Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The amazing part about these sales figures is the exceptionally high rate of pirating that comes with a game like this. ***BLOCKED*** had since the day before launch.
Romo 2 Austin;4252365 said:
The amazing part about these sales figures is the exceptionally high rate of pirating that comes with a game like this. ***BLOCKED*** had since the day before launch.

No doubt that is where you got it. :laugh2:

If a company makes a great game, you should definitely support them.
I'm a Nord assassin. Back stabbing with dual daggers is almost a guaranteed kill.
Sam I Am;4252387 said:
No doubt that is where you got it. :laugh2:

If a company makes a great game, you should definitely support them.

I bought it from steam
Quick question: I want to get this game after the semester is over, but should I get it for PC or PS3? And why?
Romo 2 Austin;4252538 said:
I bought it from steam

That's where I got it too.

tupperware;4252548 said:
What's your steam name? You can PM me it if you want.

Don't tell him! He is the one that crack Steam's site. He wants to charge crap on your credit card! :laugh2:
Sam I Am;4252612 said:
That's where I got it too.

Don't tell him! He is the one that crack Steam's site. He wants to charge crap on your credit card! :laugh2:
What's your steam name? You can PM me it if you want.
Temo;4252547 said:
Quick question: I want to get this game after the semester is over, but should I get it for PC or PS3? And why?

PC. It's more natural. This is the type of game that is made for the PC. It's not that every RPG is, games like the Mass Effect series are more enjoyable on the console, this one is definitely more enjoyable on the PC. Just try Oblivion on your console and you'll see why its funner on the PC.
Romo 2 Austin;4253033 said:
PC. It's more natural. This is the type of game that is made for the PC. It's not that every RPG is, games like the Mass Effect series are more enjoyable on the console, this one is definitely more enjoyable on the PC. Just try Oblivion on your console and you'll see why its funner on the PC.

Any game with free sandbox movement and shooting/combat is better on the PC (Which is why Rockstar is dumb for not releasing RDR for PC). And funner ain't a word.
I've been having a lot of fun with a Khajiit assassin type character. With my equipment and having put a lot of points into the sneak skill tree, I can backstab people for 60x damage. It's great.
I play as an Imperial. No real reason why. Just the same thing I used in the last game. I'm about 5 hours into it. Spent most of my time exploring all the main cities so I can fast travel for now on. I see you can get hitched on this game too, lol.
Romo 2 Austin;4253033 said:
PC. It's more natural. This is the type of game that is made for the PC. It's not that every RPG is, games like the Mass Effect series are more enjoyable on the console, this one is definitely more enjoyable on the PC. Just try Oblivion on your console and you'll see why its funner on the PC.

Thanks. I generally enjoy playing on my console more, because I don't like equating my PC as a play tool, because when it comes to work I get distracted. :D

But for some RPGs it seems like a PC is required.
Love this game.
But what the hell. I had a Whiterun guard order a hit on me for killing someone or something. Also had a hit order by someone I've never met in the game nor did I steal from like they said I did.
I've had some pretty unintentionally hilarious moments in Skyrim so far. Once, I was killing bandits, and I thought I had wiped out the whole encampment. I picked up a great sword, and it encumbered me, so I threw it back down on the ground since it didn't sell that well anyway.

Suddenly, I hear a guy say "You should be more careful where you put your things," he picks up the orcish greatsword and sticks it back in my inventory, then proceeds to scream and attack me. I was cracking up, but then of course I beat him to death with my mace and shield.
My Paladin type character(heavy armor, blacksmithing, shield, restoration magic, one handed weapons) is now level 23, and I still haven't been to any main cities except Whiterun. I've only progressed the story to where you fight the dragon at the tower outside Whiterun. I just keep running around doing side quests and exploring caves and what not.

I did find another dragon just flying around out in the world and killed it. I have to say, fighting the dragons and giants and stuff is very fun, since to beat them I have to shield bash them to stun, circle strafe around and melee them, and sometimes run off to heal myself and what not. This game is so awesome.
Best thing to do when you first start out is get all of the major cities discovered. It will save you a crap ton of running/buyinghorsetoride around on. What you do is once you get to a major city such as WhiteRun or Solice, find the wagon guy outside each major hold. You can pay him to take you to the major holds all over Skyrim. If you arrive and that isn't a city that has a wagon guy, just fast travel back to him and pick another undiscovered city he can take you to. Do this until all of the major holds are open to you. Now you can fast travel around and your quest walks/runs will be much shorter.

Playing my 2nd character now.

Lvl 15 Archer/Assasin

Head shots from the shadows for the win.

OutLaw Bandit has been killed 3.0x dmg bow sneak attack :laugh2:
Temo;4253754 said:
Thanks. I generally enjoy playing on my console more, because I don't like equating my PC as a play tool, because when it comes to work I get distracted. :D

But for some RPGs it seems like a PC is required.

Not a problem. Some people act like it is always better to play on a PC. I don't agree with that, but with a game like Elder Scrolls:Skyrim it holds true.
It's funny. I haven't really been playing lately. I've been playing BF3 instead.

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