Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Duane;4262548 said:

Speaking of cabbage, cooking is one of my big disappointments in the game. From what I've tried in the early to mid game it's basically worthless.

The only thing I've done is a little cooking and made a few potions. I think I disenchanted a robe once.

Though I've basically placed twice since I've gotten the game. Each time for probably three hours. Lately when I've had time to play, I've been playing BF3 with my new clan.
That cabbage picture is awesome!!! I collect troll skulls for my house. And whoever was asking about bows, my glass bow does like 154 base damage. You can stack Blacksmithing potions, and smithing enchanted gear on top of you 100 Blacksmithing to boost items and gear higher.
I like how it will sometimes cut the throat of people you backstab with a dagger. Eerily satisfying. It makes me laugh every time i shoot some one in the face with a bow while sneaking, they run around for a couple of seconds and then say (with an arrow sticking out of their head) "I guess it was nothing."
Sam I Am;4261574 said:
Interesting, I didn't know I could give her stuff. I have a Whiterun Axe that hits hard, but I am out of stamina after a single swing. (being a mage) She would be a lot better with it I'm sure.

Currently, the Whiterun Axe I use as a Troll deathblow weapon.

dude not only can you give them stuff but they are your pack mule!!! Any good loot can be given to them so they don't weigh you down, and then just "trade" it back. You can basically hie them anything you want and take it back at any point. So that comes in handy
Muhast;4263810 said:
dude not only can you give them stuff but they are your pack mule!!! Any good loot can be given to them so they don't weigh you down, and then just "trade" it back. You can basically hie them anything you want and take it back at any point. So that comes in handy

I just came from playing. How do you give them stuff?!?! All I can do is talk to her and command her. :(
Sam I Am;4263929 said:
I just came from playing. How do you give them stuff?!?! All I can do is talk to her and command her. :(

Tell her to follow you. Then she will let you give her hundreds of lbs of loot to carry around and fight with u. When don't want her tell her to part ways and she will wait for you at the dragonsreach until you want her again
Sam I Am;4262536 said:
I posted this in the Wacky Web Images, but it's Skyrim related.

Clicking the image makes it bigger.



I guess this guy has way way way too much time on his hands. :lmao2: :lmao:

that's a lot of cabbage. :lmao:
I guess the "main" quest is not that long as I think I already beat it. But still a billion side quests to do.
I've been pacing myself and screwing around a lot as to not progress too far in the storyline. That and I just don't have the time I did back in the day to play these types of games.
I've killed about 15 dragons and have 9 shouts so far. I keep wandering around and doing sidequests. I was supposed to meet the greybeards about 2 weeks ago lol
My 2nd thief type character is very strong. Dual weilding enchanted swords just kills everything. I don't even need my follwer most of the time.

I spent this past weekend in the SW:TOR Beta with my brother and we both had a blast. Playing the Star Wars MMO is going monopolize my holiday vacation.
My power supply died about 8am on Thanksgiving Day morning. I've been without my PC since. Due to it being Thanksgiving, I have to wait six days for the new PS to arrive rather than it arriving the very next day. (Most of my Newegg orders arrive next day being shipped from Edison, NJ)

While the timing wise it sucked when it died, I got an AWESOME deal on my new PS.

I got a SeaSonic X750 Gold 750W for $109 with free shipping. (Replacing my 10 year old 580W PS)

I was blown away to see a Gold SeaSonic 750W PS for $109. SeaSonic make some of the best PS on the market today. Newegg already bumped the price back up to $159. Says it retails for $189.

Gotta love Black Friday deals! :laugh2:
kristie;4276223 said:
did anyone here get the strategy guide for the game yet?

Yes i got it on release day and would highly recommend it if you like nice artwork and the thing is well over 600 pages its as big as an encyclopedia.
Achilleslastand;4276530 said:
Yes i got it on release day and would highly recommend it if you like nice artwork and the thing is well over 600 pages its as big as an encyclopedia.

I also got the CollED Strat Guide when Skyrim released. It is a gorgeous book, but def not a need for anything strategical really. The game is very easy to play if you have played these types in the past.

You want to level? - Use your main skills and/or crafting skills.

You can literally sit and level Blacksmithing for hours if you have the gold. Probably making 5-10 levels along the way.

I am 100 Blacksmithing now w/ Enchanting at about 73.

Level 28 Khajiit Thief/Archer/Duel Wield

Honestly my character is very OP atm. There is nothing that is giving me any sort of problem anymore.

Lydia is decked in chanted Dragon Heavy Armor w/ chanted Legendary Glass Greatsword.

By the time she moves in to pick up the aggro from w/e is screaming at me (cuz im in the front) its dead from the super awesome power of the legendary glass bow of FacePwn. Really! Things take 2-3 shots to kill. One shot if I shoot them from hide.

Its disgustingly entertaining.

I shot an Orc in the back of the head the other night while he was sitting at his table in a chair. He jumped and grunted and fell back dead in his chair. It was so gruesome, I had to screenshot it. I might upload it here later. It isn't bloody or messy, just looks funny.

A dead orc w/ an elven arrow jutting out of his head/face and hes just sittin there like hes drinking his ale.

Typically the awesome that is the bow carries them over something upon the arrow hitting its target.

I love shooting bandits n such off cliff faces w/ it or even shouting them over the edge.

I still haven't been playing, though I think I might roll up a Thief instead of playing my Mage.
Sam I Am;4276852 said:
I still haven't been playing, though I think I might roll up a Thief instead of playing my Mage.

I started out playing a Necro/Mage. Great class and fun to play. They can get greedily powerful later on once your have tons of magicka and destro spells.

Recently I have enjoyed the game far more while playing a thief class. I have played 2 so far. I played a Wood Elf Thief/Archer after my mage. I spoke w/ Duane some and decided to reroll a Cat Thief but go more in sneak than archery + dual wield daggers. I think my daggers are like 100 dmg each now.

Its gross

Things die really fast w/o much sound. Also if you haven't gotten the Krosis mask, you are missing out if you are a thief.

One of my most difficult tasks was killing Krosis. That was one tough SOB w/ no magic really of my own. Poor lydia got lit UP from his staff of facemelting fireballs. So yeah remember that. When you fight him, he has a staff of fireballs that he hits you w/ over and over and over. Remember w/ fireballs he doesn't TECHNICALLY have to hit you. He only has to hit near you and you take damage, so be quick....be on your toes if you go for it.

Best thing is range and use the terrain to hide from the balls of doom.

Good luck and GO BIG BALLS. :)
Dallas;4276842 said:
I also got the CollED Strat Guide when Skyrim released. It is a gorgeous book, but def not a need for anything strategical really. The game is very easy to play if you have played these types in the past.

You want to level? - Use your main skills and/or crafting skills.

You can literally sit and level Blacksmithing for hours if you have the gold. Probably making 5-10 levels along the way.

I am 100 Blacksmithing now w/ Enchanting at about 73.

Level 28 Khajiit Thief/Archer/Duel Wield

Honestly my character is very OP atm. There is nothing that is giving me any sort of problem anymore.

Lydia is decked in chanted Dragon Heavy Armor w/ chanted Legendary Glass Greatsword.

By the time she moves in to pick up the aggro from w/e is screaming at me (cuz im in the front) its dead from the super awesome power of the legendary glass bow of FacePwn. Really! Things take 2-3 shots to kill. One shot if I shoot them from hide.

Its disgustingly entertaining.

I shot an Orc in the back of the head the other night while he was sitting at his table in a chair. He jumped and grunted and fell back dead in his chair. It was so gruesome, I had to screenshot it. I might upload it here later. It isn't bloody or messy, just looks funny.

A dead orc w/ an elven arrow jutting out of his head/face and hes just sittin there like hes drinking his ale.

Typically the awesome that is the bow carries them over something upon the arrow hitting its target.

I love shooting bandits n such off cliff faces w/ it or even shouting them over the edge.


Thats what i did the other night for 2-3 hours just blacksmithing to gain some levels.
Its much better in previous titles of just buying some blacksmith hammers and leveling that way.
I had a dragon slide into me last night like he was sliding into home plate. He slid for a good 20 yards or so even actually left a path in the ground from sliding.:laugh2:
Anyone know where I could potentially download the PS3 patch(1.02) and transfer it to a USB?

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