Enough already on this HENSON dude


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acheman said:
I knew I needed to verify my facts before I posted that one, now my cart is horseless.:laugh2:

Aw, you made an honest mistake, and fessed up when it became apparent that you were wrong...

To me, that gives you greater credibility... we're all fallible...

Maybe we can find you a good MULE for that cart... LOL...


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ConcordCowboy said:
I've watched every one of Henson's games in NFLE and there is no question that he has improved.

If you don't see this then you haven't watched all of his games or you won't admit his improvement no matter what he does.

The fact that Parcells sees the improvement, and has said as much, renders the Haters' position untenable...

Of course the Henson Haters haven't bothered to watch him play, their minds were made up a long time ago... so actually watching him play might risk disturbing their preconceived notions...


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
Has he improved? Yes. Is he the No. 2 guy in Big D? Dunno. We'll see.

Fair enough... I have no problems with an opinion stated this way, in fact I rather agree with you... just because he's played reasonably well in NFLE does not mean that Drew is now ready to tear it up in the big leagues...

I HOPE that he is, but it remains to be seen...


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StykeHsciuols said:
How old is Henson? He will likely be 29 or so before he gets his chance in Dallas.

And how old was Roger Staubach when he got HIS chance in Dallas??

I'd say that one worked out pretty well, wouldn't you??


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Henson is doing fine in Europe and even Parcells has stated he's making progress. Considering all the drops he had from from his receivers, I think an 84.7 QB rating is pretty good any way you look at it. Romo didn't want to go over there, because the risk/reward wasn't good enough for him to get hurt over. Well, I think he made the wrong decision and this new guy Mroz from Yale could send him packing after TC.

Romo to me is just another Clint Stoerner.

Except Stoerner started 2 games, Romo has even played in mop up duty yet. :rolleyes:


Arch Defender
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acheman said:
Henson's 26 and won't turn 27 until next year. If you want to bring up age as an issue, you should get it right.

Sorry to tell you but he just turned 27 in February. Maye you put the cart before the horse with that statement.:)


7 Drew Henson | QB

Full Name: Drew Daniel Henson
Born: February 13, 1980
San Diego, CA
Height: 6-4
Weight: 233 lbs. Age: 26
Pos: QB
Experience: 2 years
College: Michigan
Drafted: Year:2003 Round:6 Pick:19, Texans


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CactusCowboy said:
Holy crapola, I just logged on and see all of these replies, none of which change my mind.

Of course it didn't-- it's abundantly clear that you made your mind up a long time ago...

Wake up people,

You first...

You guys keep saying he just needs reps. How many years of reps does he need?

How many years of reps has he HAD??


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silverbear said:
Of course it didn't-- it's abundantly clear that you made your mind up a long time ago...

You first...

How many years of reps has he HAD??

Ignorance is awesome isnt it? If Aikman was in Hensons shoes today todays fans would have run him out of town. We are spoiled and now we expect any QB we take a chance on to come in and be a HOF QB.


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HeavyHitta31 said:
You can throw out that new throwing motion garbage all you want, the fact is, Tony Romo, an undrafted FA, totally and completely outplayed Drew Henson.

Yeah, he did-- a year ago...

That won't mean jack when training camp commences THIS year... I can assure you that you'll see a different Drew at that time...

If you'd bothered to watch his development over in NFLE, you'd know what I'm talking about, but you haven't, so there's no way you can understand it...

Until you see it for yourself... even then, I'm sure you'll have some convoluted logic to explain away Henson's improved play...


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bbgun said:
Prepare to be savaged by the Hensonites. Oh wait, it's already happened.

I notice you've been real careful to stay out of the fray, except for this bit of drive-by sarcasm...


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T.O81 said:
i agree. im a realist unlike alot of other homers on here.

LOL... you're about as clueless as they come...

i wish we would have picked up kitna or mccown in FA.

This proves what I said in the first sentence... :rolleyes:


The Duke
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Austin28 said:
You're not going to tell me that Banned_n_austin and Nors were right all along.
Those two couldn't find right with a road map, GPS, flashlight, and bloodhound.


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Austin28 said:
Neither, but at least the board can rejoice about Henson's success in NFL EUROPE in peace.

At least the staff of this board has eliminated the objectiveness from this "debate" ...

Funny, though, how an average game or two will revive more baseless assumtions that this guy should even be an NFL QB.

Pathetic. It really is time to move on ...

I would hardly call Nors or BnA objective.

I will not bother arguing or debating the merits of Drew Henson being an NFL QB or not.

One day we will all know and there will be no speculation. You could be right or you could be wrong, but nothing wrong with having an opinion though.

I do despise however when that opinion comes with a bunch of vitriol such as your demeaning picture and caption of Drew Henson.

Wether right or wrong Henson has fans on this board and probably some that do not even post or seldom post, yet you want to be an instigator by posting derogatory material concerning a player on a team you supposedly support.

Believe it or not, you can believe that a player does not have what it takes to make it in the NFL without taking pot shots at him.


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Austin28 said:
At least the staff of this board has eliminated the objectiveness from this "debate" ...

Well, that's a remarkably stupid thing to say... anybody reading this thread can clearly see that both sides of this argument are being thoroughly vented, with no interference at all from the staff...

Or are you suggesting that the staff isn't allowed to have their own opinions too??

Pathetic. It really is time to move on ...

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya, son...


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Hostile said:
You can take it from me, I am not above being warned here by the other Mods.

Hey, me too!!!

In fact, WoodysGirl is my semi-official conscience... and I love her for it... LOL...


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silverbear said:
Well, that's a remarkably stupid thing to say... anybody reading this thread can clearly see that both sides of this argument are being thoroughly vented, with no interference at all from the staff...

Or are you suggesting that the staff isn't allowed to have their own opinions too??

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya, son...

It says a lot when someone could pick anything to put in their signature from Tom Landry to Bobby Carpenter, yet he picks to make fun of a Cowboy player.

Where are his priorities? Is he a Cowboy fan or a Henson hater?


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VirusX said:
Ignorance is awesome isnt it? If Aikman was in Hensons shoes today todays fans would have run him out of town

Long-timers clearly remember that the fans tried to do exactly that to Troy, early in his career...


The Duke
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silverbear said:
Well, that's a remarkably stupid thing to say... anybody reading this thread can clearly see that both sides of this argument are being thoroughly vented, with no interference at all from the staff...
It was pretty obvious, but look who he's advocating. Credibility isn't top of the list. Personally I have nothing against either one, but they got themselves banned.

silverber said:
Or are you suggesting that the staff isn't allowed to have their own opinions too??
No, it's a sin.


Reaction score
silverbear said:
I notice you've been real careful to stay out of the fray, except for this bit of drive-by sarcasm...

And as usual you do a lot of post-padding while managing to say nothing. Loved your fatuous Staubach analogy. "Golly gee, if Roger could do it .... !"


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Hostile said:
Those two couldn't find right with a road map, GPS, flashlight, and bloodhound.

Typical cliche response - nothing more.

Well, here are the 3-4 defense and the 2TE set. I wouldn't argue with them there.

I imagine that while you spend every living moment of your life pretending to be a football guru/toughguy on the internet, that their probably doing more productive things with their lives.

I dunno though, Hos. Over 20K posts and counting. You could be a Hall of Famer.
