News: ESPN: Claiborne demoted, skips walk-through

He doesn't have the mental make up to process something like that. Someone needs to explain it to him. Hopefully some coaches and teammates have done that the last 24 hours. Hopefully the message got through. I have my doubts.

I think it is more likely to come from his peers and I think it means more from them. As for his mental makeup I'm no head shrink I don't pretend to know what is in his head. I know his chances are running out if he has any hope of remaining in Dallas. For his sake and the sake of the team I hope he uses this as motivation to put in more work in the film room to work on finer points of technique to put himself in better position to be able to make the plays.
I think it was all about Sterling Moore anyway. Scandrick started over him in the Rams game. It was about the sub-packages than anything else.

From what I understand that only reason Scan started, this according to the link to the ESPN video and story that was on Facebook last night, was due to the formation the Rams started the game in. The demotion from the starting line up didn't happen till yesterday and it's quite likely a direct result of his poor play Sunday.
I'm glad being right is so important to you

Does this shock you? It should be a given with some of the posters here. They care far more about being right and being able to thump their internet chests about it then anything else. People should be able to spot those posters pretty easily by now I'd have thought.
Better than being wrong. Seriously starting to think a group of five of us on CZ would do a better job than Jerry Jones.

Your answer to that, as a supposed Cowboys fan, is that it's better for you to be right about him than to be wrong about him? So you'd be seriously bummed out right now if Mo was balling and made you look completely foolish for thinking he couldn't play?

I don't really need an answer to that one because like I said some posters around here it's been obvious for a long time that it's far more important to them that they're right about something, even if it means it's bad for the Dallas Cowboys. Cause you know being right is so much more important than their team doing well.
I may be in the minority here but I love BB. He has been saying Mo is a scrub for quite some time.

I have to admit that Brian has really grown on me. A few years ago I really didn't care much for him at all but over the last couple of years I've gotten to where I enjoy listening to his takes on things more and more. I didn't give him quite enough credit before and that's on me.
He's not playing great every one knows that. But the ring leader drafted him when he did. Now he's going to do what he does best.
Make a circus out of it. Don't you wish Jerry would just shut up? I wish he would disappear. Garret handled the questions just right.
Jerry didn't need to expand on it.
And I blame jerry for way more than this trust me.

LOL why would you blame Jerry? He maybe a big mouth but Mo is responsible for his own actions.
Does this shock you? It should be a given with some of the posters here. They care far more about being right and being able to thump their internet chests about it then anything else. People should be able to spot those posters pretty easily by now I'd have thought.

Yeah, I know. I was just shocked at how happy people are when someone fails.
I don't blame Jerry for the player's performance. I don't blame Mo for where they picked him, that was the Cowboy's decision. I DO blame Jerry for once again feeling that he had to blabber everything instead of letting the coaches manage the psychology of their team. I just don't know why our owner has to play football guy at every stinking opportunity. Just gets old.

His money, his Team.
His money, his Team.

His money, his team, his stupidity. The idea that because he owns the team it makes everything he does "ok" is crazy. We measure him as an owner and GM as his "customers." Maybe you are content to just affirm everything he does, I'm not.
His money, his team, his stupidity. The idea that because he owns the team it makes everything he does "ok" is crazy. We measure him as an owner and GM as his "customers." Maybe you are content to just affirm everything he does, I'm not.

I don't care what he says. It's just words.
I am glad Oscan is replacing him in the starting lineup but I do not think Jerry should call the guy out publicly. Calling him out in public serves no purpose. Just demote him and be quiet about it but I guess Jerry cant be quiet about anything.

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