ESPN: Dez Bryant late, David Irving a no-show on first day for Cowboys vets to report

In the past haven't players on the West Coast reported to Calif without having to fly back to Irving?

If the first day at Frisco is for a physical and a conditioning test(s), does a sick player get deferral on the conditioning evaluation until he is well?
You sir, have no idea of the meaning of the word troll. I said nothing negative about the purpose of the party, and news outlets reported that the party went late and it is a 3 1/2 drive from Lumpkin to Dallas. Fine if you want to pick a fight, but the fact is that the BBQ is what caused him to be late.
Anything to dig at dez eh my man? Cool.
Yeah, I don't see how it was off at all. The post you are talking about was a sarcastic reply to my previous post. We are talking about discipline and focus on this team right now, coming off a 13-3 1st place division finish with an up and coming young QB topped off with first round home playoff exit. Exact same scenario as 2007-08, which was followed by a darn right ugly year. Forgive me for fearing a repeat and being concerned. Maybe its nothing after all. That's why they play they games--which was my point in response to the dull tired "just give up on the season then" line, which was in the post I responded to. But burn me once and I might start seeing fires at the first puff of smoke.....
My bad, Links. I should have went further back into the conversation before my original post to you for better context. Apologies, brother. :)
This is an outrage. It shows a complete disregard for proper decorum. We all must band together and demand changes from the highest level possible. If that's above Jerruh, go straight to God himself. This will not stand. People cannot go through life thinking this is acceptable decision making. @Trouty needs some good pork ribs stat.

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