Emmitt on Vick *Merged*

ThreeSportStar80;1558478 said:
Vick is innocent until proven guilty...

That's the standing he will be constitutionally afforded in our judicial system. Here, and elsewhere, we are free to form and express opinions freely based on available evidence.

I find it curious that nobody is falling all over themselves rushing to the defense of an allegedly corrupt NBA referee. BTW, I'm burning my Tim Donaghy jersey today; I think he's guilty and he's really let me down.
If Vick is actively involved in dogfighting, he has knowledge that would be quite valuable to prosecutors.

The prosecutors have Vick by the gonads. Vick has a terrific amount to lose - his status, his pro-football career, many millions in salary, endorsements, homes, and his freedom. The prosecutors know this. The prosecutors also know that Vick may have very valuable information to future prosecutions. Under this scenerio, the prosecutors would have to be absolutely incompetent not to try to sweat additional information from Vick.

Prosecutors routinely file the most serious charges that they can possibly muster, allow the ramifications of these most serious charges to sink in, and then reduce charges/penalties in exchange for additional information and/or admissions of guilt.

To my ear, Emmitt Smith's main point is that the initial charges and publicity surrounding Vick likely overstate Vick's involvement. Given how our legal system works, odds are that Emmitt is correct.

Emmitt was primarily applying his understanding of how our legal system works to Vick's case.

IMO, when Emmitt speaks spontaneously into a microphone, he often doesn't express himself in a way that clearly communicates his ideas to many in his audience.
ThreeSportStar80;1558478 said:
Vick is innocent until proven guilty...
With number of pro players running afoul with law, I see many, many proclaim of "Innocent until proven guilty" all over the place, which is fine because I understand that this theory is what we are led to believe.

But, to me, "innocent until proven guilty" is nothing more than a worn out cliché and only applies to those who have money.

How else can you explain keeping some people in jail or prison until their court date? If one is truly innocent, how can it be justified to keep them locked behind bars for weeks, months and sometimes years before a court date is set? There must be some assumption of guilty to lock someone behind bars. If "innocent until proven guilty" is a true statement, then no one should be locked up behind the bars until they are tried and found guilty, right?

It just seems like some people throw around "innocent until proven guilty" comment as if it will prevent people from forming their own opinion based on what they know.
I just saw someone already posted (and was moved).

Sorry Guys but I wasn't sure how to create a link to the story. maybe someone else can do so. If this is a repost, sorry, but it seems as though Emmitt is basically saying Vick only deserves a "little"blame and that the Feds are using him to get to others. This is hideous IMHO, but who am I to say what Emmitt should or shouldn't support. He certainly seems to be downplaying Vicks role in the activities.

Thehoofbite;1558486 said:
do you really think he was clueless about the whole situation?

do you really think we should abandon due process and innocent until proven guilty?
baj1dallas;1558663 said:
do you really think we should abandon due process and innocent until proven guilty?

do you really think that a society who gives a damn who romo is dating or when paris hilton is in jail is going to wait for "due process"?

and do you really think "due process" is always right?
5Stars;1558327 said:
Interesting...because the Feds might pressure Vick into ratting out more members of this dog fighting club all around the country, just to try and save his own butt?

Can you imagine what would happen if that happened? Vick would be labled a "rat"...and that don't fly in the gansta population. Either way, Vick is in some hot water!

Vick is going to have to determine whether he wants to be a gangsta or an NFL football player. Obviously, he can't be both.
Kilyin;1558464 said:
I love Emmitt. If I'd had a son instead of a daughter, I'd have named him after Emmitt. I think he is the greatest back of all time because he has the records to prove it (until Tomlinson takes them, if he does).

But he really should shut up. He's not helping himself here at all.

Emmitt is a dorky name

How about The Diamond?
iceberg;1558488 said:
good point. we railed portis left and right for his support of the "sport" it would seem. now emmitt does it and *some* are going to forgive him yet still blast portis.

hypocrites are just boring, ya know?

I hate it when I agree with you, slushy

But let's go easy on the name-calling, huh?

It's called difference of opinion

(Seriously, iffin I offered to buy you a beer, you'd have to decide whether to take the cold one or slug me? I have been losing sleep over that one, slushy.
I thought we wuz like pals) :confused:
burmafrd;1558527 said:
Emmitt is usually a little smarterthen this.


Dumber than a kicking tee
Uglier than his mama
But a heck of a RB in his prime:)
Should have kept his mouth shut. Mindless conspiracy theories are unbecoming.
Teague31;1558319 said:
SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) -- Emmitt Smith thinks federal investigators targeted Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick to get to others involved in an alleged dogfighting operation.

"He's the biggest fish in the whole doggone pond right now so they're putting the squeeze on him to get to everyone else," Smith said Saturday.


Vick and three associates are accused of competitive dogfighting, procuring and training pit bulls for fighting, and conducting the enterprise across state lines. Vick is scheduled to be arraigned Thursday in federal court in Richmond, Va.

Smith, who was enshrined in the College Football Hall of Fame on Saturday along with 19 others, was asked what he thought about the Vick situation. He said he believes federal investigators are trying to pressure Vick to turn on the others.

"Now, granted he might have been to a dogfight a time or two, maybe five times, maybe 20 times, may have bet some money, but he's not the one you're after. He's not the one you're after, he's just the one whose going to take the fall -- publicly."

But Smith also placed some blame on Vick, saying athletes need to realize they have to break ties with some people from their past "because where we're going, it's not for everybody to come with us. You have to learn to cut some of those guys loose. Because the things that they do, we cannot do no more."

Smith, the NFL's career leading rusher, said young athletes have to make decisions about who they associate with because it could harm their careers.

"From an athletic standpoint, from an endorsement standpoint, from an investment standpoint, from a business standpoint, those doors are opening. The question is now, do you want to do the same old junk you've been doing for 18 or 20-something years, or do you want to step into the real world of business and handle your business like you're supposed to handle it?"

Somehow this merged thread moved from what an idiot Emmitt is for sticking up for Vick to how guilty Vick is and due process

The really disturbing thing is that while we can all acknowledge that Vick is a thug (somehow that word does not seem negative enough in Vick's case)
some are calling him guilty and have the noose ready

Gentlemen, it really is called due process

That it takes a Canadian to make that point to we Americans, well that makes me uneasy, because we should have learned that coming of high school or the reformatory

There still exists due process in this land, whether you like it or not

Meanwhile we are all free to acknowledge what a thug/coward/monster he is (as indicated by the indictment, which I believe was rendered by sane people) and call for vigorous prosecution

But when we step over the line to say someone is guilty for a trial begins, we just show a lack of respect for our legal system

That legal system, while not perfect (the rich get quicker "justice" and stay out of jail) this is one that is still a work in progress

And it was put in place to prevent idiots from getting the noose prematurely and taking suspects from the cells in the middle of the night

Respect the process, gents

That, is America

NOT the band of self-appointed juries in the middle of the night with the noose

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin
03EBZ06;1558555 said:
With number of pro players running afoul with law, I see many, many proclaim of "Innocent until proven guilty" all over the place, which is fine because I understand that this theory is what we are led to believe.

But, to me, "innocent until proven guilty" is nothing more than a worn out cliché and only applies to those who have money.

How else can you explain keeping some people in jail or prison until their court date? If one is truly innocent, how can it be justified to keep them locked behind bars for weeks, months and sometimes years before a court date is set? There must be some assumption of guilty to lock someone behind bars. If "innocent until proven guilty" is a true statement, then no one should be locked up behind the bars until they are tried and found guilty, right?

It just seems like some people throw around "innocent until proven guilty" comment as if it will prevent people from forming their own opinion based on what they know.
Don't confuse holding someone for trial with a finding of guilt in a court of law. There are plenty of reasons why someone is held while awaiting trial, and none of them is because you have been deemed to be guilty by a court. Same thing with a bond. Bonds aren't set because you are "guilty."
peplaw06;1558771 said:
Don't confuse holding someone for trial with a finding of guilt in a court of law. There are plenty of reasons someone is held while awaiting trial, and none of them is because you have been deemed to be guilty by a court.

Hey, have you see those "drunk lawyer" vids on Youtube? Hilarious.
bbgun;1558772 said:
Hey, have you see those "drunk lawyer" vids on Youtube? Hilarious.

People like that are why fort hates me:bang2:


EDIT: this just keeps getting better. I'm LOLing... .075 BAC... "that's residual from last night." Well, even so, you came to court drunk moron.
peplaw06;1558790 said:

People like that are why fort hates me:bang2:


EDIT: this just keeps getting better. I'm LOLing... .075 BAC... "that's residual from last night." Well, even so, you came to court drunk moron.

Yeah, maybe not legally drunk, but certainly impaired. The judge was way too passive, imho. Fake girlfriend, suspicious car crash, dead grandmother, etc. He's got it all.
First of all he is wrong,and second,for a guy that is embarking on a new television career,trying to defend a scumbag like Vick,that's not a real good career move.I love Emmitt,but he needs to keep his mouth shut!
iceberg;1558664 said:
do you really think that a society who gives a damn who romo is dating or when paris hilton is in jail is going to wait for "due process"?

and do you really think "due process" is always right?

to me, sometimes due process is just delaying the inevitable

I think Vick's case is one of those instances
GimmeTheBall!;1558763 said:
Somehow this merged thread moved from what an idiot Emmitt is for sticking up for Vick to how guilty Vick is and due process

The really disturbing thing is that while we can all acknowledge that Vick is a thug (somehow that word does not seem negative enough in Vick's case)
some are calling him guilty and have the noose ready

Gentlemen, it really is called due process

That it takes a Canadian to make that point to we Americans, well that makes me uneasy, because we should have learned that coming of high school or the reformatory

There still exists due process in this land, whether you like it or not

Meanwhile we are all free to acknowledge what a thug/coward/monster he is (as indicated by the indictment, which I believe was rendered by sane people) and call for vigorous prosecution

But when we step over the line to say someone is guilty for a trial begins, we just show a lack of respect for our legal system

That legal system, while not perfect (the rich get quicker "justice" and stay out of jail) this is one that is still a work in progress

And it was put in place to prevent idiots from getting the noose prematurely and taking suspects from the cells in the middle of the night

Respect the process, gents

That, is America

NOT the band of self-appointed juries in the middle of the night with the noose

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin
I hate how you think your so educated, just shut up and we know Vick was behind it all! He did buy the property! He was surely not born yesterday. It is called freedom of speech if we as people of this society want to say he is guilty. so keep your mouth shut for once!:bang2:
Laker24diehard;1558858 said:
I hate how you think your so educated, just shut up and we know Vick was behind it all! He did buy the property! He was surely not born yesterday. It is called freedom of speech if we as people of this society want to say he is guilty. so keep your mouth shut for once!:bang2:
I don't think you could be more hypocritical a span of 5 sentences if you tried.