Ellis says D.Ware hid from coaches...w/audio Post#77

of course he felt he would have made the plays, I want every guy on the team to have that attitude.

I don't see what is wrong with it either.
AdamJT13;2835751 said:
Ware played all but 29 snaps last season -- 986 out of 1015. That's 97.14 percent.

Thirteen of those plays came at the end of the Seattle game after Ware got hurt, leaving 16 plays that he missed in the rest of the season.

Well that theroy by Ellis just flew out the window.:bow:
BIGDen;2835878 said:
I'm so glad that whiney loser is off this team. He could have played the Jeffcoat role perfectly, but he was always too busy b******* about something. Why can't these guys just stop talking crap? He's really showing what kind of character he has by selling out Ware if that's really what Ware was doing for him.

Greg Ellis could only dream of being as productive as Jim Jeffcoat. Ellis is overrated.
Four;2836127 said:
whatever, it's negative cause you take it that way, or it was him being confident he could have made the play.

there are two ways to take it and you don't like greg so you took it the negative way.

I just see a guy who wanted to win and felt he could have made a play there, so friggin what?

I don't get the angle you guys took with it, but whatever, I don't get most of the negativity on the board these days.

you guys whine way more than greg ever did, fyi.

These are your post before you listened to the podcast

I wished I listened, not that I don't believe you guys, but posters tend to inject a ton of bias into what they hear.

Where as I am completely objective about everything and everyone, because I am...

I am gonna find a podcast if I can, this reeks of misinterpreting something.

ding ding ding

podcast isn't up, but the whole premise stinks, and sounds like nonsense because of the above reason.

greg has never thrown his teammates under the bus, this would be out of character for him.

I need to listen to the context then, if someone is looking for a reason to take it negatively they will.

Podcast will be up tomorrow, I will eat crow if I have to.

I am hardheaded like that, and...

You sir are a very dishonest person. You would defend him no matter what he said.
speedkilz88;2836137 said:
These are your post before you listened to the podcast

You sir are a very dishonest person. You would defend him no matter what he said.

I've had a strong disliking for Ellis since the day we drafted him, this only strengthens that feeling. Though, if true, Ware deserves to take
some flak too.
speedkilz88;2836137 said:
These are your post before you listened to the podcast

You sir are a very dishonest person. You would defend him no matter what he said.

speedkilz88;2836137 said:
These are your post before you listened to the podcast

You sir are a very dishonest person. You would defend him no matter what he said.

no, I don't agree with your interpretation.

I said he said what you said, I do not agree with how you guys take it.

you sir do not have reading skills, and you need to be right more than you need to pay attention to what others say.

I said he said it.

you sir are wrong, and I would appreciate it if you would reread all I said and call me a liar again.

I have my opinion on his words, you have your own. Don't assume I am lying because I don't fall in line with your negativity.

sorry you don't like it, but don't call me dishonest.
Four;2836125 said:
dude, I just finished listening to it.

if I hated the guy I would be pissed off like you guys are.

as it was I think he was just being honest and he wanted to be on the field and thought he could have made plays.

I don't at all get the hate for the d.ware comment.

and while I understand people *****ing that he ripped anthony spencer I do not agree with that assessment. I just think he feels like he would have made the tackles, which frankly is what any player would say.

I don't agree with all the opinions, I think his feelings are pretty common among older players, and are to be expected.

but whatever, bash on, it's what this place does best.

So which part of honesty are you talking about, or is it selective honesty, cause I don't see much in the ware comment. What part of this line do you (A) believe or (B) makes you feel anything but upset with him?

"It's a disgrace when DeMarcus Ware comes off the field just so I can get in the game and when the coaches tell him to come on the field, he tries to hide so I can play," Ellis said. "And you're telling me we're trying to win the Super Bowl?"

Irvin asked Ellis for clarification: "You said DeMarcus Ware was trying to come off the field so he can get you on the field?"

Ellis: "Yeah."

Irvin: "On his own?"

Ellis: "On his own. He would say, 'G, come on.' And I would tell him, 'No, DeMarcus, go ahead, man. You're coming up on your contract year. Don't mess that stuff up. Go ahead and do you, and we're just going to do what the coaches, or whoever the powers that be, what they want to do.'"

Please enlighten me on what you don't get about people being upset with this comment, especially since it's been shown that Ware missing all of 26 plays during the regular season. I don't hate ellis, but this is nothing but a bold-faced flat out lie. However since you didn't get how others were upset by that comment after reading it, i'm guessing that you never will.
and he didn't throw his teammates under the bus, he said he would have made the plays

that was an affirmation of his skills not a bash, he went out of his way to say he loves spencer and that he isn't bashing him.

you missed that part?
irishline;2836186 said:
So which part of honesty are you talking about, or is it selective honesty, cause I don't see much in the ware comment. What part of this line do you (A) believe or (B) makes you feel anything but upset with him?

"It's a disgrace when DeMarcus Ware comes off the field just so I can get in the game and when the coaches tell him to come on the field, he tries to hide so I can play," Ellis said. "And you're telling me we're trying to win the Super Bowl?"

Irvin asked Ellis for clarification: "You said DeMarcus Ware was trying to come off the field so he can get you on the field?"

Ellis: "Yeah."

Irvin: "On his own?"

Ellis: "On his own. He would say, 'G, come on.' And I would tell him, 'No, DeMarcus, go ahead, man. You're coming up on your contract year. Don't mess that stuff up. Go ahead and do you, and we're just going to do what the coaches, or whoever the powers that be, what they want to do.'"

Please enlighten me on what you don't get about people being upset with this comment, especially since it's been shown that Ware missing all of 26 plays during the regular season. I don't hate ellis, but this is nothing but a bold-faced flat out lie. However since you didn't get how others were upset by that comment after reading it, i'm guessing that you never will.

because if it happened one time then what greg said was true.

if one time ware came off and said the things ellis said then it's true.

it had to happen one time.

not more than that.

you guys read more into his statement than I do.

it's a bias thing, plain and simple.
you must of thought OJ was innocent too.
There is no other way to interpret Ellis' words especially after all the whinning he has done over the last few years.
This comes as no surprise at all to most honest people.
wow I love how now you bash me because I disagree with you.

buncha really mature people here.

lol. real class in this thread.
everyone bashing him goes with the "I didn't like him before but now I hate him" line

and you all refuse to see the bias, and now I am a liar because I don't agree with you.
Four;2836192 said:
wow I love how now you bash me because I disagree with you.

buncha really mature people here.

lol. real class in this thread.
Do something incredibly stupid, and you'll get bashed. It's the internets.
I didn't do anything stupid, you don't agree with how I take the interview.

then I get called a liar and stupid because my opinion is different than the popular one.

you guys are way the hell out of line coming at me like you are, just because you don't agree with how I take the interview.

and guess what, from my perspective you are being stupid. (and biased)

ohhh I just lied again, better call the internet forum police because I disagree with you guys. ohhh I R stupidz.

lmao @ you guys.
At the risk of sounding semi-defensive to Greg...

What he said regarding Ware can't be verified or denied by showing who was on the field on what plays. What Greg said can fairly easily be dismissed if he's confronted with those stats; he simply has to say, "I said Ware wanted to come off the field, and tried to hide... not that he actually came off the field or literally hid."

I suppose only Ware can dispute that. And I doubt he will.

That said, I still think it's ridiculous. He would basically be saying that Ware felt that Ellis gave the team more on the field than Ware did. So not only is he labeling Ware as subversive to the coaching staff, but as stupid.

And Four, he most definitely bashed Spencer. He said he would have made the play, and Spencer didn't because he didn't have the experience. His qualification that he loves Anthony and that he's not bashing him means little.

It's like saying, "no offense... but you're ugly."

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