you never even addressed the topic. Just a name call or two from the peanut gallery I see, but sorry I'm a lil busy for John Madden Football. Sure enjoy reading from the lost part of the Cowboys fan base on CZ however.
That's it Mr.GM? Come on
amusing yourself with the same joke 3 replies in a row. Out of material? Try the Commanders board why not since you won't be expected to know any info on the Cowboys. Much better fit for u i think.
HAHA this is how you know somebody is hurt. Want me to stop? Don't get so sensitive.
I know, I know, I know......You made your post, about what "A smart GM" would do, hoping everybody would like it(Hoping for maybe 10+ likes?), and think you know what you are talking about. Then you hoped everybody would say "You should be the GM". Obviously you got the opposite reaction.
Know you are caught up in your feelings, all devastated.
You really thought you could be the internet GM. That everybody here would look up to you? It's the internet man. We don't need to know what a smart GM would do. We don't believe you. Just share your thoughts, without all the "This is what I would do/this is what he should do" stuff. People here won't buy it, sorry bud.