some weak teams. His best year was 2014 when he finally had the support of a quality O-line and run game, but still not a great D. I think it's possible the team could play great when Romo gets back, depending on whether he's his old self. I see that side. I just don't think it makes sense to disrupt a hot hand when you have it in Dak. I love Romo, but at this point Dak gives us the best chance to win. Make Romo the league's most expensive and experienced backup when he's back, but hang onto Sanchez in case Romo and Dak are both hurt (god forbid).

Completely agree, Rev. I am far too young to have enjoyed and experienced the prodigy that was Roger, but I have seen his documentaries, and all of the feedback from you fine folk, to clearly know how generational a talent he was. And how the scheme of Landry probably held him back from even more yards in the air.

I, too, adore Dak. But I love Romo, too. But as it stands, and especially if Dak goes and beats PHI, there's no way I'm pulling him (Dak) from the starting roll. What a hell of a surprise Dak has become.

We deserved it, as our suffering has gone on for far too long, Rev :)