Enough already on this HENSON dude


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Welcome to the board.

Your take on this, as stated, does not really bear examination IMO. If the idea was to trade Henson next year, why would you send him to Europe for the express purpose of getting him snaps in order to be ready for him to play this year? Why not focus preperation on the QB you intend to keep and make him the primary back up in the event Bledsoe goes down? Why develope a QB you have no intention of keeping at the expense of the one you do?
What kind of trade value do you think Henson had before going to NFLE? The answer is none. By sending him to NFLE to showcase him and depending on how well he plays Dallas may be able to get as high as a 3rd rounder for him ( Lions , Ravens would be interested if he continues playing like he has ).

How old is Henson? He will likely be 29 or so before he gets his chance in Dallas. I myself think it would be wiser to go for a younger guy in the draft to sit behind Bledsoe for 1 or 2 years. If they go with Henson after Bledsoe retires then they will be looking for a QB not long after.

Edit : Sending him to NFLE to get him some snaps incase of injury is probably to save the Cowboys money by not having to sign a veteran for the backup role. Which is smart.


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
Has he improved? Yes. Is he the No. 2 guy in Big D? Dunno. We'll see. But, sometimes it doesn't seem BP is ready to say he is. He did say in his press conference that Henson has improved, but he qualified it with a statement about not knowing the condition of the field or weather. Tough to read.

I don't see where anyone will say you are completely wrong here. Now some might say, that they think Henson will no. 2 battle, but thats just individual opinion. Personally, I think there are good chances Henson can beat out Romo for no. 2 job, but really, thats based on improvement Henson has showed vs how he looked in pre-season last year.

But what we all don't know is how much improvement Romo has made? Same probably with Parcells. I doubt he knows for certain how Romo will do in the TC for sure or Henson will do in TC for sure. Even if he does, I doubt BP will say anything about it, since BP has never been the one to give out jobs just like that, especially in public.

Personally, I thought BP was qualifying his statement because, stats on Henson are not all that great as far as completion percentage is concerned. So without knowing the field conditions/weather etc., its hard to say whether that is due to surrounding factors or WRs or the QB accuracy issues, IMO.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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blindzebra said:
For someone who talks of the discomfort of these threads you always seem to be knee deep in them.

What is truly predictable is you showing contemp, talking as if it's all beneath you, while all along you keep posting away completely covered in the muck you so frequently condemn.

I did notice you turned your probosis up at those who bash Henson with your "usual suspects" quip. And the sad thing is, you are the exact same thing on the opposite camp. I don't care who wins the little snits that always erupt when the Henson versus Romo debate begins. But of course, when Henson is criticized, the same people come out and say the same things to defend him, which is why I thought the comment you made was hilariously hypocritical.

And to note, I participated once in this thread before your comment. If you want to call that getting "deep in the muck" so be it.


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StykeHsciuols said:
What kind of trade value do you think Henson had before going to NFLE? The answer is none. By sending him to NFLE to showcase him and depending on how well he plays Dallas may be able to get as high as a 3rd rounder for him ( Lions , Ravens would be interested if he continues playing like he has ).

How old is Henson? He will likely be 29 or so before he gets his chance in Dallas. I myself think it would be wiser to go for a younger guy in the draft to sit behind Bledsoe for 1 or 2 years. If they go with Henson after Bledsoe retires then they will be looking for a QB not long after.

Edit : Sending him to NFLE to get him some snaps incase of injury is probably to save the Cowboys money by not having to sign a veteran for the backup role. Which is smart.

How old was Staubach when he became the lone starter?

It's not so much about age as, age plus wear and tear.

Henson could easily play into his late 30's, because his actual age and his football age are very different.


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blindzebra said:
How old was Staubach when he became the lone starter?

It's not so much about age as, age plus wear and tear.

Henson could easily play into his late 30's, because his actual age and his football age are very different.

That may be true but the wear and tear catch up quickly for someone that age. Especially if you are not used to the contact or arent pysicaly tough.

Only thing I am saying is that it would be smarter to get a younger guy in the draft and not hand it to Henson when you could get some younger and better to mold early.


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Holy crapola, I just logged on and see all of these replies, none of which change my mind. First Drew could not figure out how to take the ball correctly from center, then he was apparently so bad the coaching staff decided to change his delivery, now he is in the NFLE and as I mentioned before cannot even seperate himself from the other teams QB's.

Wake up people, Drew will NEVER be a starting QB for an NFL team unless there are injuries.

You guys keep saying he just needs reps. How many years of reps does he need?


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CactusCowboy said:
Holy crapola, I just logged on and see all of these replies, none of which change my mind. First Drew could not figure out how to take the ball correctly from center, then he was apparently so bad the coaching staff decided to change his delivery, now he is in the NFLE and as I mentioned before cannot even seperate himself from the other teams QB's.

Wake up people, Drew will NEVER be a starting QB for an NFL team unless there are injuries.

You guys keep saying he just needs reps. How many years of reps does he need?

You need to wake up and admit you don't have a clue as what is ahead for Henson no one does, you have an opinion that is all it is. He has been in the NFL for 2 years this will be his 3rd season so what is this BS about how many years? there are starters who sat their butts on the bench longer than that before they got their 1st NFL start.


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Alexander said:
I did notice you turned your probosis up at those who bash Henson with your "usual suspects" quip. And the sad thing is, you are the exact same thing on the opposite camp. I don't care who wins the little snits that always erupt when the Henson versus Romo debate begins. But of course, when Henson is criticized, the same people come out and say the same things to defend him, which is why I thought the comment you made was hilariously hypocritical.

And to note, I participated once in this thread before your comment. If you want to call that getting "deep in the muck" so be it.

First it's not hypocritical, it's ironic.

You see, I freely admit to defending a Cowboy player from the constant, baseless attacks that reek of uninformed bias, opinions stating things as fact that are in fact, complete fabrication.

More to the point, it is funny that in a thread full of the "usual" Henson defenders, tearing down the lies, you chose to comment on a post that made no attempt to defend Henson, but was a bit of sarcastic humor at the expense of the well...the usual suspects.

That seems like it's personal to me.;)


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Double Trouble said:
Henson's 26 and won't turn 27 until next year. If you want to bring up age as an issue, you should get it right.

Henson's played well most games, and has been consistently getting better until this past week, when he was injured. How anyone can assert otherwise is beyond me.

Romo's always looked more comfortable? Pray tell when Romo looked comfortable. To my knowledge, Romo has taken one snap in a regular season game. If you're referring to the pre-season, I've rarely seen a 1st year QB look as comfortable as Henson did as a rookie. Last season, with a new throwing motion and hampered by an injury, he did not look comfortable.

Having doubts about a player is one thing, but fabricating events like those in this post suggests a personal dislike for the player.

What are you talking about? Henson has shown no capacity for development. He throws well one game, then comes out and fumbles the ball, throws INTs, and completes 50% of his passes the next.

As for the preseason, well, I'll let the stats speak for themselves:


Drew Henson QB Rating: 44.5
Tony Romo QB Rating: 93.6

That hardly shows a QB who is improving. You can throw out that new throwing motion garbage all you want, the fact is, Tony Romo, an undrafted FA, totally and completely outplayed Drew Henson.


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HeavyHitta31 said:
What are you talking about? Henson has shown no capacity for development. He throws well one game, then comes out and fumbles the ball, throws INTs, and completes 50% of his passes the next.

As for the preseason, well, I'll let the stats speak for themselves:


Drew Henson QB Rating: 44.5
Tony Romo QB Rating: 93.6

That hardly shows a QB who is improving. You can throw out that new throwing motion garbage all you want, the fact is, Tony Romo, an undrafted FA, totally and completely outplayed Drew Henson.

Last season Romo the year before it was Henson at the backup spot, this season? who knows that is why they compete for the job which is how it should be.


Double Trouble
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HeavyHitta31 said:
What are you talking about? Henson has shown no capacity for development. He throws well one game, then comes out and fumbles the ball, throws INTs, and completes 50% of his passes the next.

As for the preseason, well, I'll let the stats speak for themselves:


Drew Henson QB Rating: 44.5
Tony Romo QB Rating: 93.6

That hardly shows a QB who is improving. You can throw out that new throwing motion garbage all you want, the fact is, Tony Romo, an undrafted FA, totally and completely outplayed Drew Henson.
Throwing motion and injury are garbage? I know your agenda HH. It's very obvious to anyone who's read many of your posts.


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HeavyHitta31 said:
What are you talking about? Henson has shown no capacity for development. He throws well one game, then comes out and fumbles the ball, throws INTs, and completes 50% of his passes the next.

As for the preseason, well, I'll let the stats speak for themselves:


Drew Henson QB Rating: 44.5
Tony Romo QB Rating: 93.6

That hardly shows a QB who is improving. You can throw out that new throwing motion garbage all you want, the fact is, Tony Romo, an undrafted FA, totally and completely outplayed Drew Henson.

Did Romo improve from year two to year three?

So why is it assumed that Henson won't? Especially, when anyone with a clue can see he already has improved over last preseason.


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CactusCowboy said:
He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic. Romo is the backup and this guy from Yale may have a chance to be third string. If we can get anything for Henson I would do it now.

Just because you have the body and skills, it does not always translate into an NFL QB, just ask Mr. Leaf.

Prepare to be savaged by the Hensonites. Oh wait, it's already happened.


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HeavyHitta31 said:
What are you talking about? Henson has shown no capacity for development. He throws well one game, then comes out and fumbles the ball, throws INTs, and completes 50% of his passes the next.

As for the preseason, well, I'll let the stats speak for themselves:


Drew Henson QB Rating: 44.5
Tony Romo QB Rating: 93.6

That hardly shows a QB who is improving. You can throw out that new throwing motion garbage all you want, the fact is, Tony Romo, an undrafted FA, totally and completely outplayed Drew Henson.

Are you seriously judging Henson's 44.5 rating vs Romo's 93.6 ?

That might be worth talking about if either of them had thrown more than a handfull of passes.

Romo threw 37 to Henson's 27. That is not nearly enough passes to sample and base an opinion on.

I really do not understand all the criticism sent Henson's way. Why cut him now? That is like buying a lottery ticket and then determining that you have a loser ticket before you scratch it off.

Has he been causing problems in the locker room? Has he called out coaches for playing time? Has he been in any legal trouble? Is he costing us much in terms of cap space? Did he piss in your cheerios?

I do not know what the future holds for this guy, but at this point I would like to find out. There is no harm in keeping the guy. What is invested in Henson is already invested and can not be undone. I want to "scratch" that ticket before I toss it.


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superpunk said:

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

That was beautiful!!!


The Duke
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bbgun said:
Prepare to be savaged by the Hensonites. Oh wait, it's already happened.
He's loved every minute of it. Hear him over there moaning? Just like Bill Murray going to the Dentist in Little Shop of Horrors.


Dem Boyz
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CactusCowboy said:
He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic. Romo is the backup and this guy from Yale may have a chance to be third string. If we can get anything for Henson I would do it now.

Just because you have the body and skills, it does not always translate into an NFL QB, just ask Mr. Leaf.

i agree. im a realist unlike alot of other homers on here. henson will never turn out 2 b a good QB in the NFL. he should just stay in europe and play over there. i dont even see romo as a good back up qb. i wish we would have picked up kitna or mccown in FA. hopefully drew does not go down 2 injury this year, if not we are in alot of trouble.


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I'm am not going to take the time to go through all of this garbage, simply reading the first post I can tell you that the guy is gonna get his butt reamed because it was a total bonehead post. I don't know what the ensuing arguments were etc. but let me put this out there if it hasn't already.

If you extrapolate Hensons stats out for the entire NFLE season, his stats would be better than both Kurt Warner's and Brad Johnson's stats when they were over there. Both Warner and Johnson wear Superbowl rings.

Heck if you extrapolate his stats out over a 16 game season his stats would be similar or better than Matt Hasslebecks.

But hey, extrapolate all you want, it doesn't make it so. The only thing that we can go by is that both Parcells and Jones have said that he is improving and they seem pleased. If you argue otherwise, then you are biased or stupid, take your pick.


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dallasfaniac said:
I'm am not going to take the time to go through all of this garbage, simply reading the first post I can tell you that the guy is gonna get his butt reamed because it was a total bonehead post. I don't know what the ensuing arguments were etc. but let me put this out there if it hasn't already.

If you extrapolate Hensons stats out for the entire NFLE season, his stats would be better than both Kurt Warner's and Brad Johnson's stats when they were over there. Both Warner and Johnson wear Superbowl rings.

Heck if you extrapolate his stats out over a 16 game season his stats would be similar or better than Matt Hasslebecks.

But hey, extrapolate all you want, it doesn't make it so. The only thing that we can go by is that both Parcells and Jones have said that he is improving and they seem pleased. If you argue otherwise, then you are biased or stupid, take your pick.

Excellent post...somebody who gets it.