Enough already on this HENSON dude


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CactusCowboy said:
He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic. Romo is the backup and this guy from Yale may have a chance to be third string. If we can get anything for Henson I would do it now.

Just because you have the body and skills, it does not always translate into an NFL QB, just ask Mr. Leaf.

No, No, No, No, No ...

You got it all wrong, man. Some guy on here, who says he's never been wrong about a pedigree QB, promised me that this Henson guy was 'the future' .. the next Roger Staubach if you will ..

You're not going to tell me that Banned_n_austin and Nors were right all along.

Because the real experts around here told me otherwise.



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Austin28 said:
No, No, No, No, No ...

You got it all wrong, man. Some guy on here, who says he's never been wrong about a pedigree QB, promised me that this Henson guy was 'the future' .. the next Roger Staubach if you will ..

You're not going to tell me that Banned_n_austin and Nors were right all along.

Because the real experts around here told me otherwise.


So are you BnA or Nors?


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DallasDW00ds0n said:
great QBs find ways to win games, not throw INTs on final drives of the game. Henson is no exception to the rule

That's right, Troy never, EVER threw an int at a critical time...

I've read lots of stoopidity in this thread, but you've just raised the bar... nice work...


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acheman said:
Rhetorical question here. Why would someone who has "had enough of this HENSON dude" start yet another thread about said "dude"?:lmao:



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gbrittain said:
So are you BnA or Nors?

Neither, but at least the board can rejoice about Henson's success in NFL EUROPE in peace.

At least the staff of this board has eliminated the objectiveness from this "debate" ...

Funny, though, how an average game or two will revive more baseless assumtions that this guy should even be an NFL QB.

Pathetic. It really is time to move on ...


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summerisfunner said:
the point is all QBs make the game-ending mistake from time to time, it's those that do it regularly that you have to be concerned about

Don't waste your time trying to employ LOGIC on this one, summer... he's a hater, and not interested in facts...


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dallasfaniac said:
The only thing that we can go by is that both Parcells and Jones have said that he is improving and they seem pleased. If you argue otherwise, then you are biased or stupid, take your pick.

And also Jeff Ireland who said he saw the improvement and liked the experience he was getting.

The frustration is around because we need a young QB here that can start soon, cause Bledsoe doesn't have a lot of time left...and if he wins it all, he'll probably retire while he's on top. It's not about sides. I hope Henson can be that guy to take his place. And I also hope Romo can be that guy to take his place. Or I hope a high draft pick can be that guy. I'm just of the type who prefers the hope of a young QB (even with the growing pains) over a veteran type. Parcells is of course not that way at this point in his coaching career.


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DallasDW00ds0n said:
give what up?! has this guy already proved hes the #1 QB for Dallas? i wasn't aware...

The sum total of the football knowledge that you're not "aware" of rivals the national debt...


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Let's all agree to hold judgement on our QB Drew Henson until after training camp 06. Why? Because, I have watched him play in NFLE and to his credit, the talent Drew is throwing too is limited at best.

Drew Henson has obviously improved a great deal, and deserves the opportunity to throw again to NFL caliber receivers!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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CrazyCowboy said:
Let's all agree to hold judgement on our QB Drew Henson until after training camp 06. Why? Because, I have watched him play in NFLE and to his credit, the talent Drew is throwing too is limited at best.

Drew Henson has obviously improved a great deal, and deserves the opportunity to throw again to NFL caliber receivers!

What!! And ruin a perfectly good hate fest??? Are you Crazy?:lmao2:j/k


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
And how are you qualified to know who is and isn't? Not that I'm siding with you or CC, but you can't tell someone they don't know what they hell they are talking about and then provide your commentary on why you think something is going to be the way you see it. Are you a GM?

Nope, and that's entirely beside the point... you see, when I express an OPINION, I present it as an OPINION, not as a FACT...

I thought they wanted him to stay here so he could work on the playbook. Do you have a link to an article that says they offered and he said no?

Uhhh, I'm not the one who said that he HAD refused... I merely pointed out that initially, the media reports were that the Cowboys were planning on sending both Romo and Henson over, and given that, the POSSIBILITY existed that Romo refused the request... I read some SPECULATION by the mediots that Romo had refused, but nothing concrete enough IMO to claim that had definitely happened...

And why exactly would Romo need to work on the playbook?? He's been in this system for a while now, you'd think he'd have that down cold...

Why is it that if someone has something negative to say about Henson, you automatically say they are "anti-Henson?" If I say he had a horrible game last week, are you going to tell me I'm anti-Henson because I didn't say something positive about him?

Not if they've actually SEEN THE GAMES HE'S PLAYED... the haters I've been goin' round and round with in here clearly haven't...

And yeah, if you criticize a guy's play without even having bothered to watch him play, I'd say your criticisms are irrational, illogical, and the hallmarks of a hater...

So, do YOU have any RATIONAL, LOGICAL arguments regarding Henson BASED ON HIS PLAY in NFL Europe?? If so, I'd be fascinated to hear them...

You talk about people on the board who don't think Henson is "the guy" as having irrational comments.

That's right, any comments on Henson without the benefit of actually having seen him play in NFL Europe are quite irrational...

I think your's are just as irrational because he hasn't proved it on the field that he is the guy...

Inasmuch as MY comments are based on having watched him play in NFL Europe, and inasmuch as I've offered BALANCED commentary which points out a few of the things that he's had problems with over there (the low YPA average reflects a predilection for throwing the ball short rather than looking downfield), then my comments are clearly more rational than those of the haters who really don't know how he's played over there...

I defy you to show me ONE quote from this source claiming that Henson is definitely the future of the Boys... in point of fact, I have said all along that I'm intrigued by Romo as well, and think he just might have what it takes to make it as a starter in the NFL...

It would be nice if you actually had a grasp on the arguments I've been making rather than distorting them this way... you're doing to me what the Henson haters are doing to him, making uninformed comments about what I'm doing...

Which has ended up with you looking rather foolish... just like they look...

uh, oh. I just became an anti-Henson person (according to your definition).

I have no idea if you're a Henson hater or not, you might be pissed because I'm rippin' on the Henson haters and you agree with them, or you just might not like my style of arguing... if the latter is true, well, that's your problem... I certainly don't plan on changing my approach to message boards because of YOU...


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ThreeSportStar80 said:
Hmm I wondering if the Cowboys even think their future QB is on the roster...I like the kid from Notre Dame Quinn but he'll be a top 10 pick so Dallas won't have a chance at him because they'll have the 32nd pick..**Hint Hint**

I have this hunch, one I've had for a while-- the Cowboys are likely to make a play for either Matt Schaub or Chris Simms next offseason, when I believe both will be unrestricted free agents...

Failing that, as an ex-Miner I'm really fascinated with the possibility of the Boys drafting Carson Palmer's kid brother Jordan...


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they should've send both of them imo. romo will be rustier than a nail in king tut's coffin since he hasn't been in a non-preseason live action since 2001.


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Alexander said:
No, actually the rest of us who are tired of the whole debate that suffer.

I think sometimes this type of commentary is intentional, because you know bashing Drew Henson will create a huge, and incredibly redundant, thread.

I feel your pain, Alexander, but have to ask-- if you find these threads so tiresome, why do you even bother reading them??

I skip over lots of threads in here, in fact I generally only click on the ones I think might be of interest to me...

Please believe I'm not trying to insult you here, I think it's a legitimate question... obviously, judging by the number of responses to this thread, it is a subject that some of us in here find interesting... if you're not one of them, of course that's cool...


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
Sorry, I didn't realize you were omnipotent, too, Hos. Go back and read his posts and see how many times he has called someone anti-Henson.

How 'bout you do that, and tell me how many of them have actually watched Henson play...

The guys I've been rippin' as "Haters" are the ones trashing him without even having bothered to watch his play over there... if anybody who HAS seen him play brings criticisms of him based on that play, I'll debate those opinions without labelling the guy a "Hater"...

Indeed, as I've said repeatedly, I'VE offered criticisms of his play, based on what I've SEEN on the field...

If it walks like a Hater, talks like a Hater, even SMELLS like a Hater, I'm just liable to call it a Hater... if that bothers you, again, that's your problem, 'cause it sure ain't gonna change...


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Hostile said:
Did you mean omniscient? As in knows all? Because omnipotent mean all powerful and clearly that doesn't apply here.

Doesn't get much more "omnipotent" on a message board than being the Admin, wild man... :eek:

Trust me, NOBODY in here thinks you're omniscient...

<ducking for cover>


The Duke
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Choose the Friday May 5, 2006 Press Conference and listen. At 37:21 of the PCBill is asked if Drew Henson has shown him anything. At 38:03 Bill Parcells says, "it lookslike he has made some improvement there."

Please someone tell me again that they see no improvement, because I could use a good laugh.


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HeavyHitta31 said:
Drew Henson clearly has more talent than Tony Romo, however he has not developed the mental parts of his game. Romo has always appeared more comfortable running the offense than Henson has. Even in Europe, where scrub college talent goes to die, Henson will have a decent week, then a bad week. He has shown little consistancy and frankly, considering he is already 27, he better start developing it soon.

These comments lead me to believe that you haven't seen him play, either... you see, the TRUTH is that he was shaky in his first game, then pretty good-- consistently-- until he hurt his knee in the first half of last week's game...

Oh, and nobody cares if he is the Rhein Fire's freaking offensive MVP. That's like winning a gold medal at the special olympics.

The point was that he's playing pretty well (nearly an 85 QBR, an excellent 9 TDs to 3 ints ratio), in spite of having a rather lousy supporting cast...


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silverbear said:
Doesn't get much more "omnipotent" on a message board than being the Admin, wild man... :eek:

Trust me, NOBODY in here thinks you're omniscient...

<ducking for cover>
You can take it from me, I am not above being warned here by the other Mods. I get vetoed often. There is nothing omnipotent about what I do, and you are right, I'm nowhere near omniscient either.