the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
And how are you qualified to know who is and isn't? Not that I'm siding with you or CC, but you can't tell someone they don't know what they hell they are talking about and then provide your commentary on why you think something is going to be the way you see it. Are you a GM?
Nope, and that's entirely beside the point... you see, when I express an OPINION, I present it as an OPINION, not as a FACT...
I thought they wanted him to stay here so he could work on the playbook. Do you have a link to an article that says they offered and he said no?
Uhhh, I'm not the one who said that he HAD refused... I merely pointed out that initially, the media reports were that the Cowboys were planning on sending both Romo and Henson over, and given that, the POSSIBILITY existed that Romo refused the request... I read some SPECULATION by the mediots that Romo had refused, but nothing concrete enough IMO to claim that had definitely happened...
And why exactly would Romo need to work on the playbook?? He's been in this system for a while now, you'd think he'd have that down cold...
Why is it that if someone has something negative to say about Henson, you automatically say they are "anti-Henson?" If I say he had a horrible game last week, are you going to tell me I'm anti-Henson because I didn't say something positive about him?
Not if they've actually SEEN THE GAMES HE'S PLAYED... the haters I've been goin' round and round with in here clearly haven't...
And yeah, if you criticize a guy's play without even having bothered to watch him play, I'd say your criticisms are irrational, illogical, and the hallmarks of a hater...
So, do YOU have any RATIONAL, LOGICAL arguments regarding Henson BASED ON HIS PLAY in NFL Europe?? If so, I'd be fascinated to hear them...
You talk about people on the board who don't think Henson is "the guy" as having irrational comments.
That's right, any comments on Henson without the benefit of actually having seen him play in NFL Europe are quite irrational...
I think your's are just as irrational because he hasn't proved it on the field that he is the guy...
Inasmuch as MY comments are based on having watched him play in NFL Europe, and inasmuch as I've offered BALANCED commentary which points out a few of the things that he's had problems with over there (the low YPA average reflects a predilection for throwing the ball short rather than looking downfield), then my comments are clearly more rational than those of the haters who really don't know how he's played over there...
I defy you to show me ONE quote from this source claiming that Henson is definitely the future of the Boys... in point of fact, I have said all along that I'm intrigued by Romo as well, and think he just might have what it takes to make it as a starter in the NFL...
It would be nice if you actually had a grasp on the arguments I've been making rather than distorting them this way... you're doing to me what the Henson haters are doing to him, making uninformed comments about what I'm doing...
Which has ended up with you looking rather foolish... just like they look...
uh, oh. I just became an anti-Henson person (according to your definition).
I have no idea if you're a Henson hater or not, you might be pissed because I'm rippin' on the Henson haters and you agree with them, or you just might not like my style of arguing... if the latter is true, well, that's your problem... I certainly don't plan on changing my approach to message boards because of YOU...