Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Another patch is suppose to come out next weekend to fix many of the early bugs.
Sam I Am;4255492 said:
It's funny. I haven't really been playing lately. I've been playing BF3 instead.

I'm waiting for Thanskgiving to start the game. So much school work due this week, just simply don't want to start to play and to have that distraction.
Romo 2 Austin;4256133 said:
I'm waiting for Thanskgiving to start the game. So much school work due this week, just simply don't want to start to play and to have that distraction.

Admirable self control!

Me, I am having dreams about waylaying bandits....
I started my first character as a battle mage but after getting Lydia I went into full destruction mage mode. Destruction is very powerful when you get the high level spells.

Smithing and Alchemy are really very strong in this game and after maxing both skills it's going to be hard not to have them on other characters I play.

I think on my next play through I'm going to go something melee like a thief/archer.

So would this better my chances of increasing my bows dmg and magical attack?

Say I have a Orc Bow of Fear and creatures up to lvl 13 will be feared when attacked.

Could I enchant it up for higher level creatures that fear will work on? Is that what enchanting will do? What does Blacksmithing do for this bow in this scenario?
I can't remember off the top of my head, but I don't think blacksmithing creates bow. I have it on my guy, but he uses melee weapons, so I can't recall if I can craft bows in addition to the swords, maces, etc.

The way enchanting works is you disenchant items like your bow which then teaches you the fear enchant. Then you combine the enchant, a soul gem, and an item(like another bow) and it will add the enchant on to the item, and it will be stronger based on your enchanting skill, perks, etc. You can eventually get perks in that tree that let you put 2 enchants on each item.

Blacksmithing does let you improve weapons and armor(weapon damage, armor bonus), but like I said, I don't remember if you can make/improve bows with it or not.
Dallas;4261107 said:

So would this better my chances of increasing my bows dmg and magical attack?

Say I have a Orc Bow of Fear and creatures up to lvl 13 will be feared when attacked.

Could I enchant it up for higher level creatures that fear will work on? Is that what enchanting will do? What does Blacksmithing do for this bow in this scenario?

Blacksmithing can improve the bow (use the sharpening stone) but I don't think you can build them. One something is enchanted that's it, you can't put another enchant on it.
Awesome information, thanks guys. I might have to start dumping some pts into Enchanting and Blacksmithing. Regular magical bows just aren't cutting it atm for me. I do a good amount of dmg from sneak, but once I am discovered, it doesn't hurt the target much at all.

Has anyone fought a troll? Holy unfair health regen and hps total. That's hax.

I want to be a Troll. :(
Dallas;4261298 said:
Awesome information, thanks guys. I might have to start dumping some pts into Enchanting and Blacksmithing. Regular magical bows just aren't cutting it atm for me. I do a good amount of dmg from sneak, but once I am discovered, it doesn't hurt the target much at all.

Has anyone fought a troll? Holy unfair health regen and hps total. That's hax.

I want to be a Troll. :(

Piece of cake with my destruction mage and incinerate spells. That and Lydia using a Ebony 2H axe with a fire enchant on it.
As far as bow damage goes I'm pretty sure there are enchants that let you increase bow damage to pieces of armor.
Duane;4261312 said:
Piece of cake with my destruction mage and incinerate spells. That and Lydia using a Ebony 2H axe with a fire enchant on it.

Yeah I can see fire destroying them. That makes sense. Its what you use on them in all of the books I read. :D

My sin however rarely has a use for magic except for restoration/healing. I might need to get Flames added and some Demo ability. Those things are cleaning my clock. Its frustrating trying to get around that Frost Troll otw to the Greybeards. :(

I cant recall where Lydia is. Does she comes w/ that Fire axe or did you equip her w/ it?

Shes more of a fighter/tank?
Dallas;4261378 said:
Yeah I can see fire destroying them. That makes sense. Its what you use on them in all of the books I read. :D

My sin however rarely has a use for magic except for restoration/healing. I might need to get Flames added and some Demo ability. Those things are cleaning my clock. Its frustrating trying to get around that Frost Troll otw to the Greybeards. :(

I cant recall where Lydia is. Does she comes w/ that Fire axe or did you equip her w/ it?

Shes more of a fighter/tank?

I got her in Whiterun after killing the dragon there. Lydia will equip any armor, jewelry or weapons you give her. So I smithed and enchanted the axe myself.
Dallas;4261298 said:
Awesome information, thanks guys. I might have to start dumping some pts into Enchanting and Blacksmithing. Regular magical bows just aren't cutting it atm for me. I do a good amount of dmg from sneak, but once I am discovered, it doesn't hurt the target much at all.

Has anyone fought a troll? Holy unfair health regen and hps total. That's hax.

I want to be a Troll. :(

I've killed a couple of trolls. Alone I need a few health positions, though with my new friend Lydia that follows me around, it's not quite as bad.

That said, those giant guys kick the crap out of me! One hit and I go flying like 50 feet in the air! :laugh2:
Duane;4261418 said:
I got her in Whiterun after killing the dragon there. Lydia will equip any armor, jewelry or weapons you give her. So I smithed and enchanted the axe myself.

Interesting, I didn't know I could give her stuff. I have a Whiterun Axe that hits hard, but I am out of stamina after a single swing. (being a mage) She would be a lot better with it I'm sure.

Currently, the Whiterun Axe I use as a Troll deathblow weapon.
I have played 2 charc up to 16 now. Not one time have I hired a merc to come w/ me. I am not used to using an NPC in my party, so I never get around to it. I can most certainly see the benefit now w/ some recent struggles of mine. :D

Think ill go pay Duanes lady friend Lydia, a visit. :laugh2:
Blacksmithing CAN create bows. I'm a level 40 sneak archery specialist. I love this game so much.
pupulehaole;4262439 said:
Blacksmithing CAN create bows. I'm a level 40 sneak archery specialist. I love this game so much.

Cool, I guess since my first character was a destruction mage and I had Lydia being a heavy fighter I just overlooked making bows.
pupulehaole;4262439 said:
Blacksmithing CAN create bows. I'm a level 40 sneak archery specialist. I love this game so much.

Yeah, I double checked yesterday as well, and blacksmithing definitely can craft and improve bows.

My issue is I think I'm going to want to do too much on my next character(archer). I'm going to want sneak, archery, blacksmithing, enchanting, and alchemy at the very least, and there are probably more trees I'd want to go in and I'm not sure if I'll be able to.
I posted this in the Wacky Web Images, but it's Skyrim related.

Clicking the image makes it bigger.



I guess this guy has way way way too much time on his hands. :lmao2: :lmao:
Sam I Am;4262536 said:
I posted this in the Wacky Web Images, but it's Skyrim related.

Clicking the image makes it bigger.



I guess this guy has way way way too much time on his hands. :lmao2: :lmao:


Speaking of cabbage, cooking is one of my big disappointments in the game. From what I've tried in the early to mid game it's basically worthless.

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